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The switch from the FHL to the STHS

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:47 pm
by Brunofan
How many of you used the FHL in the past and made the switch to the STHS??

I have been using the FHL for several years now and want to make the switch to the STHS but have several questions for those that have run both.

Is it more difficult to run? Are the player ratings easy to understand for the GM's since the OV value does not factor in? Since the OV does not factor in, how is the best way to evaluate a player both for your own team and potential trade value? Does the sim favor one particular area over the other such as offence, defense, goalies?

I really appreciate any help/comments/suggestion/information that you all may have.


Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:04 pm
by Str_QNHL
I switched from a 4 year league with FHL to use STHS
all I can say is I do not regret at all ...

I loved FHL for the time a used it ..but STHS just offers so much more
you cant pass on it ..
being able to use CSV file to go from STHS to Excel and back makes
the commish job much more easy + you don't have to work around the Bugs that FHL still have

for the question about OV I would say ..USE it and you will see.
at first it's different but you get use to it.. it forces GM's to better evaluate
there teams.. do you need a player to score goals ??
a player with 79 OV might not help you what you need is a player with a
good SC so ...look fot a player with SC the same with all the other ratings

one thing I am sure ...if you do swith to STHS you AND your GM's
will not regret