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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:19 pm
by PFHLteam
Okay Simon, sorry for this one, because I bet it is not easy, but it is an idea I had, maybe better for someone to buiold as an add-on, but I have no programming skills at all, so I thought I would say it anyways.

I was thinking it would be neat to have game previews built in.

It might have to be variable driven by the commissioner, or this part of the program would have to take the average ov and other stats from the whole league prior to doing a game review.

I was thinking like this:

Colorado vs Dallas

A offense C
B defense B
D Physicality A
C Goal B
B Coaching C

C+ Overall B-

Advantage: Dallas

That would be the output. the letter ratings could be based upon OV figures, or specific "offensive" or "coaching" ratings.

I just thought it would be a really neat idea, to have this show up on the "tomorrow's games" schedule, or even as an option to "output a preview" for any given game that will be happening the next night.

Thanks, Aaron

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:59 pm
by SimonT
It's a good idea. I'll check what I can do but I'll probably NOT make it to the first version. Probably in a futur update.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:08 pm
by Bret
taht agreat idea ! very great !! i love that so much !! go simon go !