Anaheim, Boston, Chicago, Colorado, LA, NYI, or Phoenix...

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New in Town / Le Ptit Nouveau
Posts: 34
Joined: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:27 am

Anaheim, Boston, Chicago, Colorado, LA, NYI, or Phoenix...

Post by MFHL »

You have come to the right league AND since we have ONLY been around since 1996? How many leagues can boast about that kind of consistency and dedication. Not very many. Most fold-up and pack it in just before you spent endless hours, days, months, years trying to build your franchise dynasty!?

Well, welcome to the MFHL, we are not about fancy web-sites. We are about having a very knowleadgable and dedicated group of owners/members just like yourself. If this does not fit your description, please don't waste your time or our time. Sorry.

Well, here is the occasion to play for FREE in the most realistic management game on the internet today with MFHL! Every season is free in our league ...good for you! It's not easy to be owner, general manager and coach at the same time in this game that simulates with stunning accuracy professional hockey and all its industry.

You only need an Internet connection and a "joy-brain". It's fantasy hockey for the next millennium! Here's the picture:

You are about to start the last game of the season. Your team needs you to call the right strategies that land them in the playoffs! The only thing standing in your way is the other coach, somewhere in the world on the other end of an Internet connection. Unfortunately, you have lost the last two games and your best defender is injured. It is now time to call from the minor league your talented rookie. You have noticed on the scouting report that their best scorer won't be dressed...hmm! have to guess what will be their new lineup to oppose your right trios and duos against them. Now, while you are giving a light training to your players, you are thinking about your strategy for each trios and duos. Fraser will be the referee for tonight's game. Will you choose the trap or a fore-checking strategy? What are the calls, coach? Looks like your kind of challenge?

Then if it is.....

pick your team in order of preference from our list on main site or email us at [email protected] ... L2000.html
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