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Pourquoi dapres vous avec mes trios je gagne pas

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 5:32 am
by sly
Je comprend pas pourquoi je joue même pas pour .500 avec un club de même

Center -------------- Left Wing ------------------ Right Wing ------------- Defense -------- Defense
1 Mike Richards --- Alexander Ovechkin --- Patrick Kane--- Mike Green --- Duncan Keith
2 Scott Gomez --- Peter Mueller --- Paul Stastny --- Brian Campbell --- Jay Bouwmeester
3 Viktor Kozlov --- Phil Kessel --- Erik Cole --- John-Michael Liles --- Scott Niedermayer
4 R.J. Umberger --- Alexander Ovechkin --- Jamie Langenbrunner --- Mike Green --- Brian Campbell

Starting : Henrik Lundqvist
Backup : Dany Sabourin

Coaches Name PH DF OF PD EX LD PO CNT Age Salary Contract
Jacques Martin (PIT) 79 83 93 82 89 81 72 CAN 54 1 000 000 4 years

Simulator Setting
Coaches : 60
Fights : 30
Finances : 50
Goals : 70
Injuries : 45
Morale : 30
Penalties : 40
Shots : 45
Hits : 45

Ca serait quoi le probleme dapres vous? ... l#Penguins

Re: Pourquoi dapres vous avec mes trios je gagne pas

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:36 am
by Icepilot
There are many variables that may be causing this.
I see you have made many trades and maybe the players have not played enough together for you to find the right combo.
What are you coach options set to when doing your lines.

I don't know what the league settings are, that may be a factor as well.

What i would try to do is keep the same roster for at least 5 games and see what happens, if it does not get better for you try moving players to different lines, different player combos and again leave it like that for 5 games. This way you will see what works and what does not.

Re: Pourquoi dapres vous avec mes trios je gagne pas

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:55 am
by sly
Quelqu'un dautre a une meilleur opinion a me conseiller svp

Re: Pourquoi dapres vous avec mes trios je gagne pas

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:25 am
by Icepilot
What type of answer were you expecting ?

I have been in Sim Hockey for 9 years now and having used both the FHL & now the STHS the type of answer you are asking for is basically impossible to give you. There is no magic formula to tell a GM to do this or that with their roster/lines so they play to what ever expectations you want.

I have had a lower rated player on the line with 2 top line players and he has produced while moving this player to another line and he then could not hit water if he fell out of a boat. So the main thing to do is keep changing your lines until until you find the right combo, It's called trial & error.

Try putting a player with a high SC together with a player with a high PA, don't put 3 forwards with a high SC and all with low PA. Also make sure your d-man are adjusted accordingly.
If all 5 players on the ice have low DF but high SC there is more than a likely chance they may score a lot but also be on the ice for many goals against. Make sue your lines have players with EX as putting 3 rookie forwards will generaly not have a good chemisrty.
Also look at player moral. Player that keep getting traded have their moral go down and it does take some time to get it back up. You have 9 pro player with a MO under 50 and a starting goaltender with a MO under 30. Again these have to be factored in.

Also i had asked what your COACHING sliders were set at. They affect how the team plays as well. Do your have it set with a higher SC and low DF & PH, or is your team playing a more defense based system ?
Also you have to factor in what the other team has their coach sliders set to. That might also come into play in reducing how your team plays. A team that comes in with his coaching set with to high DF should shut down a team using a high SC.

Again many many variables to factor in when doing your lines.

A line-up my work great against one team and play terrible against another even though both the other teams may have similar rosters. Each of those GM's may adjust their coaching style differently which will affect any game outcomes.

So unless you don't want to take the time and play with your line-ups i don't think anyone can really tell you to set your line-up this or that way to get the desired results.

Re: Pourquoi dapres vous avec mes trios je gagne pas

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:25 pm
by gab_3020
wow, dont expect an answer after that jerk! can't believe you still explained to this guy, some people need to learn manners. Especially when they're clueless!

Re: Pourquoi dapres vous avec mes trios je gagne pas

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:30 pm
by Foo
Ryan Miler comme backup lol.... quelle genre de ligue pas crédible que c'est ça ????

Re: Pourquoi dapres vous avec mes trios je gagne pas

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:43 pm
by sly
Si ta remarquer ya que 20 clubs dans la ligue donc cest normal que ya des club quil ont 2 bon gardiens donc avant de dire nimporte quoi regarde donc comment ca fonctionne

La c'est pas pire c'est rendu Miller coté a 73 ov javais Backstrom a 77 comme backup avant encore pire comme tu dis c'est pas crédible

Des opinion de même ont peut s'en passé ici

Re: Pourquoi dapres vous avec mes trios je gagne pas

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:50 pm
by sly
Merci pour ceux qui mon répondus jai été patient 4-5 games ca pas donnée de bien meilleur résultats donc depuis ce temps jai échanger Gomez,Richards,Sabourins,Backstrom,Campbell,Cole,Rolston,Kessels et depuis ce temps le club va beaucoup mieux meme que je suis sur une lancé avec win 7

dapres moi le morale doit etre tres important car je gagne pas avec mon best gardien lundqvist a 77 ov est moins performant que dipietro a 74 ov que jai eu et que Miller 73 ov présentement

mais merci a tous

Re: Pourquoi dapres vous avec mes trios je gagne pas

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:56 pm
by Bean Machine
Ben Richards Ovechkin et Kane ensemble ya personne pour passer le puck et dans le cas de ton 2e trio c'est tout a fait le contraire il y a pas de scoreur. Et défensivement ou est la robustesse d'un Mike KOmisarek qui est tres important dans un équipe et a l'attaque aussi il manque de punch un genre de Milan Lucic ou Iginla. Aussi il te manque grandement de joueur d'expérience et qui on du leadership c'est beau les jeunes mais faut avoir de l'expérience aussi. Mais tu as toute une équipe c'est asser impressionant :) J'ai été voir ton équipe j'aime bien les modifications que tu as amener un Getzlaf Kronwall y te manque juste un Rob Brind'Amour sur ton 3e trio pour les mise en jeux et le coté défensif