Penalty Kill

This area should be used by GMs from different leagues to share their experiences about things such as line combinations, which skills are good etc. / Ce forum devrait être utilisé par les DG de diffèrentes ligues pour partager leur expèrience à propos des combinaisons alignement, quel sont les attributs d'un joueurs les plus utilises etc.
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Penalty Kill

Post by Jrfishcool »

Quick question, you should mostely put defensive forwards on your PK to better it? Is that how the simulator runs it? Sorry if its a stupid question.
The Crazy / Le Fou
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Post by Kostitsyn1489 »

I always saw Defense like positioning. I dont know if i'm right or wrong on this one. So if you use a guy with low D but high Checking and Strenght he could do a good job. But if you use a guy with no D low CK and ST I think he's useless.

I usually use a defensive forward + a checking forward in PK and I'm the 2ne best team in the league in one league and I was one of the worst in another. Nothing works everytime.

So yes a defensive forward will be more usefull then a High skilled forward. But Checking and Strenght are a big part of a player in his own zone.
Nwha's young sensation!
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