WIHL Needs 5 or 6

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GHL Commish
The Accomplished One / L'Accompli
Posts: 51
Joined: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:20 am

WIHL Needs 5 or 6

Post by GHL Commish »

The WIHL is a relatively young league that was built up from the collapse of an older league. Most of our core of GMs were with us in our old league & help contribute to a strong & mature group of team leaders. We have recently had to contract after our first season in order to make it easier to fill the voids left by our acquisition of numerous dead weight GMs who could never be bothered to actually run their teams.

As such, we are looking for GMs that will participate in the league. This means replying (regardless of your desire) to trade requests, signing FAs to fill your roster, work on actually building your team into something (contender now, young & ready to grow for later, etc), respond to commissioner requests for input or feedback. In short, we don't expect our GMs to post repeatedly on the board for no reason. We just want guys willing to join a league to have fun & ensure that the overall experience is fun for others too. Nothing ruins the motivation of a league than guys doing nothing at all.

We do not use NHL rosters or teams. All teams & players are fantasy. While many of us have our favorite NHL teams & stars, this gives everyone a clean slate. All performance is going to be based on the players' own performances, not what their real life counterparts are up to.

Interested parties can e-mail us at [email protected]

Our website is being worked on by one of our GMs. He has things he needs to tweak & update. As such we have links to our main page (with our Yr1 information) & the current rosters here (4 of our teams have been contracted & the rosters will be updated shortly to reflect that):

Also on the main page are links to our messageboard & Wiki pages.

The following teams are open for interested parties:
Athens Argonauts
Budapest Thunder
Calgary Reds
London Blitz
Prague Gargoyles

We may also be looking for a GM for:
Niagara Falls Hydro
GHL Commish
The Accomplished One / L'Accompli
Posts: 51
Joined: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:20 am

Re: WIHL Needs 5 or 6

Post by GHL Commish »

Again, we apologize for the condition of the site. With many of our current crew occupied earlier this summer, we have taken our time in getting things into place to recruit. But we will have the site properly updated, as well as the rosters, in the very near future.
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