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Overtime Hockey League

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:14 pm
by Baertschi47

About the OHL
The OHL was the brainchild of Backlund and Nero. Feeling like the quality of several sim hockey leagues has significantly declined, the co-commissioners set out to create a new league which would not only restore the quality lost in leagues we love but also introduce several new ideas and concepts which would enhance the overall experience.

What separates the OHL from all the other leagues?
CHANGE. Rather than build another copy-cat league, we opted to be different, offer up things other leagues don't but at the same time, maintain many of the concepts we all love and are used to. We've heard the clamoring for change at some of the other leagues out there and rather than sit back and watch nothing get done, we have embraced the concept of change and are making it happen ourselves.

How is the OHL different?

- Most leagues are on a free, limited forum and have lengthy url's. As you can see, the OHL not only has it's own .net web addy but we're also hosted on a full version of vbulletin 3.8. This allows for more customization, to include multiple skins, more icons, more smileys, and of course, the favorite team icons in the sidebar. Not only does our forum and .net address make for a more enjoyable experience but it helps to legitimize our league and sure to help with recruiting.

- Our league staff will be much smaller and easier to track down. Rather than have 30 people doing many of the same jobs, making "bank" for their players, and then giving you 50 million different answers...we are going to keep things simple. We will have an excellent system of checks & balances but we see no need to have 5 Commissioners, 6 Mods, Bankers, 12 Updaters...all that jazz.

- Our league file will be posted and available for anybody to reference, at all times. No trust issues or cheating scandals b/c our simmers will constantly be checked, double-checked, and triple-checked over.

- Sick of all the writing PT's? We are too and with that, we plan to introduce new and more entertaining point tasks. Some will be harder than others but for the love of God, let's break up the monotony.

- Long wait times before drafts suck, especially for those who just signed up. Well we have plenty of things to do while waiting for those draft days, to include a number of different rookie tournaments.

- No more CPU players! Rather than fill out rosters with the boring CPU players, we will introduce a system which allows each team a handful of CPU players but these players will be customized and GM's will have a pool of points available to upgrade these CPU players' ratings. This not only makes the game more interesting but it increases the strategy difficulty for teams.

What stays the same?

- We will continue on with the effective method of a hybrid-PT league. We will give away fewer points to start with; however, our PT's and ways to make money will be very frequent.

- As soon as we have a full season under our belt, we will introduce a Junior league

- IIHF and IIHF Junior tournaments will be held each season

- Our pbp's will be in both the single-post format and the mutli-post format. Regular season games will be optional but for most of the playoff games and championships, we will pay out more for the long-form of typing up pbp's.