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Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:49 pm
by BNFHLCommish
SimonT wrote:
BNFHLCommish wrote:Silly question I suppose, and I could likely find it somewhere else, but will the roster packs be the same format for both versions of the sim? Night save you some headaches if there were.
Not completly. They are some minor modification. You'll see soon.
Really? Hopefully roster packs for both versions remain available at the beginning of each season.

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:45 pm
by amn22492
Icepilot wrote:
Kitsune wrote:Well usually life time means just not one version of the program, but all versions of one program...
I personally would have no problem forking out another $35 for version 2.

I highly doubt I would be able to pay another 35$ for it since I am a student and 35$ will almost fill my car with gas 2 times :)

I would gladly spend 5-20 or so on it though, although I definitly like the idea someone had where GMs can make donations of 2$ or so to make it free. THink of it this way, most leagues have about 25 GMs... that times 2$ = 50$, which is more than if the Commish paid even the 35$ for it. :D
Of course, I doubt every GM would donate, but I thikn for 2$ more would than would'nt. :)

and thats just MY 2 cents :)

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:20 pm
by SICHLCommish
I *just* sent $35 for the simulator and now I see a newer version might be coming soon... ack! Hopefully there's no problem just getting the new one.

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:40 pm
by Icepilot
SICHLCommish wrote:I *just* sent $35 for the simulator and now I see a newer version might be coming soon... ack! Hopefully there's no problem just getting the new one.

There is no official date for the release of version 2. So it could be released this fall or even next spring or summer after all the beta testing is complete.
So in the mean time you are getting the latest version of the sim that is available.

Also it has yet to be decided if registered version 1 users have to pay for the version 2 upgrade. We might get it free, may get a discount, we just don;t know yet.

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:36 pm
by zykansel
salut. Je veut partir une ligue bientôt. Est-ce que je peut m'attendre a ce que la V2 sorte bientôt ? (sans vouloir mettre la pression) et est-ce compliqué pour quelqu'un qui n'est pas un crac en informatique, de partir sa ligue? (c'est la premiere fois)


Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:51 pm
by Icepilot
zykansel wrote:salut. Je veut partir une ligue bientôt. Est-ce que je peut m'attendre a ce que la V2 sorte bientôt ? (sans vouloir mettre la pression) et est-ce compliqué pour quelqu'un qui n'est pas un crac en informatique, de partir sa ligue? (c'est la premiere fois)

Again, please see the above, a release date for the version 2 has not been released. If you want to start a league now you will need to buy the version 1 of the sim. If your willing to wait for version 2 to start a league you might be waiting for later this year, spring of next and possibly next summer. The version 2 is still in beta testing and will be released only when it is ready.


Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:27 pm
by SimonT
Quick Info : I just update the screenshot.

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:32 pm
by fo0l
SimonT wrote:Quick Info : I just update the screenshot.

Il y a deux photos qui ne fonctionnent pas.

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:54 pm
by SimonT
fo0l wrote:Il y a deux photos qui ne fonctionnent pas.
My bad, c'est régler.

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:16 am
by ynohtna
looks awesome... man configuration options galore :D I hope it won't be too difficult for some GMs to manage! :)

is the FTP mode automatic sensing for SFTP/SCP connections?

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:43 am
by SimonT
ynohtna wrote:is the FTP mode automatic sensing for SFTP/SCP connections?
It's use VB.Net Framework so I would said yes but I'm not sure. I only test it with my GoDaddy provider.

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:45 pm
by ynohtna
you need someone to test it for you? My host provider only allows sftp/scp connection

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:53 pm
by SimonT
I'll let you test it when it become a public beta.

Re: V2 Preview

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:18 am
by jsylvestre
You're killing me man.. exact date of birth down to the day? What's next, down to the minute? That'll suck for anyone who drafts fake players! :lol:

Loving the AS Game settings though. My league's AS score was 4-2 this year, so it'll be great to have the goals an AS Game warrants!

différence pour les GM ?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:46 am
by Webal
je sais pas si l a question a été posé déjà mais est-ce que les GM vont voir une différence dans leur logiciel ???

j'ai vu les screen shot (incroyablement cool) mais pour le logiciel client y aura t'il plus d'option ou se sera pratiquement pareil ?

merci !!


I dont know if the question was already asked but do the GM are going to see a difference in the STHS client ?

I saw the creen shots (incredably cool) but is the STHS client will have more option or is it going to be practicly de same ?


p.s: sorry for my bad english