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Farm Eligible Player Won't Go To The Farm

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:11 am
by mjrak
Hi Simon,

I've got a hopefully small bug going on. The LA Kings in my league have Wade Redden on the farm, he has been there all season long. He is under the OV max and younger than the waiver rules so they don't apply to him (plus he hasn't played a pro game all year).

After sims yesterday, the sim brought Redden up as a pro scratch. When the GM tried to put him back to the farm, he would go down on the rosters, but then when he went into farm lines, he wasn't there. When he went back to his roster, he was back up as a pro scratch.

Once he brought this to my attention I tried to send him ot the farm in the sim itself (vs. the gm client) and the same thing happens. He will not go back to the farm.

I am running v 2.04 and using engine 1.1. If you need a copy of my league files please find them here:



Re: Farm Eligible Player Won't Go To The Farm

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:09 am
by mjrak
Hey Simon,

I figured I'd give you a quick update to hopefully help. My GM suggested maybe the sim wasn't calculating his OV correctly and that it thinks he has moved above the farm max but that isn't reflecting in his OV. So I added 1 DF to him and he moved to a 67 OV. If I added almost any rating +1 he would move to a 67 OV. Thinking maybe he was in no man's land OV wise, I wound up taking 1 CK point off of him. After I did that, he was sent to the farm no problem and was able to be assigned lines as well.

So it appears as though maybe the OV wasn't rounding one way or the other properly. Anyways, the files are there. Hope this info helps.


Re: Farm Eligible Player Won't Go To The Farm

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:16 pm
by SimonT
Wade Redden OV in the Pro : 66.49 (Round up to 66)
Wade Redden OV in the Farm : 66.53 (Round up to 67)
Why : Your Pro Simulation and Farm Simulation are a bit different. Since your overall formula take count of those, it's push Wade Redden to 67 in the Farm (Over your Maximum Farm Overall) when it's stay to 66 in Pro.

Re: Farm Eligible Player Won't Go To The Farm

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:36 pm
by mjrak
So what would the solution be? Add/remove a rating to make him either a full pro or full farm?


Re: Farm Eligible Player Won't Go To The Farm

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 9:12 am
by SimonT
Solution #1 : Have the exact same Pro Simulation and Farm Simulation Setting (Goal at 50 for both, Shots at 50 for both)
Solution #2 : Change your overall formula so it's doesn't include the Simulation Setting

Re: Farm Eligible Player Won't Go To The Farm

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:23 am
by SimonT
PS. Topic Move.