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Modifying Contract Length

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:48 am
by CHL_Commish
Hi, I am a new STHS user and am currently in the process of converting from FHL -> STHS.

I have done a lot of work changing arena sizes, bankrolls, etc. and then I realized that the player contract lengths have not been decremented from my last season. So now I would really like a way to reduce this contract length by 1 for all players so that I don't have to redo all of my conversion work.

I see there is a way to mass edit players, however there is no subtract option, only add. And I cannot add a negative number (-1) because it sets it to 0 every time.

Another idea I think might work is if I have a .csv that has all of the contract lengths changed by -1 and update my STHS league to that. Is there an easier way? It would be very nice if we could have a subtract option in Mass Edit.

Any help is much appreciated.

Re: Modifying Contract Length

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:38 pm
by SimonT
In the Mass Edition, their a subtract option call "remove"

Re: Modifying Contract Length

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:04 pm
by CHL_Commish
Aha! I'm surprised I didn't see that or at least try it. It makes sense now.
