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Defeneman suggestion...

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:14 pm
by gmcoggs
Found this site last week, played FHL for a long time. Simon, I must say I am very impressed with your product.

I remember people used to ask about the defense line-up on the FHL forums, specifically about setting your 4 forward lines and 3 d pairings. Apparently, it couldnt be done on FHL as it was something with Bates's original coding. Is this anything you played around with or might try to set-up for the future?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:29 pm
by SimonT
I don't fully understand the question. Sorry.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:41 pm
by gmcoggs
In real hockey, a team will have their four forward lines and three defense pairings. In sim we have 4 lines of 5, thus you have to double-shift two of your dmen all game. What I am asking is did you ever try to create code that would allow GM's to set 4 forward lines and 3 defense pairings and allow the sim to match them up or did you not even think about it? Do you think it could be done in a future release or would it be near impossible?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:04 pm
by SimonT
What do you of team who play with 7 defenseman?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:34 pm
by Bret
Simon ! some club in the NHL play with 7 defensman but the question here is about the fact line 1 goes on the ice whith the 1 pair of def all the time !! the second line maybe with the 3 pair..........

Like The oceanic of rimousky in the QMJHL when the crosby line is on the ice !!! all the time the same pair of defense are on the ice !!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:41 pm
by gmcoggs
SimonT wrote:What do you of team who play with 7 defenseman?
Well, if they play with 7 dmen, they are losing a forward. Maybe an option for a 7th dman? I wouldn't think that would be too common.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:33 pm
by SimonT
Right now, the simulator change all five players are the same time when there is a line change. In the futur, I might remove that.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:06 am
by Kostitsyn1489
Hum.. If a team play with 7 D-men a player must play on the 4th line all game. Maybe we could have only 2 player on the 4th line and Random the 3rd one. Or use extra forward to choose who will play there.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:24 am
by Crusader
gmcoggs wrote:In real hockey, a team will have their four forward lines and three defense pairings. In sim we have 4 lines of 5, thus you have to double-shift two of your dmen all game. What I am asking is did you ever try to create code that would allow GM's to set 4 forward lines and 3 defense pairings and allow the sim to match them up or did you not even think about it? Do you think it could be done in a future release or would it be near impossible?
Simon Je crois que ce qu'il veux dire est que dans la LNH les DG font 4 ligne d'avant et 3 ligne de defenses et le sim fais les rotation des avant et des defense mais partage le temps de galse sur 3 pairs de def commme il le fais actuellement pour les 4 lignes

et il peuvent les matcher a leur chois dans faire 4 ligne fixe...

Ligne 1 - 5 joueurs
Ligne 2 - 5 joueurs
Ligne 3 - 5 joueurs
Ligne 4 - 5 joueurs


Ligne Avant 1 = 3joueurs
Ligne Avant 2 = 3joueurs
Ligne Avant 3 = 3joueurs
Ligne Avant 4 = 3joueurs

Ligne def 1 = 2 joueurs
Ligne def 2= 2 joueurs
Ligne def 3= 2 joueurs

Le SIM devrais pouvoir faire les rotation des avant et des defenses independament

et en passant la question n'est pas pour avoir 7 defenseurs

Et j'adore cet idée


Simon, I beleive what he's asking for is to make 4 line of forward players and 3 lines of defense man an the SIM rotate then individualy the same way it rotate the full laine now but matching the ice time on 3 defense pairs instead of 4.


Line1 = 5 players
Line2 = 5 players
Line3 = 5 players
Line4 = 5 players

Line Forward 1 = 3 players
Line Forward 1 = 3 players
Line Forward 1 = 3 players
Line Forward 1 = 3 players

Line Def 1 = 2 players
Line Def 2 = 2 players
Line Def 3 = 2 players

And the SIM would rotae the independently of each others.

an by the way the question is not about 7 defensemans..

AN i think this is a realy GREAT idea.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:40 am
by Kostitsyn1489
But if we force a team to use 4 line of 3 player and 3D pairing a GM CAN'T play with 7D and...

And it could be good to choose the shif lenght of the line. So if we want to make play our 2nd line the same time then the 1st we'll can and if we wanna use our 4th line more then 5 minte we'll can. Or stuff like that.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:49 am
by Crusader
Kostitsyn1489 wrote:But if we force a team to use 4 line of 3 player and 3D pairing a GM CAN'T play with 7D and...

And it could be good to choose the shif lenght of the line. So if we want to make play our 2nd line the same time then the 1st we'll can and if we wanna use our 4th line more then 5 minte we'll can. Or stuff like that.
Well you can create a 4 def line with the 7th def and double schedule 1 of the def..

That would do for the 7 def in a roster.

and beeing able to decide how much time our line sould be on the ice would be really cool feature

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 12:12 pm
by MV75
I agree, it would be really cool feature if you could decide the ice time of each line.
About playing with tre defenspairs...just leave the last one empty or play your first defensepair in the 1:st and in the 4:th.....

This is a Very Good Idea.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:22 pm
by Marc Lapointe
This is a Very Good Idea. I think the 3 pairs, the defensive pair matching and all that should be consider strongly for future STHS version. I am a Gm in a STHS league and I have to say im also very impress by the product. I would even like to push it further and say you have an option to choose how much overall ice time (in %) you can give to each Pair. For example you can suggest your first pair against the team opposite line, but you also put 50% IT which means they will be out there for around this %. That way you could also keep 4 pairs and have the 4th one only play around 10 or 5%. You could even do it for forward line in a future version im just throwing the idea. It could be a good indication for your coach, don't know if that is actually possible or not but I wanted to propose the idea.

Anyway, % or not, I really think this is a way to explore, The possibility of matching lines is very interesting, it would make it even more realistic if that was possible.

The 4th pair of defenseman is somehow useless if you don't play with 7D. If you have only 3 pairs and still want to play with 7D which should be possible, you can always play them on special units and put them in your extras D.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:29 pm
by Marc Lapointe
J'aime beaucoup cette idée. Je pense que la 4e paire est de trop et qu'il faut considérer cette idée. Je suis Dg dans une ligue (WCHL) et je dois dire que le STHS mimpressione énormement. On pourait meme pousser plus et avoir la possibiliter d'établir un % de temps de glace pour chaque pair de Def. Par exemple tu peut proposer a ta 1st pair d'affronter la 1st line de l'autre coter, mais tu as aussi la posibiliter de les faire jouer 50% par exemple. De cette facon tu balance 3 ou 4 pairs (a 7 def particulierement) pour que sa te donne 100%. So tu vet pas faire jouer la 4e pair tu peut tjr la mettre a 0 ou 5%. C'est juste une idée que jai eu, aucune idée si cela est possible ou pas, mais je voulais la proposer.

De toute facon, avec % ou pas, je pense que c'est a penser serieusement d'enlever une pair de def et de donenr la possibiliter de matcher les lines.

Je pense aussi que la 4e pair sert psresque a rien si tu joue pas a 7 Def. et ce n'est pas tres realiste. Si tu as juste 3 paires tu peut tjr jouer ton 7e en special units et sur la liste des Extras.