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Name field validation test

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:52 pm
by kfulmore
I searched the forum for this topic already but didn't find anything that would help. They were either in French (which I can't read worth a damn) or it was something I had already tried like fixing the names (eg JS Giguere instead of J-S Giguere). I am trying to use the simhl_NHLPLAYERS_012 csv for version 1. It gives me over 1000 errors all saying the name field doesn't pass validation. First name in there is Luke Adam and it's exactly like it is in my sim. I also used the simhl rerates last year so I'm going to assume that the names should be the same. Is there something I'm missing that I can do ?

Re: Name field validation test

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:58 pm
by SimonT
Hi. The files was not correctly format. It's my mistake that I didn't verify it before I upload it. I correct the file and re-upload it. Please download it again and it should work now.