Coaches Strategy

This area should be used by GMs from different leagues to share their experiences about things such as line combinations, which skills are good etc. / Ce forum devrait être utilisé par les DG de diffèrentes ligues pour partager leur expèrience à propos des combinaisons alignement, quel sont les attributs d'un joueurs les plus utilises etc.
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Coaches Strategy

Post by maceojones »

I'm just about to start my first season of STHS infused hockey. Everything so far has been pretty straight forward except for Coaches Match Plan

I understand that I have 5 points to be distributed towards three fields of play: Physical Style, Offensive Style and Defensive Style. Below those sliders I have two fields for pulling or switching my goaltender.

What I don't understand, because I have yet to play a game, is what the three slider do. How much does one point effect each field. Can I play a game with all five points towards physical? do I have to have at least one point in each field?

I would appreciate any one with some experience to help me answer my questions. Thanks.
The Crazy / Le Fou
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Post by Kostitsyn1489 »

How muchit affect the game. It's tough to say because not enough test has been done on that. And you can put all 5 points on pysical, Defense or Offense. You don't have to put at least one point on all of these 3 match style. You just have 5 points to give in 3 match style and you can customize that as you wish.
Nwha's young sensation!
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