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All in one Multi-League site

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:10 am
by JHarvey
I am now offering a place for multiple leagues to share a single forum site. This goes beyond just havign a forum though. The way I have set this fourm up will allow you to host your entire league.

You get a private section on the forum with as many boards as you need, that only you and your players can see (as well as the board admin to be honest). You also get your own shoutbox and latest posts coloum in the sidebar.

You can create links to your league files and host everything offsite and just use the forum if you want, or you can host the files on our server and get your own FTP account and email account.

Right now, I am offering this for free (donations are appreciated), but depending on the number of people that are interested, I may have to charge a small fee (I am looking at TOPS of $10 set-up and $30/year). I can do this becasue I acctually own the hosting company the site is on. This gives me a lot of leway and if you decide you have outgrown the forum or are looking to host a portal or just want more site than the forum offers...I will also be offering deals to EHA (electronic Hockey Association) members discounted hosting, custom site building, portal set-up and more.

You can look at the ehockeycentral site anytime by visiting Please remember that you will not be able to see everything the site offers beacuse some things are ONLY available to select groups (leagues). You can also take a look at the hosting company at

If you have questions you can feel free to email me [email protected] or send me a PM on this site.