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Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:19 am
by powerdyne6
Hey guys

I have searched through the forums looking for an answer for this question and I haven't been able to find any info

I have been manually updating player ratings after each and every season and it is very time consuming

Is there a way to make a CSV file and import it or something along the lines that will easily help me update the players ratings in STHS instead of going through each player one by one

If so how is it formatted and what would I have to do

Thanks for the help

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:02 am
by Str_QNHL
of course !!!!

look in the download section and you will find many rating packs.
use one as a example and you can make your own or use those.

you can update players from the CSV in the STHS from the off-season menu

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:22 am
by SimonT

To correct Str_QNHL, you can create a rating pack to update your ratings. A Rating pack is created by the STHS Utility V2 by importing CSV files of players and/or coaches and/or referees. The CSV need to be format a particular way and you'll find exemple in the download section.

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:43 pm
by powerdyne6
Thanks for the replies

I have seen these files and have looked at them prior to yesterday but doesn't this still require me to take all my info from the completed spreadsheet and manually type out all the info required to properly import into STHS

Essentially me selecting each player in STHS and manually changing their ratings is the same thing?

Sorry if I am misunderstanding your replies


Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:33 am
by SimonT
I'm sure to understand your reply. The CSV can be open and saved via spreadsheet so I'm sure your spreadsheet cam be saved in CSV format.

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:25 am
by Str_QNHL
unless you use the STHS for the rerates, you will need to do some work

the prefered way is to use Excel to do the ratings.
you can rerate all players one by one or the BEST WAY...
create some sort of formula that will give out a rating for every stats
so if a player scores 40 goals, you have Excel give out a rating of X
you will need to play around with excel to have the ratings as you like
but once you are done, you can use the same excel sheet for next years rating
so it will save you time.

NOW.....once all your work is done in Excel ( players and Goalies)
you willl save your work in CSV format.
use those CSV files to create a league file then from the STHS you can update
the players using the league file you created.

***if you dont want to do the work manually, you can use one of the rating packs that are in the download
section and have everything done automatically***

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:59 pm
by powerdyne6
I originally re rated all players in google docs but I have since move all this info over to Excel and saved as a CSV, what sort of format does the CSV need to look like

All I want to update is the player/goalie ratings

I DO NOT need to update Birthdays, Positions, etc...


Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:19 pm
by SimonT
You need to fill the birthday information anyway to have a valid CSV that can import into the STHS V2 Utility. Simply used "fake" information and select the option in the STHS to not used them.

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:29 am
by powerdyne6
Do you also need Country, Rookie, Age, Positions, Contract length/Salary, Weight and Height and URL Link?

For the Age, Weight, Height, Contract and Salary could I just put 0,0,0,0,0 and URL link I will just put nothing between the commas?

Does Morale need to be included?

Thanks guys

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:33 am
by SimonT
If my memory is correct, 0 don't work for Age, weight and Height. It should work for Contract and Salary, You need to put a number for morale (Like 50).

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:13 pm
by powerdyne6
I think I have got this working

Thanks for the help

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:10 am
by kristo187
Il y a une option à l'entre saison pour updater le fichier CSV dans le STHS sans avoir a replacé tous les joueurs et créer une nouvelle ligue?

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:45 pm
by Str_QNHL
Livre d'instruction section 8.10

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:07 pm
by kristo187
Merci de la réponse! On voit que je faisais un travail de moine inutile!

Par contre, j'aurais une petite question que je n'ai pas pu résoudre avec le livre d'instruction... SI je rajoute des joueurs dans mon fichier est-ce que le programme le verra comme un erreur ou bien ils s'ajouteront sans aucun probleme?

Re: Updating Player Ratings (Offseason)

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:34 pm
by SimonT
Je ne comprends pas ta question, désolé. Peux-tu reformuler?