STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

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STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by SimonT »

In the last month, I’m having more and more open issues and emails about issues with third-party websites. It’s the same situation I had in the mid 2010 with the legacy web portal when people bought it and sent me all the support requests, especially after the founder the web portal shutdown. More information can be found here:

Since more and more features of the STHS are linked to the dynamic website, the relation between the STHS, STHS Client and dynamic website is becoming more critical and will continue to be more critical.

Because of this relation, as of today, I’m updating the STHS Support policy. Any support question related to a third-party website will be dismissed. If you decided to use and maybe paid for a third-party website, you are on your own in terms of support on any features that requires the dynamic website to work correctly.

Advertising on the STHS forum for a third-party website will be removed.

For your knowledge, the dynamic website is an open-source project on GitHub, freely available for everyone to view, edit, modify and most importantly, contribute! In the last 5 years, apart from the WebClient creator, nobody else has contributed. People are copying my code, modifying it and reselling it for a large sum of money. This is insulting for me and I’m condemning this.

Thank you.

Au cours du dernier mois, j'ai de plus en plus de messages et de courriels concernant des problèmes avec des sites tiers. C'est la même situation que j'ai eue il y a quelques années avec le portail Web Legacy lorsque des gens l'ont acheté et m'ont envoyé toutes les demandes d'assistance, en particulier après la fermeture du portail par le fondateur. Plus d'informations peuvent être trouvées ici :

Étant donné que de plus en plus de fonctionnalités du STHS sont liées au site Web dynamique, la relation entre le STHS, le client STHS et le site Web dynamique devient de plus en plus critique et continuera de l'être.

En raison de cette relation, à partir d'aujourd'hui, je mets à jour la politique d'assistance STHS. Toute question d'assistance liée à un site Web tiers sera rejetée. Si vous avez décidé d'utiliser et peut-être payé pour un site Web tiers, vous êtes seul en termes de support sur toutes les fonctionnalités qui nécessitent que le site Web dynamique fonctionne correctement.

La publicité sur le forum du STHS pour un site Web tiers sera supprimée.

Pour votre connaissance, le site Web dynamique est un projet open-source sur GitHub, disponible gratuitement pour que tout le monde puisse le visualiser, le modifier, le modifier et surtout, contribuer! Au cours des 5 dernières années, à part le créateur de WebClient, personne d'autre n'a contribué. Les gens copient mon code, le modifient et le revendent pour une grosse somme d'argent. C’est insultant pour moi et je le condamne.

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Re: STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by august »

C'est très clair et tout à fait comprenable et logique.
Showtime Hockey
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Re: STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by Showtime Hockey »

100% d'accord.
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Re: STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by stever8200 »

Ta réponse Simon indique que dans un proche avenir le STHS sera relié uniquement a ton site dynamique et aucune option vers un autre site ????
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Re: STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by SimonT »

stever8200 wrote: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:58 pm Ta réponse Simon indique que dans un proche avenir le STHS sera relié uniquement a ton site dynamique et aucune option vers un autre site ????
Tu peux toujours prendre l'option d'autre site web mais si tu prend cette direction, tu ne sera pas supporté.

C'est le même concept que si tu achète une voiture et que tu as la modifie beaucoup. Le garage ne vas honoré la garantie sur les pièces que tu as changé toi-même.
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Re: STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by SimonT »

P.S. Today I received an open source notification that a client using the old web portal had been hacked. Her website is now filled with pornography.

Source :
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Re: STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by JimToupet »

they deface the index.php page.

You received the notification from the hacker ?
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Re: STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by SimonT »

No, I have received the notification from a security research. You can see it on the link I post in the previous post.
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Re: STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by JimToupet »

Bah, I consider them as hacker. It's probably him that defaced the index.php page.
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Re: STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by laving »

SimonT wrote: Tue Jan 12, 2021 4:22 pm For your knowledge, the dynamic website is an open-source project on GitHub, freely available for everyone to view, edit, modify and most importantly, contribute! In the last 5 years, apart from the WebClient creator, nobody else has contributed.
I don't write code outside Excel. Sure, in some cases I can modify or manipulate code, but I don't think that would be much help.

But what I can do, is contribute with some easier styling, like images for example. The most obvious thing would be to keep your NHL logos up to date. Website demo uses old logo for ARZ, old logo for BOS, old/darker logo for BUF, I think it's old green outline color for DAL, old/darker logo for EDM, does not have the right outlining for LAK, old/lighter logo for NYI, does not use the same size for OTT logo as the rest, lighter logo for STL, darker logo for VGK, alternate logo for WSH, and does not have the same format for all of them, making EDM, VGK, SEA and possibly a few more appear bigger than the rest. (I already have a folder of all the images with corrected sizes and updated versions of the logos if you want it). I'll keep AHL logos up to date for you as well if you want.

I can also help you out with getting the right colors for text color for Team Names. Right now some teams uses secondary team color as the shadow color, and some teams uses primary color as shadow color.

I can also make you some custom pictures, like banners for the teams. There is a tag for it I think in the php files. I've already made banners for all the teams in the league I'm in, I just couldn't figure out how to get the website to show them, despite my best efforts at editing CSS. I can probably make you a few sets of banners for both you and the commissioners to choose from. I can pretty much make what ever you want with images.

I don't know, but I would guess that a common reason why people sells third party websites is because commissioners out there wants their websites to look the best way possible. A decent way to prevent it, should be to add a little styling here and there. The better your website looks, the smaller market for third party websites. The easiest way that I know of is images. Let me in, and it's possible I can pick up my CSS game again as well.

How can I contribute? And how do I contribute?
Fredrik Laving, Commissioner FHL
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Re: STHS Support Policy Update / Politique de Support du STHS

Post by SimonT »

If you want to contribute, there is two way :
You submit new code on GitHub : ... Production
You can submit new logo change by email.
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