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League option: Simulation option

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:34 pm
by vigneaultp
Cher collègues,

J'aimerais savoir comment vous avez fixé vos paramètres dans le "game option"? Avez-vous réussi à trouver un juste milieu? Un élément de réalisme... un bon ratio de blessures, de fatigue des gardiens, les meilleurs joueurs qui se démarquent, etc. Des suggestions????

L'an passé, c'est un défenseur qui a fini premier compteur.... d'ailleurs les défenseurs ont fait beaucoup de points. Quelqu'un a observé la même chose moi dans leur ligue respective?

Merci de me répondre.

Au plaisir.


Re: League option: Simulation option

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:56 am
by Icepilot
The game option sliders will vary from what ever rating set you decide to use.

Regardless of what set and what settings i use i found that d-man do tend to have a lot of points at seasons end.
Most ratings sets tend to have D-Man with high SC which i see as being the main problem. I have seen many sets where a D-Man has a SC of 70+ while the top scoring forwards are like 80.

Best thing to do is run some test season with the sliders at 50 and then adjust them slightly and re-sim a season to compare the results. After afew test season you should be able to find the proper slider settings that suit your league.

What works for me and my league might not work for your league or your GM's.

Re: League option: Simulation option

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:20 am
by vigneaultp
Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse. Je vais continuer à effectuer des tests et donner mes résultats. Nous en rediscuterons. Have a nice day.

Re: League option: Simulation option

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:11 am
by CMHLCommish
I agree with Icepilot. We just moved from FHL to STHS this summer, and I had to run about 10-15 full seasons using different settings before I was able to get results that I really liked. Try some settings, run a season and then look at the team stats to see the ranges for GF/G, PIM/G, Shots/G, etc. Change one setting, and then run a season again. Keep changing one setting at a time until you get something you like. I've also noticed that defenseman are more prone to score in STHS. I my test simulations, there was always at least 1 or 2 dmen in the top 10 scorers, whereas on FHL, defenceman would never surpass around 60 points max.