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Random Player Generator

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:40 am
by laving
I created a random player generator, random goalie generator, and random coach generator. If there is any interest in these random generators, I can try to make them more user friendly, and then publish them for free. So, is there any interest?

Re: Random Player Generator

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:27 am
by SimonT
I'm interest. It's build on what? Excel, Web based?

Re: Random Player Generator

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:12 pm
by laving
Open Office Calc, actually. Sad thing is that I've never managed to create a proper csv-file with Calc, that works in the STHS Utility. So as it is right now, you have to use Calc to generate everything, and then copy the "database", and paste it in a Excel-sheet. Then save it "Comma Separated". Then run it through STHS Utility. Then you're done.

That's why it's not user friendly at this moment. Also, you need some information about what you should do with the generator, to be able to generate players.

I created it for personal use at first, so as it is right now, you can't decide how many RWs you want, or how many players from a certain country you want. The formula is coded to cover my own needs. Of course, it's possible to change this...

But my biggest question is... Is it possible to create a proper CSV-file with "Open Office Calc", that runs in STHS Utility?

Also, as I admin two leagues, just started to study full time, have a part time job, and have a little kid at home, I don't have as much time as I want. If someone wants to help me finish my Random Generators, I would actually have some time to see my girlfriend once in a while. Anyone? =) Otherwise, I'll probably be able to finish the Generators november/december...

Re: Random Player Generator

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:14 pm
by SimonT
Excel can run open any files saved in Open Office so I would not worry about that part. When you look at your CSV saved from OpenOffice, do you see comma between numbers?

Re: Random Player Generator

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:44 am
by laving
Haven't tried the generators in a while, but last time there was something that didn't work if I opened the generator in Excel.

Yes, I see the commas in the CSV saved with Open office. I think the problem is when you open the saved CSV file. Excel just open the file. Open Office gives you some options, before you can open the file. I'll never managed to configure it the right way.

Re: Random Player Generator

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:03 am
by laving
I've started to program it in Java. I'm a noob Java programmer, it may take a while... =)

Re: Random Player Generator

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:18 am
by laving
It's not gonna be a Java tool...

I will try to complete this with Excel/Calc, but can not say when it's done. A lot of league related things has priority until the end of the summer.