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TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:59 am
by TPHLCommish
The TPHL is Seeking New Gms in need of experience who take things serious and for long term Following Teams are Open We just started our 2nd season

The TPHL (Total Pro Hockey League was started in Oct 2016. The TPHL is a simulation-based
league which uses SimonT Hockey Simulator (STHS) software, version 1.1.14. A parallel farm
league (Farm League) runs in conjunction with the TPHL. Throughout the year, we sim 2
seasons in 1 calendar year. This means there are 2 offseasons but only 1 entry draft and NHL

Looking for Long term Gms not short term who are willing to commit to a league

Anaheim Ducks
Arizona Coyotes
Detroit Red Wings
San Jose Sharks
Washington Capitals

The Website is as followed<-- This league is using a old & unsupported website with full of security issues!

Email me at the following address
[email protected]

Only Accepting Serious GMS

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:27 pm
by sarkany

This league is called the TPHL for Total Pro Hockey League. It should be called the Toilet Paper Hockey League, there's nothing pro about it. It's complete SHIT!!!

The "commish", and I use that term loosely, is constantly calling out GM's on the message board. Bitching and moaning that other teams don't want to trade with him. Constantly posting that he's going to fold the league because of the cost associated with running the league. Recently he's said he's going to drop the league to 20 or even 16 teams by the start of next season.

One of the GM's was recently caught cheating by running two teams and didn't get fired right away, the "commish" only fired him after GM's threatened to quit if he didn't.

There's a "trade committee", again I use this term loosely, but the "commish" has taken it upon himself to veto trades without even consulting the "trade committee". You can't trade draft picks for every second year (ie. year 3,5,7,etc...), yet the "commish" has done trades with these picks involved, then states that it's too late to rework the deal. The "trade committee" isn't even sure what picks can and can't be traded.

This league is a total shit show run by amateurs.

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:01 pm
by TPHLCommish

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:02 pm
by TPHLCommish

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:03 pm
by TPHLCommish
this guy needs to grow up every league has a trade Committee he is just piss off cause none of his trades got approved

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:51 pm
by Isles86
Here's a short list of the things I've seen in the TPHL when I was in the league:

-Commish demanding somebody take a player from his roster in a trade (who was severely overpaid and pushed him against the cap)...or he would release the player to UFA and didn't care what anybody had to say about it.
-Draft time/date announced the morning of the draft...only a handful of people attended (for obvious reasons)
-The league will go 2-3 days with no sims, and then 4-5 days simmed in one day. You never know when the sim is coming
-Trades are routinely rejected by the commish if he doesn't like a trade (never gives a reason why)
-One GM caught playing more than one team...not immediately banned from the league
-Commish freaks out and goes on long rants about 1-2 times a week (I will admit this can be entertaining at times)
-The league is VERY unorganized...the rules you'll read on the league's page wont be followed. The commish/co-commishes wont be held to the same rules you will be.
-The league (literally) has half of the GM spots open...gee I wonder why?
-The league looks like it's going to be cut in half...they can spin it all they want but the truth is that it's because people don't stay there long and they're running out of willing GMs
-Commish routinely mocks other GMs openly and publicly on the league's website

The commish is unable to recognize that he is ultimately the reason why the league is doing so poorly...yet fails to lead the league well. He keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over and over again, while wondering why people are leaving in droves.

I give this league about 1, MAYBE 2 calendar years to stay running.

Avoid this league at all costs-the other poster above is 100% accurate with their statement, and if anything didn't say enough.

Save yourself the time and effort and bang your head against your wall-it'll go by faster and less painfully than being in the TPHL will be.

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:29 pm
by GMangs
I would never come here and post in someone else's league thread, but apparently Jamie needs all the help he can get, so I'll give him a bump.

He sent this out to my league earlier today (Posted below). I find it somewhat flattering. Must mean my league and GMs are pretty successful if he needs to try to recruit from it.

It also shows the effort he puts into running a league, if you can even call TPHL a league. It's more like TWTHL(Total Waste of Time Hockey League). I know, because a few guys in my league were suckered into joining in the past and were able to see what a first rate garbage sim league is like.

One of my GMs also had a few of their GMs try to sabotage his league and accuse him of rigging it with fake GMs. We were able to to fix the issue and get his league back to running correctly.

So, I will give Jamie my endorsement.

If you are looking for an absolute garbage league run by an incompetent Commish, the TPHL is for you. It's always good to have a garbage league around. It makes people appreciate the truly good leagues out there.
"Hey I got a League Needing Gms if your interested in joining we are in
Season 2 right now the following teams are open are

Anaheim Ducks
Arizona Coyotes
Dallas Stars
Florida Panthers
Ottawa Senators
San Jose Sharks
Tampa Bay Lightning
Washington Capitals

Website as followed<-- This league is using a old & unsupported website with full of security issues!

TPHl Commish

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:49 pm
by GMangs
And one other thing, Jamie is probably good buddies with Shaun Young since they both have suspect IPs from South Korea and the Philippines. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:32 pm
by richbasterd
I will also say the same thing that its a waste of your time to look at this league. I left after about 20 games (due to the commish) and he's emailed me several times to join his league again. I just marked his email as spam so hopefully that keeps me from having to read anymore emails from him.

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:38 pm
by vollie27
I also made the mistake of joining this league. Do not join this league its a waste of your time. I left after about 10 games(due to incompetence) and he's emailing me everyday to join his league again. I marked his email as spam.

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:35 pm
by jason2589
this league is a real scrap !!! the Jamie the commish dont know how to run a league !! hes stupid !! always change the rules , NO RESPECT for the GM hes racism !!! he call the french gm stupid people stupid frenchie all frenchie is piece of shitt etc !!! he try to open the league in a forum with another name but hes still a stupid commish

DONT WASTE your time guys WITH this STUPID commish !!!! Jamie Hitler !!!!!!

Re: TPHL Seeking New GMs

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:37 pm
by jason2589
Allez pas dans cette ligue le Président Jamie deteste les franco , ils nous insulte fucking frenchie stupid frenchie etc !!! il vole des joueurs dans nos roster pour les donner a ses amis !!!!!