OSHL Needs GM's

Looking for a GM or a league? This is the place to put your ads. / Vous cherchez un GM ou une ligue? C'est le forum pour mettre votre publicité.
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New in Town / Le Ptit Nouveau
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:05 pm

OSHL Needs GM's

Post by malones »

Well, were just about to start the season and I did my GM Cleanup and we need 11 dedicated, active GM's to come join the OSHL forces. For the GM's that are here right now, they are extremely active and all we need is for some new people to jump in and take over the lackers spots. Boston,Buffalo,Carolina,Colorado,Dallas,Detroit,Ed monton,Los Angeles,Montreal,Minnesota, and New York Islanders are all open. Are site is http://www.oshl.bravehost.com and please email me when you figure out a team and tell me your FULL NAME, your email, and your msn.

League Email-- [email protected]


The OSHL Team
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