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Sneaking Suspicion About Commish

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:17 pm
by sudbury4lyfe
Hello, we're part of a pretty small league with a bunch of non-human teams as well as about 15 or so human-GMed teams. What we've noticed lately is that the "new" commissioner's team (he's the guy simming) has a very high winning percentage the past three seasons (with being the champion two seasons in a row now) despite being below average as a team on paper. He even has a couple of defenders averaging 15-16 minutes/game that have about 10-12 lower than the average league player's SK, PH, and DF, and somehow they're not liabilities.

Is there any way he could be cheating? Somebody's noticed that for a lot of games, his defensive pairings are changing back and forth, despite when I try something like that after having found what appears to be good chemistry, it's a crapshoot as to whether that screws things up or not.


Re: Sneaking Suspicion About Commish

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:50 pm
by Kramden23
sudbury4lyfe wrote:Is there any way he could be cheating?
Of course he can be cheating. There are several things he can be doing (which I don't want to point out and give others ideas) to cheat. If you feel he isn't on the up and up then there's nothing you can do except leave the league.

Re: Sneaking Suspicion About Commish

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:16 am
by Str_QNHL
could not have put it better.

if you dont trust your commish, leave the league.

Re: Sneaking Suspicion About Commish

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:44 am
by starfrit
Idea for a commish that his GM's are accusing him of cheating. When possible, I always show my computer screen when simming on webex to 1 or 2 gm's. It's so easy and nobody can accuse you of cheating.