Hits taken

This area should be used by GMs from different leagues to share their experiences about things such as line combinations, which skills are good etc. / Ce forum devrait être utilisé par les DG de diffèrentes ligues pour partager leur expèrience à propos des combinaisons alignement, quel sont les attributs d'un joueurs les plus utilises etc.
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The Crazy / Le Fou
Posts: 307
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:31 pm

Hits taken

Post by QSHL »


For some reasons, my top-3 centers are always in the leaders for hits taken. Why is that? I rarely use more than 1 in "physical", but i know I'm not the only GM to do so.

What else do you think has an influence on hits taken? Could it be that my centers are too good with puck control?
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