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SimonT Hockey Simulator Manual

1 - A Bit About STHS
2 - Overview, Licensing and Updating
2.1 - STHS Integrated Web Hosting
3 - STHS Client
4 - How To: Create A League
4.1 - How To: Start a NHL League from most recent NHL League File
5 - How To: Set Up Your League
5.1 - Deciding which simulation engine to use
5.2 - How work the salary cap and finance in V3
5.3 - How to manage lines from your general manager
5.4 - How to install and manage your website
6 - Team Management
6.1 - The Team Window
6.1.1 - The Finance Windows - Add / Remove Money - Modify Salary Cap Special Value
6.1.2 - Password
6.1.3 - Coach Change
6.1.4 - Coach Fire
6.1.5 - Save To File
6.1.6 - Load File
6.1.7 - Manual History
6.1.8 - Reset Stats (Pro or Farm)
6.2 - The Roster Window
6.2.1 - Make Captain
6.2.2 - Make Assistant
6.2.3 - Available for Trade
6.2.4 - Release
6.2.5 - Send To Waivers
6.2.6 - Protected
6.2.7 - Do Not Apply Re-Rate
6.2.8 - No Trade
6.2.9 - Auto Can Sent Pro / Auto Can Send Farm
6.2.10 - Auto Made Roster
6.2.11 - Partial Auto Made Roster
6.2.12 - Auto Made Roster for Farm Only
6.3 - The Lines Window
6.4 - The Prospect Window
6.5 - Making Offers To Free Agents
6.6 - Making A Fantasy Or Entry Draft List
6.7 - Web Client on the Dynamic Website
6.7.1 - Rosters Editor Online
6.7.2 - Lines Editor Online
6.7.3 - Team Editor Online
6.7.4 - Trade Online
6.7.5 - Free Agents Offers Online
6.7.6 - Draft Order Selection Online
6.7.7 - Waiver Online
7 - Players & Goalies
7.1 - Players & Goalies Abbreviations
7.2 - Where are rating used in the STHS
7.3 - Coaches Abbreviations
8 - The Menu
8.1 - File
8.2 - Edit
8.2.1 - Edit - Players
8.2.2 - Edit - Coaches
8.2.3 - Edit - Referees and Linesmen
8.2.4 - Edit - Prospects
8.3 - Team
8.4 - Simulate
8.4.1 - Start Season
8.4.2 - End Season / Start Playoffs
8.4.3 - Start Off-Season
8.4.4 - Simulate
8.4.5 - Auto Load Lines
8.4.6 - Rest Day
8.4.7 - Exhibition Game
8.4.8 - All-Star Game
8.5 - Output
8.5.1 - Output
8.6 - League
8.6.1 - Transactions
8.6.2 - Waivers
8.6.3 - Auto Rosters
8.6.4 - Auto Lines
8.6.5 - Rivalry (Pro / Farm)
8.7 - Schedule
8.7.1 - Make Schedule (Pro or Farm)
8.7.2 - Edit Schedule (Pro or Farm)
8.7.3 - Export / Import Schedule
8.8 - Free Agents
8.8.1 - Manual Free Agents
8.8.2 - Automatic Free Agents
8.8.3 - Next Year Manual Free Agents
8.8.4 - Edit Next Year Contracts
8.9 - Off-Season
8.9.1 - Re-Rate
8.9.2 - RFA/UFA Automatic Re-Signing
8.9.3 - Income Divider
8.9.4 - Auto Activate Prospects
8.9.5 - Random Contract and / or Salary
8.9.6 - Align League (Pro or Farm)
8.9.7 - Manual Fantasy Draft
8.9.8 - Automatic Fantasy Draft
8.9.9 - Random Coach
8.9.10 - Entry Draft
8.9.11 - Expansion Draft
8.10 - Update Ratings
8.11 - Unassigned Players
8.12 - Overall Formula
8.13 - Output Options
8.13.1 - 'General #1' Tab
8.13.2 - 'General #2' Tab
8.13.3 - 'General #3' Tab
8.13.4 - 'Folder' Tab
8.13.5 - 'Legacy Output #1 & #2' Tabs
8.14 - League Options
8.14.1 - 'League #1' Tab
8.14.2 - 'League #2' Tab
8.14.3 - 'League #3' Tab
8.14.4 - 'League #4' Tab
8.14.5 - 'Players' Tab
8.14.6 - 'Teams' Tab
8.14.7 - 'Finance' Tab
8.14.8 - 'Pro Simulation' Tab
8.14.9 - 'Farm Simulation' Tab
8.15 - League Information
8.16 - Bonus
8.17 - Utility
8.17.1 - Rating Creation
8.17.2 - CareerStat
8.18 - Help
8.18.1 - Manual Command
9 - International Tournament
10 - Others Information
11 - The Dynamic Website
12 - SQLite Database
13 - API (Application Programming Interface)
14 - Frequent Errors
15 - Policy
15.1 - Support Policy
15.2 - Privacy Policy
16 - Need Help? Have a Question?

Note: The manual may contain information on options in a version that has not yet been released to the public.

1 - A Bit About STHS

STHS, also known as SimonT Hockey Simulator, is a realistic simulation software that gives the ability to the owner to simulate hockey games or multiple complete seasons of hockey with one or more general manager according to the preferences of the owner of the SimonT Hockey Simulator. The program is designed to meet the needs of several general managers and contains an infinite number of options to integrate a sensational realism in the simulation. The SimonT Hockey Simulator is without a doubt the most complete hockey simulator on the market and will bring you years of simulated hockey enjoyment.

All of the features STHS offers as well as the basic configuration of the simulator can be found in the Features section of the website. STHS works hard to stay up-to-date with the fast-moving hockey world and will be implementing new features quickly and accurately as time goes on.

The STHS come with a complete website that is call the ‘dynamic website’. You can see a demonstration version here. To use it, you simply need buy a web hosting service that support PHP 8.0 or more with the SQLite3 / pdo_sqlite extension. There are many companies that offer this service like GoDaddy who hosting this website. The creator of STHS also sells web hosting for your league with full support.

2 - Overview, Licensing and Updating

Once you've tried out SimonT Hockey Simulator you'll want to begin enjoying the program with a fully activated license. In order to create and manage a simulated league with STHS, you'll have to purchase a license. You may go ahead and purchase a fully activated STHS license by clicking the following link:

If you have not purchased a license with STHS you will be limited by 2 key options:
- You will not be able to save your league
- You will not be able to create the league file used by General Managers

Once you've purchased STHS, you'll need to downloads the demo version of STHS (which will become the complete version once it's registered)

After downloading and unzipping all the files from the demo version of STHS in folder on your computer (My Documents), check your e-mail for the confirmation e-mail you have received. Then, open up the SimonT Hockey Simulator, click 'Help' and copy the code from the confirmation e-mail into the 'Register' section and click OK. In order to register your copy of STHS you will have to have an internet connection so the program can access the STHS servers and count how many times the simulator has been registered with the same license. STHS has to double-check with the servers to protect against piracy.

Through the terms of the license you have the right to install SimonT Hockey Simulator on one computer only. If you wish to switch the STHS license from one computer to another you must first click on the 'Help' menu and click 'Unregister'. STHS owners are allowed to move their license a maximum of one time per month.

Now that you've successfully downloaded and installed the STHS demo and have taken the time to register you're ready to start creating your very own simulated hockey league!

It is strongly suggested that you update your version of the simulator even if you're in the middle of simulating a season. To update your version of STHS, download the update file and simply overwrite the existing SimonTHockeySimulatorV3.exe file.

2.1 - STHS Integrated Web Hosting

If you purchase website hosting as a subdomain of STHS, after your purchase you will receive an email to choose your league name and league abbreviation. Next, you will receive a file to be opened by STHS which will configure all the correct options and update your website.

3 - STHS Client V3

The STHS Client V3 is a free utility program used by the general managers of a league to fulfill their duties and update their lines and make changes to their team. In order to be able to install the STHS Client V3 a general manager must have the basic system requirements in their computer which are:

Windows® Windows 10, 11 on Intel or AMD Processor
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7
10 MB of available hard disk space
256 MB of RAM
1024 x 768 Screen Resolution Recommend

Note - The STHS V3 Client can run on Linux using the Mono Project

From the STHS Client general managers have the following options:

Adjust their rosters (promote, scratch and demote)
Adjust their lines (Pro or Farm)
Adjust coaching strategies (Offensive, Defensive, Physical) based on their upcoming opponents
Adjust their arena's ticket prices
Submitting contract offers to free agents
Creating draft lists (Entry or Fantasy Draft)

General Managers should make sure they have downloaded the latest client file from their league (after every simulation) before making changes to their team.

Once a general manager has efficiently made changes to their team they are able to save their changes. By saving the changes made, STHS Client V3 automatically creates a team file under the name of the team (Montreal.shl for example). The STHS Client can upload the file automatically on the dynamic website or the general manager may then submit this file to the Commissioner of their league who may then load it directly into the simulator. See section 5.3 - How manage lines from your general manager for more information.

4 - How To: Create A League

Creating a league with STHS is very simple. Simply open up SimonT Hockey Simulator, click 'File', click 'New', now enter the complete name of the league as well as the abbreviation, select the rating file (a file that end with the extension .str), you can find these files available in the downloads section section of the websit) or purchase them from other member of the STHS community. Next choose the number of teams as well as the financial options you wish to start with and you're all set!

IMPORTANT NOTICE - It is highly recommended that prior to starting your league you read over Section 8.13 - League Options because there are several interesting options that can help you create a very unique STHS league (i.e. Manual Fantasy Draft, Automatic Fantasy Draft, Random Coaches, Import FHL Data and Auto Activate Prospect).

4.1 - How To: Start a NHL League from most recent NHL League File

Simply download Most Recent NHL League File by clicking here and open it from the STHS by clicking 'File', clicking 'Open' and select the .STH file you unzip from download you just did.

5 - How To: Set Up Your League

Once you've created a league you'll want to customize each team, giving them a general manager, their e-mail address, farm team name etc.

To modify a team's information:
- Double-click on the team name you want to modify
- Manually enter information in each of the boxes

To modify a team's ticket information:
- Double-click on the team name you want to modify
- Click 'Finance'
- Manually enter in the details of the name of the arena, various capacities and ticket prices

Once you have modified the information for each team in your league you can begin assigning players to each team as well as create a list of prospects.

To add an unassigned player to a team's roster:
- Click 'League'
- Click 'Unassigned Players'
- Locate the team and the player you're looking for and click 'Assign Player'

To view a team's prospect list and to add a prospect to a team:
- Double-click on the team name you want to modify
- Click 'Prospect'
- Click 'Add Prospect'

Note - From this menu you may also delete and activate prospects on a team's prospect list

After filling your team's rosters and prospect lists you then have to create a schedule.

To create a schedule:
- Click 'League'
- Click 'Schedule'
- Click 'Make Schedule'

At this time you have to adjust the parameters that you want your league's schedule to use and click 'Make Schedule' to generate a schedule (see Section 8.7.1 - Make Schedule).

If you'd like to create a pre-season schedule make sure you select 'pre-season schedule' before generating the schedule.

Once a schedule has been generated both the pro and minor league teams will have identical schedules.

If you'd like to have 'Rivalry' match-ups in your league which boosts players intensity:
- Click 'League'
- Click 'Rivalry Pro' or 'Rivalry Farm'
- Click one team from each side and check the 'Rivalry' box

After the schedule has been created and you've selected any rivalries you want to have you're ready to start your season! Go to 'Simulate' then 'Start Season' or 'Start Pre-Season' to begin play. If you've created a pre-season schedule you must create a new regular season schedule at the end of the pre-season. Once you have a regular season schedule created click 'Start Season' to start your regular season.

Note - If a team doesn't have the minimum number of players as required by the league settings on its roster and under contract, they will not be able to play a game until the problem is resolved. By default, a hired coach for each team is also required to simulate a game.

As games are being simulated STHS creates a 'Play By Play' section that reports all of the important events that transpire during the game. The 'Play By Play' section is quite useful as general managers may review this section of the boxscore and make necessary changes to his team's strategy for upcoming games. The 'Play By Play' feature is also available for the farm league games.

There are a number of options that may be adjusted within the simulator to enhance your league. They are as follows:

- Number of fights
- Number of goals
- Number of shots
- Number of penalties
- Number of injuries
- Number of hits
- The Coach's influence on a game
- The influence of team / player morale on a game
- Team revenues per game

IMPORTANT NOTICE - Every version of SimonT Hockey Simulator V3 same STH file who will always be compatible with every new release of the simulator unless its specified otherwise.

5.1 - Deciding which simulation engine to use

Deciding which simulation engine to use can be a hard task. Each simulation engine has is advantage and disadvantage. Here is a quick summary.

Version 1.1

  • Available in the STHS since February 2008 in version 1.1.
  • Results are proven to be realistic.
  • New features since 2010 are not added in the code (Referee/Lineman, Line/Team strategies, Percentage of ice time per line does not apply, etc).
  • Some stats are not count and will always show at 0 in the simulator
  • A lot of new functionalities are not implemented (For example, 3 vs 3 overtime)
Version 1.5

  • Available in the STHS since February 2008 in version 1.1.
  • Results are proven to be realistic.
  • Some of the new simulation features are added (Referee/Lineman, Line/Team strategies, Percentage of ice time per line does apply and Star Power).
  • Some of the new simulation features are not added in this version of the simulation engine.
  • Some stats are not count and will always show at 0 in the simulator.
Version 2.0

  • Always has the new simulation features.
  • The results are not easy to reproduce, somehow “random”.
  • Top players stat will sometime behave like normal player stat.
Version 2.1

  • Always has the new simulation features.
  • Top players stat will be like top player stat.
  • The simulation engine is different from the others so the "rating packs" must be adjusted accordingly.
  • Top players stat difference versus the rest of player’s stat can be impressive.

5.2 - How work the salary cap and finance in V3

There is 6 ways to calculate the salary cap in the STHS.

Simple Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary - The calculation is very simple; it’s the sum of all players’ salaries compare to your Pro Salary Cap Value.
Simple Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary Cap - The calculation is very simple; it’s the sum of all players’ salaries cap year 1 value compare to your Pro Salary Cap Value.
Complex Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary : Fixed Value - The calculation is based on the current year players’ salaries. A player with different salary each year will impact the team salary cap with different number each year.
Complex Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary : Fixed Value + Current Bank Account - Same as Complex Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary except the real Pro Salary Cap Value for team varies depending on the team “Current Bank Account” value + Base Value. Teams who make money will get a higher salary cap value over time.
Complex Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary Cap : Fixed Value - The calculation is based on the player’s contract salary cap year 1 value. A player with different salary cap value each year will impact the salary cap of the team with different number each year.
Complex Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary Cap : Fixed Value + Current Bank Account - Same as Complex Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary Cap except the real Pro Salary Cap Value for team varies depending on the team “Current Bank Account” value + Base Value. Teams who make money will get a higher salary cap value over time.

Here are some key information.
  • Players are paid on a daily base. Their daily salaries are their annual salaries divided by the number of day in the season.
  • If you used the complex calculation, each day your salary cap cost is added to the year salary cap. With a formula, the STHS calculated your estimated season salary cap and it’s that number that the STHS check versus your salary cap option.
  • During some part of the season, your players’ total salaries or average salaries can be over the salaries cap. For example, you have a salary cap of 40 millions. In the first half of season, your players’ total salaries or average salaries are 30 millions. So after the first half of season, you have used 15 million of your salary cap and are except to use another 15 million for the rest of season. You make a trade and your players’ total salaries or average salaries are now 45 million. For the rest of the season, you’ll used 22.5 millions of your salary cap. At the end of the year, your salary cap will be 37.5 million (22.5 + 15).
  • Players are paid even if they are under a suspension unless you activate the 'Remove Suspension from Salary Cap Calculation' option in the Salary Cap Option.
  • Players are paid even if they are injured. There are options to change that behavior. The 'Remove from Payroll when Condition Under' option in the Salary Cap Option will not paid any players under X condition and they won’t count against your salary cap. Another option is to select the 'Exclude Salary Cap' option from the Edit Player Windows for one player. So you won’t forget to remove this option when the player is back to 95 of condition, there is the 'Remove Exclude Salary Cap at 95 of Condition' in option. You can also automatically activate 'Exclude Salary Cap' on players when their condition fall under the 'Remove from Payroll when Condition Under' by activating the “Activate 'Exclude Salary Cap' on players if the option 'Remove from Payroll when Condition Under' apply” option. If you select this option, any players that get injured for a long time won't get paid and won’t count in the salary cap until their back at 95 of condition.
  • For contract buyout, you have to used the 'Special Included in Salary Cap' option. When this option is activate, you can modify the fix amount of money is force in the salary cap for the next 10 years within the Team Finance Windows.
  • The Pro Estimated Expenses and Farm Estimated Expenses are for the rest of the season and will slower go down as the season progress.
5.3 - How manage lines from your general manager

Your general manager have 2 options to change their lines: the STHS Client or the WebClient. This section will help you understand the options for both methods, and both heavily depend on the dynamic website being up to date. In ALL cases, your website URL option in the Output Option, 'General #1' Tab needs to be correctly entered and the ‘Automatically Load Lines Files and Database from Lines Input Folder’ in the League Option, 'Teams' Tab should be activated.

If any of your general manager is using the STHS Client, there are two options to upload lines to the commissioner.
  • The ‘Upload Lines’ feature on your league dynamic website under the Main menu. If you have a custom website, the "UploadFiles.php" file should be on your website.
  • The automatic STHS Client upload feature. If you have a custom website, the ‘UploadSTHSClient.php’ file should be on your website. For this option to work from the STHS Client, you need to Activate the ‘Force Lines File upload by HTTP after save’ option in the League Option, 'League #2' Tab.
In both cased, the lines will be uploaded in a folder called ‘linesupload’ on your website server.

For the commissioner, there are 2 options to retrieve the lines.
  • By using the ‘Download Lines Files by HTTP’ option under the League Option, 'Teams' Tab. For custom website, it requires the ‘DownloadSTHSClientFiles.php’ file to be on your website. This is the recommend option and the easiest to setup because the simulator automatically downloads in your STHS Input Folder and deletes lines files upload on the dynamic website.
  • Using your favorites FTP client like FileZilla to manually download the files on your computer, inside the STHS Input Folder.
If one of your general manager is using the WebClient, the lines are saved directly in SQLite database on the server so there no action required by the general manager other than changing his lines. For commissioner, to process the database, you must activate the ‘Load SQLite Database from Website before Loading Lines Files’ option under the League Option, 'League #4' Tab and optionality the ‘Allow Trades from Website’ if you want to process transaction from the dynamic website.

5.4 - How to install and manage your website

See section 11, The dynamic website

6 - Team Management

The following section explain how to manage a team in STHS and STHS Client.

6.1 - The Team Window

Note - The following information can be used for both the STHS and the STHS Client as the steps are very similar with the exception of a few small details

If you open the team window you'll see a number of items including those that you've previously edited while creating your league. Some other information found in the team window is:
  • The team name
  • The team's division
  • The team's conference
  • The team's abbreviation
  • The team's morale
  • The name of the general manager
  • The general manager's e-mail
  • The general manager's instant messenger ID
  • The team's city
  • The team's arena name
  • The team coach and minor league coach
  • The number of times the general manager has submitted a fresh line-up and a button to reset the number to 0
  • Farm team details (name, abbreviation, morale, coach, city)
  • By selecting a Theme ID, the team logo will be show on the dynamic website. The Team webpage will also be branded to the Team color. A list of predefined Theme ID in the STHS is available by clicking here. You can create your own Theme ID by manually uploading an image in the ‘images’ folder of your website by using your favorites FTP client like FileZilla or the manual command "Force HTTP Upload Specific File Image Folder". The image must be in png format and the name must be the number of the Theme ID. For example, if you enter the number 200 in the ThemeID field of the STHS, your image name must be 200.png. Note: It’s recommended to used number 200 or more for your own Theme ID.
When the team window is opened up in the STHS Client a number of the above options are grayed out as general managers do not have the simulator's permission to adjust them, that is the responsibility of the commissioner. general managers are able to adjust their own e-mail address, instant messenger ID and if the commissioner allows, their ticket prices. All of that information a general manager can change in the Client and save when they're doing their line and roster adjustments. When the commissioner receives the file and opens it within the simulator, all of the changes will be updated automatically.

Note - Your general manager can change their email and messenger ID themselves. When you load lines sent by them, their email and messenger ID will be update. For example, you hired a new general manager and you fill is name, email and messenger ID who were blank. If the new general manager make is lines before you update the STHS Client file and he doesn't update is email and messenger ID, after loading is file, the email and messenger ID will be blank.

6.1.1 - The Finance Windows

Allows you to see information on your team finances:
  • The money in the team's bank account
  • The number of home games remaining
  • The average home attendance
  • The average income per game
  • The estimated income for the rest of the season
  • The total pro players salaries
  • The total farm players salaries
  • The total coaches salaries
  • The pro team's expenses per days
  • The estimated pro team's expenses for the rest of the season
  • The farm team's expenses per days
  • The estimated farm team's expenses for the rest of the season
  • The estimated overall expenses for the rest of the season
  • The estimated season Salary Cap
  • The estimated amount of money that will be in the bank account at the end of the season
You can also view the various seating levels, capacity and ticket prices of your team`s arena. There`s also an option to set a percentage of the team`s arena for season ticket holders. When you have season ticket holders, you are guaranteed a number of ticket sold each game. Finally, you have an option to write the popularity of your team on a scale from 0 to 999.99. The default value is 100. If you enter a value of 200, the number of people in attendance will be double versus the standard value of 100. - Add / Remove Money

Is only available in the STHS Simulator. It enables a commissioner to add or remove money from a team's bank account. When clicked a box will pop-up asking how much money you wish to add/remove, using only numbers enter an amount (put a negative in front of the number to remove money). - Modify Salary Cap Special Value

Is only available in the STHS Simulator. If you use the option 'Special Included in Salary Cap' (See Section 8.14.6 - League Option, 'Finance' Tab), this option is available and allows you to modify the amount of money that is included in the Salary Cap by the 'Special Included in Salary Cap' option for the next 10 years.

6.1.2 - Password

Is only available in the STHS Simulator. It enables a commissioner to set passwords needed in order to access a team feature in the STHS client and to connect to the STHS dynamic website. After the confirmation message, enter the team's password twice (the second time is to confirm the right password). To remove a password leave the fields blank.

6.1.3 - Coach - Change

It enables a commissioner and general manager if the option is enabled, to change coaches for the team. When clicked the coach window will appear and list all of the coaches that are in the league's coach file. In the STHS Simulator, the other coaches listed when changing a pro coach are the coaches of other teams' minor league coaches who will have the name of the pro team beside them. When changing a minor league coach, only the unemployed / available coaches will be listed.

To hire a new coach simply select the coach's name you want to hire, change his salary and contract term and then click 'Hire Coach' which will be followed by a confirmation message.

6.1.4 - Coach - Fire

It enables a commissioner and general manager if the option is enables to fire a team's coach. Click the button and then follow up with the confirmation message.

6.1.5 - Save To File

It enables you to save any team info, roster and line-up changes made. The STHS Client automatically saves the file in the same folder where the STHS Client is installed on your computer. This is the file used to send to the commissioner of the league for changes to be made.

6.1.6 - Load File

Allows you to manually load a line-up from a previously saved file. When clicked, a window comes up and asks you to locate the file you wish to load.

6.1.7 - Create Team Manual History

Is only available in the STHS Simulator. It enables the commissioner to manually enter an event into a team's history.

6.1.8 - Reset Stats (Pro or Farm)

By clicking to reset either your pro or farm stats you create a point in time in your team's history where the simulator begins to tally stats from. All stats generated after this point will be tracked on the TeamStatsVs page for either the pro or farm teams.

Note - Stats don't actually reset. This is just a helpful tool to use when a team has made a major change (change of coach, signing, trade etc.) and wants to see how the team is performing from that point forward.

6.2 - The Roster Window

If you open up the team window by double-clicking on any team in your league, you will see a button called 'Roster', clicking that button brings up a team's roster window. Within the roster window you will find fours lists, the pro roster on the far left, the scratched pro roster on the left, the minor league roster on the right and the scratched minor league roster on the far right.

To move a player from one list to another simply click the name of the player you wish to move and then click the button that corresponds with the move you wish to make.

Above the four lists you'll see check boxes with the various positions beside them (Center, Left Wing, Right Wing, Defense, Goalie) selecting or unselecting these will show you or remove the selected positioned players from your roster listing.

When you select a player's name from any list his attributes appear at the bottom of the window.

To have a complete roster a team must have minimum 20 healthy players on their pro roster including positional minimums which are set by the commissioner in the 'League' - 'League Options' menu. You can verify whether or not your team's roster is 'complete' in the top right hand corner of the team roster window.

Using 'Roster Is Incomplete. Why?' shows you what's wrong with your rosters if they're incomplete.

There is also an option in STHS to update your roster for the next 10 days at once which may be enabled or disabled. To be able to adjust your roster for various games cycle through the games using the arrows at the top of the window.

The 'Copy Rosters' button may be used to copy a set of previously used rosters and forgoes having to adjust rosters manually each day. Click 'Copy Rosters' and a window will pop-up asking you which day you wish to copy your roster to. The copied rosters are the set you had open when you clicked 'Copy Rosters' in the first place.

The 'Copy All Rosters' button will copy the current day's rosters to all other days available.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - After each simulation STHS adjusts your rosters according to the following idea:
- The roster for Simulation #2 becomes the roster for Simulation #1
- The roster for simulation #3 becomes the roster for simulation #2 etc.

It's very important to fill your roster completely from Simulation #2 to Simulation #10 to prevent the simulator create roster on your behalf. This action may be disabled by using the Disable ability to make roster/line for day next games option.

The other options available in the roster window are:

6.2.1 - Make Captain

Select a player and then click this button assigns the team's captaincy to that player.

If the player is in the pros when he's selected he will be made captain of the pro team and if he's on the farm when he's selected he will be made captain of the farm team.

6.2.2 - Make Assistant

Select a player and the click this button assigns one of the team's two assistant captain positions to that player.

If the player is in the pros when he's selected he will be made one of the pro team's two assistant captains and if he's on the farm team when he's selected he will be made one of the farm team's two assistant captains.

6.2.3 - Available for Trade

Checking this box informs other teams in the league that the player is available for trade. While this option has no effect on a player's performance it does appear as checked on a team's roster page.

6.2.4 - Release

Is only available in the STHS Simulator. Allows you to release a player from a team's roster. Selecting this button will bring up a confirmation box followed by a second box asking what percent of the player's salary the team pays for the release (if there's no cost enter 0). The option is not available in playoff.

6.2.5 - Send To Waivers

Allows you to send a player directly to waivers.

6.2.6 - Protected

Is only available during the off-season and allows you to protect a player from the expansion draft.

6.2.7 - Do Not Apply Re-Rate

Is only available in the STHS Simulator. If this option is checked, the player that is selected will not have the off-season re-rate applied to them.

6.2.8 - No Trade

Is only available in the STHS Simulator. If this option is checked, the player that is selected cannot be traded and therefore will not appear in the trade window.

6.2.9 - Auto Can Sent Pro / Auto Can Send Farm

Checking these boxes tell the STHS Auto Roster function not to send a player to the pro roster or farm roster.

6.2.10 - Auto Made Roster

Is an option in the STHS Simulator and the STHS Client which automatically sets a team's roster based on the players available. This option will use the best players in their best suited positions.

6.2.11 - Partial Auto Made Roster

Is an option in the STHS Simulator and the STHS Client which fills in the missing holes using whatever players are available and will leave the remaining roster in tact. This option tries its best to use scratched players only and will not send players to the farm. This option can be disabled by a commissioner.

6.2.12 - Auto Made Roster for Farm Only
Is an option in the STHS Simulator and the STHS Client which automatically sets a team's farm roster based on the players available in the farm. This option will use the best players in their best suited positions.

Once you're done editing your roster in the roster window, click 'Exit'and the changes are made.

6.3 - The Lines Window

Note - The Full Farm Checkbox in the Team Windows allow to decided if you are playing a full farm teams (Minimum of 20 players) or with unknown players. If the commissioner didn’t force the full farm for all teams, you can select it yourself if you have enough players in your farm team.

Clicking the 'Lines' button from the team window allows you to create lines for your pro team while clicking 'Farm Lines' allows you to create lines for your minor league team.

When the window opens you'll see a list of dressed players on the left-hand side, the lines with various tabs in the middle and buttons on the right. To select a player to put on a specific line, click the player's name from the list on the left and select the spot you want him to play from the lines section in the middle. When a player's name is selected you'll notice his ratings and condition appear at the bottom of the window as well as a listing of which lines he's already playing on right above that.

In the middle, right above the various lines are 10 tabs:
  • 'Forward' for your even strength forward lines
  • 'Defense' for your even strength defensemen lines
  • 'PP' for your 5 man power play lines
  • '4vs4' for your 4 on 4 lines or for 4 man power play lines.
  • 'PK4' for your 4 man penalty killing lines
  • 'PK3' for your 3 man penalty killing lines
  • 'Others' for your starting and back-up goalies, your first five choices for penalty shots and your extra forwards and defensemen
  • 'Strategy' for your team wide strategy during the game including what your strategy should be when you're winning, losing, and when the goalie should be pulled
  • 'Last Min' for your offensive and defensive style lines during the last minute of play (hero lines)
  • 'OT' for your overtime period when there is no penalty on both side. The coach will always send 2 forward and 1 defenseman on the ice. This tab is only available if you have activated the "Use Custom Overtime Lines" option. (Note: If there is a penalty, the regular PP, 4vs4 or PK3 lines will apply.).
Note - Goalies will not changed in the last 10 minutes of a game or if the different between the team goals is lower than 2.

Below each line you'll notice four different scales which can be adjusted. The top three scales 'PHY DF and OF' are that line's strategy during the game and may be adjusted using a maximum of 5 points between the three options (the more points you put under OF for example is the more offensive minded that line will be).

Below that you'll find a 'Time %' scale which can be adjusted based on how much ice time you want that specific line to play. The ice time must be highest at Line 1 and lowest at Line 4.

Along the top of the window there is a list of the various positions which can be selected or unselected (like the roster window) to show only the player that can play those positions.

Using 'Auto Made Lines' in the STHS simulator or the STHS Client will have the program set your lines automatically based on the players dressed. Use 'Partial Auto Made Lines' to not have the computer redo your entire lines but fill in the holes. Both of these options may be disabled by a commissioner.

Using 'Why Are My Lines Incomplete?' shows you what's wrong with your lines if they're incomplete.

There is also an option in STHS to update your lines for the next 10 days at once which may be enabled or disabled. To be able to adjust your lines for various games cycle through the games using the arrows at the top of the window. This function is not available in the playoffs.

Using the 'Copy Lines' button at the bottom right of the window may be used to copy a set of previously used lines and forgoes having to adjust lines manually each day. Click 'Copy Lines' and a window will pop-up asking you which day you wish to copy your lines to. The copied lines are the set you had open when you clicked 'Copy Lines' in the first place.

The 'Copy All Lines' button will copy the current day's lines to all other days available.

The 'Wipe Lines' button will erase the lines for the current day.

The 'Reset Strategy and Time' button will erase the line's strategy, the 'Time %' scale and the team wide strategy to the default value.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - After each simulation STHS adjusts your lines according to the following idea:
- The lines for Simulation #2 becomes the lines for Simulation #1
- The lines for simulation #3 becomes the lines for simulation #2 etc.

It's very important to fill your lines completely from Simulation #2 to Simulation #10 to prevent the simulator create lines on your behalf. This action may be disabled by using the Disable ability to make roster/line for day next games option.

Note - If your lines for simulation #2 are left empty the lines will not be adjusted.

Lines must either be created in the STHS Simulator or in the STHS Client. The lines files are saved using the team name with an SHL extension. If an SHL file is renamed, the commissioner will not be able to automatically load the files in STHS and will have to load it manually.

Once you're done editing your lines, click 'Exit' to return to the team window.

6.4 - The Prospect Window

Clicking the 'Prospects' button from the team window in the STHS Simulator enables you to scroll through, add, edit, remove or activate prospects. Each of the buttons on the right hand side are outlined below.

Allows you to add a prospect to the team. Once clicked a box comes up where you type in the name of the prospect and then click 'Add Prospect'.

Allows you to erase a selected prospect from a team's prospect list. Once you have a player highlighted from the left-hand side, click this button to erase the prospect.

Allows you to activate a prospect which has the program search the player's database for a player with the same name that has ratings*. If you check the 'Add as Rookie' box you will add your prospect to the team's roster as a rookie. If you check the 'Reset Contract to 0' box the contract for the player will be for 0 years as they're added.

Note - Prior to activating a prospect from the prospect list you should review your player database (Edit > Edit Players from STHS Simulator) and ensure the prospect's name matches exactly to the name in the database. If the player is not found, the simulator will allowed you to create the players using the Edit Players function. Please note that 'Add as Rookie' and the 'Reset Contract to 0' don’t work when doing this. The player will always be added as rookie..

You can also edit your Players Prospect, Draft Year, Overall Pick,Information, URLLink (hyperlink to the player profile) and Signature date (The date he signed with the team) field from this window.

Exits the Prospect Window.

6.5 - Making Offers To Free Agents

Is only available in the STHS Client V3. The 'Free Agents' option allows you to make an offer to free agents or 'Next Year Free Agent' if the permit by league option..

On the left-hand side you'll see a listing of all of the available players. Once a player is clicked you'll be able to see the type of offer you're making to this player (i.e. you'll be informed if the player is a restricted free agent). To make an offer, enter a salary (no commas, periods, dollar signs, strictly numbers) as well as a value for the duration of the contract. At this point you may also offer up a signing bonus to the player but a bonus is not required to make an offer. You can also make comments to why this players should accept your offer and change his current contract feature (Can Play Pro, Can Play Farm, No Trade & Pro Salary in Farm / 1 Way Contract).

Note - The only way for an offer to be considered valid is if it consists of a dollar value and a length of term.

If you'd like to search for a player from the list use one of the following three options.

1 - Use the 'Search Player' button found at the bottom of the window and enter a partial or complete name of the player you're looking for and hit OK.
2 - Select the player at the top of the list, then using your keyboard type the first letter of the first name of the player you're looking for and scroll from there
3 - Manually scroll through the list using your mouse / keyboard

The basic statistics on a selected player can be found at the bottom of the window. If you double-click on a player you'll be able to see his basic info.

By clicking 'Show players who has received an offer only', you will condense the list to only the players who you've made an offer to.

By clicking 'Only show Other team UFA Player', you will only see other team unrestricted free agent in the list.

Once you've sent all of your offers, simply press 'Exit'. The offers will be transmit to the commissioner of the league with your rosters and lines changes.

If you want erase all your previous offer, simply click the 'Reset Offers' button.

Note - If you make more offers to free agents than your league allows, STHS will not let you exit the windows.

6.6 - Making A Fantasy or Entry Draft List

Is only available in the STHS Client V3. This option is only available in the off-season and only if the commissioner has started a fantasy or entry draft. Note : If you are in an entry draft, this option will be available and will allow the commissioner to see the list send by the general manager.

On the left-hand side you'll see all of the available players and on the right-hand side are all of your selections.

To add players to your selection list click '-->'
To remove players from your selection list click '<--'
To move players up in preference in your selection list click 'Up'
To move players down in preference in your selection list click 'Down'

If you'd like to search for a player from the list use one of the following three options.

1 - Use the 'Search Player' button found at the bottom of the window and enter a partial or complete name of the player you're looking for and hit 'OK'
2 - Select the player at the top of the list, then using your keyboard type the first letter of the first name of the player you're looking for and scroll from there
3 - Manually scroll through the list using your mouse / keyboard

In the fantasy draft you may also check or uncheck the position boxes (C, LW, RW, D, G) to narrow down the positions you're looking at making it easier to find specific players.

Double-clicking on a player in the list will bring up his basic information.

Once your list is finalized, simply press 'Exit'. The list will be transmit to the commissioner of the league with your rosters and lines changes.

6.7 - Web Client Web Client on the Dynamic Website

The following 5 sections explain how to manage a team through the dynamic website. You must be login on the website before accessing the web pages and the commissioner must allow those options to be used.

6.7.1 - Rosters Editor Online

Within the Web Client Roster page you will find fours lists, the pro roster on the far left, the scratched pro roster on the left, the minor league roster on the right and the scratched minor league roster on the far right.

To move a player from one list to another, drag the name of the player you want to move and drop it on the name of another list.

Above the four lists you'll see check boxes with the various positions beside them (Center, Left Wing, Right Wing, Defense, Goalie) selecting or unselecting these will show you or remove the selected positioned players from your roster listing.

To have a complete roster a team must have minimum 20 healthy players on their pro roster including positional minimums which are set by the commissioner in the 'League' - 'League Options' menu.

A green label will tell you if your roster is good. If you have any issue, the label will turn red and tell you why.

Please note that validation of the roster in the WebClient is basic. For example, validation that the salary cap is respected is not done. So, it is possible that the STHS will refuse a roster made by the WebClient.

The 'Save Rosters' button will save your changes in the database.

6.7.2 - Lines Editor Online

Within the Web Client Lines page you'll see a list of dressed players on the left-hand side, the lines with various tabs in the middle and buttons on the right. To select a player to put on a specific line, click the player's name from the list on the left and select the spot you want him to play from the lines section in the middle.

In the middle, right above the various lines are 10 tabs:
  • 'Forward' for your even strength forward lines
  • 'Defense' for your even strength defensemen lines
  • 'PP' for your 5 man power play lines
  • '4vs4' for your 4 on 4 lines or for 4 man power play lines.
  • 'PK4' for your 4 man penalty killing lines
  • 'PK3' for your 3 man penalty killing lines
  • 'Others' for your starting and back-up goalies, your first five choices for penalty shots and your extra forwards and defensemen
  • 'Strategy' for your team wide strategy during the game including what your strategy should be when you're winning, losing, and when the goalie should be pulled
  • 'Last Min' for your offensive and defensive style lines during the last minute of play (hero lines)
  • 'Overtime' for your overtime period when there is no penalty on both side. The coach will always send 2 forward and 1 defenseman on the ice. This tab is only available if you have activated the "Use Custom Overtime Lines" option. (Note: If there is a penalty, the regular PP, 4vs4 or PK3 lines will apply.).
Note - Goalies will not changed in the last 10 minutes of a game or if the different between the team goals is lower than 2.

Below each line you'll notice four different scales which can be adjusted. The top three scales 'PHY DF and OF' are that line's strategy during the game and may be adjusted using a maximum of 5 points between the three options (the more points you put under OF for example is the more offensive minded that line will be).

Below that you'll find a 'Time %' scale which can be adjusted based on how much ice time you want that specific line to play. The ice time must be highest at Line 1 and lowest at Line 4.

Along the top of the window there is a list of the various positions which can be selected or unselected (like the roster window) to show only the player that can play those positions.

Using 'Auto Lines' in the Web Client will have the program set your lines automatically based on the players dressed.

Note - This Auto Line function may give different result that the STHS.

A green label will tell you if your lines is good. If you have any issue, the label will turn red and tell you why.

The 'Save Lines' button will save your change in the database.

6.7.3 - Team Editor Online

This webpage allows you to edit the captain, assistants and ticket price (if allowed by the commissioner) of your professional and farm team.

6.7.4 - Trade Online

This webpage has 4 sections, create an offer, confirm an offer, view confirm trades and view pending trades. The first two sections are only available for general managers, they are not available for the commissioner.

Create an Offer: On the right side, you have a list box with the team’s name currently log int. On the right side, you have a list box with all the other team. Please select the team you wish to make an offer to and click on ’Create Offer’. On the next page, you’ll see list a list of players, prospects, draft picks and conditional picks for both teams. By clinking on a player, it’ll be move on the right empty list, meaning it’s part of the trade. Continue with prospects, draft picks, conditional draft picks, money, salary cap year #1 and #2 for both teams. Then, you can add a message to the Commissioner and click ’Submit. On the next page, you’ll see confirmation of your trade offer. Finally click ’Confirm Trade’ to confirm your offer.

Confirmed Trade Already Enter by First GM : Click on the link. If you have a pending offer, you will see it by clicking on this link. You can confirm or refuse it. If you confirm, you can add a message to the commissioner.

View Confirm Trades : This page allows you to see the transactions approved by the general managers.

View Pending Trades : This page allows you to view transactions that are pending approval by a general manager.

6.7.5 - Free Agents Offers Online

This web page shows all the players who are currently without a contract in a table. The table come with default column selected but you can click on 'Show or Hide Columns' to show or hide column that interest you. In the list of column, you have the Salary Offer, Duration Offer and other option for your offer. On the right side, you have the 'Submit' Offer and 'Erase' Offer button.

Note – The dynamic website will not save more offers to free agents than your league allows it.

6.7.6 - Draft Order Selection Online

This web page shows all names that are currently available for draft (Entry or Fantasy). By clicking on a name, it will be moved to the empty list on the right, which means that it is part of your draft list. You can also drag it to the list on the right. Then you can change the order of your list by dragging the names up or down.

6.7.7 - Waiver Online

On your league waivers page, you have the ability to show interest in a player on waivers and you can force a player to waiver.

7 - Players & Goalies

7.1 - Player & Goalie Abbreviations

The SimonT Hockey Simulator offers 17 different rating categories for skaters and 15 different categories for goalies which allows the program to distinguish one player's characteristics from another. To make it easier, some commissioners may opt to simplify things by merging some of the ratings.

STHS has an OV (Overall) rating category which is an indicator as to a player's skill for general managers looking at a roster page but is useless to the program and may be removed if a commissioner feels its not needed. The OV is also variable according to various options' of simulation

Below is a breakdown of the ratings STHS uses.

Roster Page - Skaters - Full Ratings

PO = Position
CON = Condition
IJ = Injury -- HO = Holding Out
CK = Checking
FG = Fighting
DI = Discipline
SK = Skating
ST = Strength
EN = Endurance
DU = Durability
PH = Puck Handling
FO = Face Offs
PA = Passing
SC = Scoring
DF = Defense
PS = Penalty Shot
EX = Experience
LD = Leadership
MO = Morale
PO = Potential
OV = Overall
TA = Trade Available
SP = Star Power

Roster Page - Skaters - Reduced Ratings

IT = Intensity --> Checking / Fighting / Discipline
PY = Physique --> Skating / Strength / Endurance / Durability
PC = Puck Control --> Puck Handling / Face Offs / Passing / Penalty Shot
SC = Scoring --> Scoring
DF = Defense --> Defense
ME = Mental --> Experience / Leadership / Morale
PO = Potential --> Potential
OV = Overall --> Overall

Players Stats

GP = Games Played
G = Goals
A = Assists
P = Points
+/- = Plus/Minus
PIM = Penalty Minutes
PIM5 = Penalty Minutes for Major Penalty
HIT = Hits
HTT = Hits Received
SHT = Shots
OSB = Own Shots Block by others players
OSM = Own Shots Miss the net
SHT% = Shooting Percentage
SB = Shots Blocked
MP = Minutes Played
AMG = Average Minutes Played per Game
PPG = Power Play Goals
PPA = Power Play Assists
PPP = Power Play Points
PPS = Power Play Shots
PPM = Power Play Minutes Played
PKG = Penalty Kill Goals
PKA = Penalty Kill Assists
PKP = Penalty Kill Points
PKS = Penalty Kill Shots
PKM = Penalty Kill Minutes Played
GW = Game Winning Goals
GT = Game Tying Goals
FO% = Face off Percentage
FOT = Face offs Taken
GA = Give Aways
TA = Take Aways
EG = Empty Net Goals
HT = Hat Tricks
P/20 = Points per 20 Minutes
PSG = Penalty Shots Goals
PSS = Penalty Shots Taken
FW = Fight Won
FL = Fight Lost
FT = Fight Ties
GS = Current Goal Scoring Streak
PS = Current Point Scoring Steak
WG = Current Goal Scoring Slump
WP = Current Point Scoring Slump
S1 = Number of time players was star #1 in a game
S2 = Number of time players was star #2 in a game
S3 = Number of time players was star #3 in a game
UFA = Unrestricted Free Agent
RFA = Restricted Free Agent

Roster Page - Goalies - Full Ratings

SK = Skating
DU = Durability
EN = Endurance
SZ = Size
AG = Agility
RB = Rebound Control
SC = Style Control
HS = Hand Speed
RT = Reaction Time
PH = Puck Handling
PS = Penalty Shot
EX = Experience
LD = Leadership
MO = Morale
PO = Potential
OV = Overall

Roster Page - Goalies - Reduced Ratings

PH = Physique --> Skating / Endurance / Durability / Strength / Size / Agility
RB = Rebound Control --> Rebound Control / Puck Control
SC = Style Control --> Style Control
HS = Hand Speed --> Hand Speed
RT = Reaction Time --> Reaction Time / Penalty Shot
ME = Mental --> Experience / Leadership / Morale
PO = Potential --> Potential
OV = Overall --> Overall

Goalies Stats

GP = Games Played
W = Wins
L = Losses
OTL = Overtime Losses
PCT = Save Percentage
GAA = Goals Against Average
MP = Minutes Played
PIM = Penalty Minutes
SO = Shootout
GA = Goals Against
SA = Shots Against
SAR = Shots Against Rebound
A = Assists
EG = Empty net Goals
PS% = Penalty Shots Save Percentage
PSA = Penalty Shots Against
ST = Number of game goalies start as Start goalie
BG = Number of game goalies start as Backup goalie
S1 = Number of time players was star #1 in a game
S2 = Number of time players was star #2 in a game
S3 = Number of time players was star #3 in a game

Coach Ratings

PH = Physical
DF = Defense
OF = Offense
PD = Player Discipline
EX = Experience
LD = Leadership
PO = Potential

IMPORTANT NOTICE - The PO (Potential) rating for both players and coaches is only used during re-rates and has no effect on their performance at all.

7.2 - Where are rating used in the STHS

You’ll find information that tell you exactly the impact of each rating has for players and goalies.

Players Rating

Checking - The higher the stat, more hit he'll give.
Fighting - The higher the stat, more fight he'll be part of.
Discipline - The higher the stat, less penalty he'll take.
Skating - The higher the stat, less chance to get successfully hit. Part of decision making formula*.
Strength - The higher the stat, less chance to get successfully hit. Limited effect on faceoff. (Affect by Coach)
Endurance - Affect all games stats. If a player's is send on ice when he's fatigue, this stat is used in the formula to decide if all stats for this shift will be lower than normal. Also uses in the post-game fatigue formula.
Durability - The higher the stat, less chance to get injure.
Puck Handling - The higher the stat, less chance to get successfully hit / less chance to lost control of puck / better chance in shot block or shot deflection. Part of decision making formula*.
Face Offs - The higher the stat, the more faceoff he'll win.
Passing - The higher the stat, better chance to have a successful pass. Part of decision making formula*.
Scoring - The higher the stat, better chance to score by normal shot or deflection. Part of decision making formula*.
Defense - The higher the stat, better he'll play in defense / he'll block more shot / he'll retrieved more free puck. Part of decision making formula*.
Penalty Shot - The higher the stat, the more chance to score in a penalty shot.
Experience - The higher the stat, the better his morale and his team morale will be. Limited effect on faceoff.
Leadership - The higher the stat, the better his morale and his team morale will be.
Morale - Affect all game stats at beginning of game. The higher the stat, the higher the players performance boost will be. (It's combined with the Team Morale)
Potential - Only used in the STHS Rerate Formula
Weight & Height - The heavier and bigger the players are, the more hit he'll give.

* When a player has the puck, he needs to make a decision of what to do with it. There are 3 results possible: skate, pass or shot. It doesn’t matter if the player skills are at 50 or 99 for this formula. The player’s skills are compared between each other’s for this formula.

The decision is based on 5 skills:
  • Skating (Primary) and Puck Handling (Limited affect) are uses to decide if the players skate.
  • Passing (Primary) and Defense (Limited affect) are uses to decide if the players pass.
  • Scoring (Primary) is uses to decide if the player shot.
So, a players with 99 in the 5 skills has the same % of chance to shot to the net that a player who has 50 in the 50 skills.

Goalies Ratings

Skating - The higher the stat, better chance to stop a shot. (Secondary)
Durability - The higher the stat, less chance to get injure.
Endurance - Uses in the post-game fatigue formula.
Size - The higher the stat, better chance to stop a shot. (Secondary)
Agility - The higher the stat, better chance to stop a shot. (Secondary)
Rebound Control - The higher the stat, less chance for a rebound
Style Control - The higher the stat, better chance to stop a shot. (Primary)
Hand Speed - The higher the stat, better chance to stop a shot. (Primary)
Reaction Time - The higher the stat, better chance to stop a shot. (Primary)
Puck Control - The higher the stat, better chance to intercept puck when puck is dumped.
Penalty Shot - The higher the stat, better chance to stop a penalty shot.
Experience - The higher the stat, the better his morale and his team morale will be.
Leadership - The higher the stat, the better his morale and his team morale will be.
Morale - Affect all game stats at beginning of game. The higher the stat, the higher the players performance boost will be. (It's combined with the Team Morale)
Potential - Only used in the STHS Rerate Formula
Weight & Height - No Impact. The rating Size is use instead.

Note - Age, country, contract length, salaries and star power has no impact in the simulation engine for players and goalies.

7.3 - Coaches Abbreviations

PH - Physical Style - How good the coach is on creating physical strategy.
DF - Defense Style - How good the coach is on creating defense strategy.
OF - Offense Style - How good the coach is on creating offense strategy.
PD - Player Discipline - How good the coach is on player discipline.
EX - Experience - Experience of the coach.
LP - Leadership - Leadership of the coach.
PO - Potential - Potential to become better.

8 - The Menu

The SimonT Hockey Simulator has been designed to be fully customizable, giving leagues the opportunity to create a league that meets their needs specifically.

8.1 -Menu - File

Under 'File' you are able to create a NEW league (see Section 4 - Creating a New League), OPEN a league that has already been created, SAVE a league that has been created, save the league file in a different folder for back-up purposes (SAVE AS), and finally EXIT which closes the program.

If you close your league before hitting the SAVE button a confirmation message will pop-up asking you if you want to save it prior to closing the program or opening another league file.

8.2 - Menu - Edit

Under 'Edit' you have three options, you may 'Edit Players' , 'Edit Coaches' or 'Edit Referees and Linesmen'.

8.2.1 - Edit Players

By clicking the 'Edit Players' button you're able to edit the player database your league uses. You may edit an existing player already in the database or add to the database by creating a new player.

On the left-hand side of the window you'll find a list of all the players already in your league's database sorted alphabetically. If you click on a player's name you'll be able to see their information on the right-hand side of the window.

The attributes you may edit are as follows:
  • Name
  • Country
  • Birthday
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Condition (the health of the player out of 100) (you can enter decimal number like 98.34)
  • Injury (if the player isn't 100%)
  • Draft Year and Overall Pick
  • Star Power 0 to 2 (the higher the number the more revenue teams generate from home games)
  • Suspension* (if the player has a suspension this will show how long the suspension is for) Note #1 - Suspension are not served in pre-season / Note #2 - Condition of 99 mean Hold-Out/Unavailable.
  • Acquired By : How the player was acquired
  • Position (more than one position can be selected at a time)
  • Can Play Pro (if the player may play Pro games)
  • Can Play Farm (if the player may play Farm games)
  • Do Not Apply Re-Rate (once this box is checked the simulator will not re-rate this player)
  • Rookie (check this box if the player is classified as a rookie in your league)
  • No Trade (check this box if the player has a no trade clause for the entire contrat duration)
  • Force Waiver (check this box to force player to go on waiver send to farm)
  • Exclude Salary Cap (check this box to exclude a players from is team Salary Cap)
  • Pro Salary in Farm / 1 Way Contract (Check this box if you want this player to be paid is full professional salary in the farm and it salary to count against the pro salary cap. You can change the % of salary cap impact by changing the Pro Salary in Farm / 1 Way Contract Salary Cap % in the league option, 'Players' Tab.)
  • Force UFA (Check this box if you want a player to be UFA even he doesn’t have the age for it - This attribute reset to false at the beginning of every season.)
  • Emergency Recall (If allow, check this box if you want a player to be able to move between pro and farm after the trade deadline - This attribute reset to false at the beginning of every off-season.)
  • Contract (the length of the contract)
  • Salary (how much the player makes each year)
  • Salary Cap (the value used to calculate the salary cap each year)
  • No Trade (The player is not available for trade for certain years of his contract)
  • Date of contract signature
  • Stats
  • Notes (A section where you can take notes on a player.)
  • URL Link (create a link to a player profile page)
  • NHL ID (enter the NHL ID for the SQLite Database and Dynamic Website)
  • Allow Edition (once this box is checked you are able to edit the player's information)
* - if a player is on waivers while you are trying to edit his characteristics you may not adjust his suspension length

IMPORTANT NOTICE - For the simulator to make edits to a player, the 'Allow Editing' box must be checked, otherwise editing will not be possible.

The 'New Player' and 'New Goalie' buttons allow you to enter a new player or goalie's information into your database. Once you've entered the player or goalie's information in all of the boxes click 'Save Player' or 'Save Goalie' to save the information and add the player to the database.

If you'd like to search for a player from the list use one of the following three options.

1 - Use the 'Search Player' button found at the bottom of the window and enter a partial or complete name of the player you're looking for and hit OK
2 - Select the player at the top of the list, then using your keyboard type the first letter of the first name of the player you're looking for and scroll from there
3 - Manually scroll through the list using your mouse / keyboard

Finally, you can retire a player from your league by using the 'Retire' button.

8.2.2 - Edit Coaches

By clicking the 'Edit Coaches' button you're able to edit the coaches database your league uses. You may edit an existing coach already in the database or add to the database by creating a new coach.

On the left-hand side of the window you'll find a list of all the coaches already in your league's database sorted alphabetically with the team their affiliated with in brackets. If you click on a coach's name you'll be able to see their information on the right-hand side of the window.

The attributes you may edit are as follows:
- Name
- Country
- Age
- Contract (the length of the contract)
- Salary (how much the coach makes each year)
- Contract Signature Date

The 'New Coach' button allow you to enter a new coach's information into your database. Once you've entered the coach's information in all the boxes click 'Save Coach'.

If you'd like to search for a coach from the list use one of the following three options.

1 - Use the 'Search Coach' button found at the bottom of the window and enter a partial or complete name of the coach you're looking for and hit OK
2 - Select the coach at the top of the list, then using your keyboard type the first letter of the first name of the coach you're looking for and scroll from there
3 - Manually scroll through the list using your mouse / keyboard

8.2.3 - Edit Referees and Linesmen

When you click 'Edit Referees and Linesmen' a window will come up with a list of existing referees and linesmen on the left and options to create a new referee or linesmen on the right.

You can click 'Search Referee' at the bottom left to search through the list of existing referees / linesmen.

You can click 'New Referee' on the right which opens up the ability to create a new referee or linesmen. Once that button has been clicked simply enter in the referee or linesmen's name and check which role he will take on as either a 'Referee' or a 'Linesmen'.

You may also erase an existing referee or linesmen by clicking his name from the list on the left and then clicking the 'Erase Referee' button on the right.

8.2.4 - Edit - Prospects

When you click 'Edit Prospects' a window will come up with a list of existing prospect. From this windows, you can only edit or erase prospect, you can not add or activate prospect. To add or activate prospect, you need to access the same windows from the team Windows. Please check the The Prospect Window for more information.

8.3 - Menu - Team

When you click 'Team' on the menu, you'll see the following options:

View Team
Takes you to the Team Window (Section 6.1) where you can edit information for the team that's highlighted.

Is only available in the STHS Client. Takes you to the Waiver Window.

8.4 - Menu - Simulate

When you click 'Simulate' on the menu, you'll see the following options:

8.4.1 - Start Season

Is only available during the off-season and is used to start a new season once a schedule has been created.

If you choose to start a season and you have yet to complete your entry draft, the simulator will ask you if you're sure you want to continue. If you choose 'yes' all unused draft picks for that year will be lost.

If you choose to start a season and you have not started your entry draft you will have to run a fake entry draft unless the 'Skip Entry Draft' function has been enabled. To run a fake entry draft, start the entry draft and exit the windows after.

8.4.2 - End Season / Start Playoffs

Is only available once the regular season schedule has been completed. Use this option to officially complete the regular season and have the simulator set up your playoff match-ups. You’ll be asked if you want to your save your season statistic in the STHS Career Stat File. For more information, see the CareerStat Section of the Manual.

8.4.3 - Start Off-Season

Is only available once the playoffs have been completed. Use this option to officially complete the playoffs and begin the off-season. You’ll be asked if you want to your save your playoff statistic in the STHS Career Stat File. For more information, see the CareerStat Section of the Manual.

8.4.4 - Simulate

By clicking this option a window will come up that will allow you to simulate games. In this window you'll see the current day of the schedule that is being simulated as well as the games that are scheduled, in order. The window will clearly label the home and visiting teams for each game.

On the bottom of the window there are five buttons.

Simulate - Allows you to simulate the day of games listed.
Consecutive Day* - Allows you to simulate a number of days at a time depending on which number is entered.
Full Season* - Allows you to simulate the entire season at once.
Rest Day - Allows you to give all teams and all players in the league an entire day off to rest.
Exit - Allows you to exit the window.

* - If you simulate consecutive days the simulator will ask you if you want to output the web pages after each day is simulated. By clicking 'yes' the simulator will output the pages as well as increase the overall time of the simulation.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - When simulating consecutive days or full seasons, the simulator does not ask questions it normally would (such as prompting you to change playoff series length between each series) and output the CSV/XML automatically.

If you click 'Simulate' the simulator will simulate the games for the day listed and give you the results in real time.

After a simulation a button will appear at the top right-hand corner of the window that says 'Show Tomorrow's Games' which if clicked will enable you to see the following day's games in the same window.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - If you receive an error during simulation, refer to the Frequent Errorssection for help.

8.4.5 - Auto Load Lines

Use this option to have the simulator automatically load lines files for all teams from the lines folder set for your league.

8.4.6 - Rest Day

Use this option to give all teams and all players in the league an entire day off to rest.

8.4.7 - Exhibition Game

Use this option if you want to simulate an exhibition game between any two teams in your league. An exhibition game can be simulated at any time during the season and does not effect your team's record, health, finances etc.

Once clicked a window will pop-up asking you to choose a team in each box.

Check the 'Farm' box if you want the exhibition game to be between two farm teams of your choice.
Enter the 'Rivalry' number between 0 (No rivalry) and 5 (Very high rivalry).
Check the 'Shootout Only' box if you want to simulate only an exhibition shootout between the two teams of your choice.
Check the 'Debug' box to have the simulator create files to debug the simulator incase a bug appears.

Once you've decided on the format click 'Simulate Exhibition' to simulate the game.

8.4.8 - All-Star Game

Use this option to simulate an All-Star Game.

Near the top on the left side you'll see three lists 'Visitor Team', 'All Players' and 'Home Team' which is where the All-Star team rosters can be created. Simply click a player's name and select '<--To Visitor Team' or 'To Home Team-->' to assign the player.  Once you're happy with the rosters selected you may edit either team's lines by clicking 'Visitor Lines' or 'Home Lines'.

Below these three lists are fields where you may edit the home and visitor team's names and abbreviations.

On the right side are the options for the All-Star Game which may be manipulated separately from the league options to give the game a more authentic feel. There are also several options at the bottom of this section to activate or deactivate several options for the game (injuries, suspensions, coaches, morale, penalties & fights).

When you're happy with the setup click 'Simulate' to simulate the All-Star Game.

8.5 - Menu - Output

When you click 'Output' you'll see the following options:

8.5.1 - Output

This section is where the files are created and outputted for the creation of your league's website.

STHS create the Client files, a SQLite database, the dynamic website (See section 11 for more information on dynamic website), multiples legacy static files et CSV/XML files. As explained in 'Section 3 - STHS Client', the Client file is used by the general managers of your league to edit their roster and adjust their lines. In order to be able to do this a file has to be created and uploaded to your league's website so that they can download it, use it and send it back with the changes made. The CSV/XML pages are created for use with third-party programs.

Below is a brief description of what each file contains.

Team Finance - Shows the financial picture for each team, complete with expenses and revenue information
League Records - Shows the statistical records for the league
Team Records - Shows the statistical records for each team
Re-Rate Difference - Shows the difference in ratings for players after the re-rate has been done
Dynamic Website - Several files coded in PHP which requires the SQLite database to function and replace most of legacy static files. Note: These files only change when you update your STHS version. You are not required to output them each day but only when you upgrade your STHS version.

Legacy Static Files

Thoses files are not longer required and were replaced by dynamic website.

Today's Games - Shows the games played that day
Pro Standing - Shows the team standings of the league (Overall, by Conference and by Division)
Pro Team Roster - Shows each team's roster complete with player ratings
Pro Team Scoring - Shows the statistics of players organized by team
Pro Team Players Info - Shows details about each player organized by team
Pro Team Lines - Shows the current lines of each team
Pro Team Schedule - Shows the complete schedule for each team
Team Prospects - Shows each team's draft picks by year as well as the prospect list
Team History - Shows the history of each team
Team Injury - Shows the injuries and suspensions for each team
Pro Team Stats - Shows team stats for each team
Pro Team Stats Vs - Shows the team stats for each team when compared to the other teams in the league
Coaches - Shows the complete list of coaches in the database, their ratings, contract information and the team they're with
Waivers - Shows the players currently on waivers
Today Transactions - Shows the transactions that have occurred in the league for the current date only
Transactions - Shows the transactions that have occurred in the league to date (by date)
Schedule - Shows the complete league schedule (by date)
Pro Leaders - Shows the top skaters in points as well as the top goalies in the league
Pro Individual Leaders - Shows the top players in various statistical categories
Unassigned - Shows the players in the database who are not on a roster and their rating information
Farm Standing - Shows the farm team standings of the league (Overall, by Conference and by Division)
Farm Team Roster - Shows each farm team's roster complete with player ratings
Farm Team Scoring - Shows the statistics of players organized by farm team
Farm Team Players Info - Shows details about each player organized by farm team
Farm Team Lines - Shows the current lines of each farm team
Farm Team Schedule - Shows the complete schedule for each farm team
Farm Team Stats - Shows team stats for each farm team
Farm Team Stats Vs - Shows the farm team stats for each team when compared to the other farm teams in the league
Farm Leaders - Shows the top skaters in points as well as the top goalies in the league
Farm Individual Leaders - Shows the top players in various statistical categories
Index - Contains links to the other pages that are outputted
Teams And GM Info - Shows the information of the general managers in the league and their teams
Pro Power Ranking - Shows the power ranking for teams in the pro league
Farm Power Ranking - Shows the power ranking for teams in the farm league
Free Agents - Shows the free agents of each team (Only available in the off-season)
Entry Draft - Shows the results of the entry draft (Only available in the off-season)
Expansion Draft - Shows the results of the expansion draft (Only available in the off-season)
Awards - Shows the trophy winners (Only available between the end of the playoffs and the start of the off-season)
Pro All Players Stats - Shows the pro statistics of players organized by the best scorer
Farm All Players Stats - Shows the farm statistics of players organized by best scorer
Trade History - Show the history of transaction in your league

Each box is automatically checked based on the setup chosen in the Output Options.

You can pick and choose which boxes you want to output each time you view this window and when you're ready click 'Output' at the bottom of the window.

To make it easier, you may click 'Click All' or 'Unclick All' to have all the boxes checked or unchecked automatically for you.

Click 'Exit' when you're done.

STHS automatically links all outputted pages to one another as well as it creates direct links to the teams in your league. If you setup your output to only include certain pages, the ones you do not output will not be linked.

If you are simulating a pre-season schedule, you'll notice at the top of every page it'll say 'Simulating a Pre-Season'.

8.6 - Menu - League

When you click 'League' you'll see the following options:

8.6.1 - Transactions

This is the area of the simulator that the commissioner uses to make trades between teams. Once 'Transactions' is clicked, a window will come up which is divided into two parts.

The first thing that has to be done is a team has to be chosen from the top half and one for the top half of the window. These two teams represent the teams involved in the trade. Once a team is chosen for each half of the window more options become available such as: players, prospects , draft picks and conditional draft picks.

Based on which tab you choose, the right side of the window for that team will change. Select the tab you want and then the part of that tab you want to add to the trade and click 'Add To Trade'. Once that's clicked the item you selected will be added to the right-hand side of the window which details the contents of the trade. You can click multiple players, prospects or draft picks at a time by holding down the CTRL key while clicking. Continue this process for the second team in the trade.

You can remove players, prospects or picks from a trade by selecting the players from the trade box and clicking the 'Remove' button.

To add money and/or salary cap space for the current year to the trade, type in the amount of money you wish to have exchanged in the 'Money' or 'Salary Cap Y1' or 'Salary Cap Y2' box using only numbers (no spaces, commas or dollar signs).

Note - If you want to trade space on the salary cap for several years, you must change it manually in the team finance by changing the 'Special Salary Cap Value' field for the 2 teams. The team that supports part of the player salary will see it 'Special Salary Cap Value' increased while the other will see it "Salary Cap Special Value 'decreased. The 'Special Salary Cap Value' field accepts negative numbers. It is up to you or your general managers to decide / calculate the monetary value of players they are trading.

For conditional draft pick, the draft pick will always be property of the original team, but it will not be possible to trade anymore. When you start your entry draft for the year of the draft pick, the simulator will warn you if it found conditional draft picks and print them in transaction log/output of your league with the team's name that might have conditional draft pick. At this point, it’s your duties to confirm the condition was fulfilled and make a regular trade in the trade windows.

If you wish to erase the deal and start fresh simply click the 'Reset' button.

Once both teams have had all parts added to the trade, click the 'Trade' button and the trade will be processed by the simulator.

In the bottom, you also have the button 'Edit Conditional Draft Picks' which brings up a window that is split into two sections. On the left-hand side is a list of all of the teams in the league and on the right-hand side, a list of conditional draft pick. To see a list of conditional draft a team has trade, select the team. If you want to remove the condition from a draft pick, select the draft pick and click on 'Remove Condition from Draft Pick'. If you want to add explication for the conditional draft pick, click on the 'Conditional Draft Pick Explication' and enter the explication. This information will be available on the dynamic website if you hover over this conditional draft pick text.

8.6.2 - Waivers

When you click 'Waiver' you will see a window pop-up with two listings, 'Teams' on the left and 'Players' on the right.

If the waivers option is enabled in your league, any player that is placed on waivers by a team will appear under the 'Players' listing during his time on the waiver wire.

To show a team's interest in a player, you must select the desired team, then select the player and press the 'Show Interest from Team to Player' button located at the bottom of the window.

In STHS the waiver priority order is based on the current league overall standings and has the worst team at the top of the list and the best team at the bottom. You can modify the order of the 'Teams' by selecting a team and clicking either 'Up' or 'Down' to move the team order. The list might get update after each simulation depending on your option 'Run Reverse Waiver At %'.

Although a team may claim a player before his time expires on waivers, he will not be transferred to the team until the waiver time has past. When a claim is made for a player, it is recorded in the transactions log.

Clicking 'Remove From Waiver' to manually remove a player from waivers.

This option is also available from the STHS Client. From the STHS Client, only the team you have selected is show in team. Any players assign to a team in the STHS Client will be transmit to the commissioner of the league with your rosters and lines changes.
8.6.3 - Auto Rosters

Select this option to have the simulator automatically fill out every team's roster in your league. The simulator will inform you if the minimum players needed to fill out a roster are not available.

8.6.4 - Auto Lines

Use this option to have the simulator automatically fill out the lines for every team in your league. The simulator will inform you if the minimum players needed to fill out the lines are not available.

8.6.5 - Rivalry (Pro / Farm)

In this portion of the menu the commissioner can select rivalries between teams in the league. When teams play against one another as rivals the intensity levels of the players increases.

To create a rivalry between two teams in either the pros or on the farm simply select the part of the league you want to have a rivalry in. You'll see a window pop-up that is split in half, on both sides is a list of the teams in the league you selected. Click one team name in each window who you want to set up as rivals. Once a team is selected in each window, enter a number between 0 (No rivalry) and 5 (Very high rivalry) in the 'Rivalry' box at the bottom of the window. STHS does not limit the amount of rivalries a league has.

If you want to cancel a rivalry between two teams, select the two teams (one in each side of the window) and enter 0 in 'Rivalry' box.

8.7 - Schedule

This option is available during the off-season and is a requirement of the simulator in order to start a regular season or a pre-season.

8.7.1 - Make Schedule (Pro or Farm)

When 'Make Schedule' is clicked a window will pop-up with the following options.

Minimum Games vs Own Division - Enter the minimum number of games each team will have to play against teams in its own division.
Minimum Games vs Own Conference - Enter the minimum number of games each team will have to play against teams in its own conference.
Minimum Games vs Other Conference - Enter the minimum number of games each team will have to play against teams in the other conference.
Total Games Per Team - Enter the total number of games each team will play over the course of the season (the total varies based on the other numbers entered).
Target Games Per Day - Enter the ideal number of games that will be played each day of the season.
Variance For Target Games Per Day - Enter the maximum number you want each day's total games to vary by (example - Target is 5, Variance is 2, Games Per Day will range from 3 - 7 games per day).
Max Consecutive Home Games - Enter the maximum number of home games each team may play in a row during the season.
Max Consecutive Away Games - Enter the maximum number of away games each team may play in a row during the season.

You'll be able to see the estimated number of days in your schedule based on the numbers you've inputted into the 'Total Games Per Team' and 'Target Games Per Day' boxes.

If you wish to create a pre-season schedule be sure to check the 'Pre-Season' box at the bottom of the window. During a pre-season schedule the simulator does not take finances into account and also does not run a playoff upon completion. You will have to recreate a new schedule after your pre-season is done.

Once you're happy with what you've entered click 'Make Schedule' and the simulator will generate a schedule for you.

The 3 Max Consecutive options might not be enforce the end of your season because of logistics issue (It’s very hard to build a schedule creator). Click on this text in the STHS if you want to check if these options are enforce correctly. If you have error, you can either recreate a new schedule or edit the schedule via the Edit Schedules options.

8.7.2 - Edit Schedule (Pro or Farm)

This option allows you to edit a schedule at any given time during the season and playoff. In certain cases, it is impossible to edit a playoff schedule. You cannot create a brand new schedule with this feature.

Once your open the windows, you’ll see a listing of all games in the left section on the windows and the option on the right side.

Day - Allow you to modify the day the game will be play.
Visitor Team - Allow you to change the Visitor Team.
Home Team - Allow you to change the Home Team.
Up By 1 - Allow you to raise the game # in the schedule by 1.
Up by # - Allow you to raise the game # in the schedule by number that you input.
Down By 1 - Allow you to lower the game # in the schedule by 1.
Down by # - Allow you to lower the game # in the schedule by number that you input.
Add a Game - Allow you add a new game in the schedule.
Delete a Game - Allow you to delete a game in the schedule.
Add 1 Day to Select Game - Allow you add 1 day to all the game select (You can select multiple games using when holding the CTRL key or by holding the SHIFT key).
Remove 1 Day to Select Game - Allow you remove 1 day to all the game select (You can select multiple games using when holding the CTRL key or by holding the SHIFT key).
Verify Schedule - Allow you to verify if the schedule is correct.
Save - Allow you save the current schedule if the verification is pass correctly.
Exit - Quit this windows without saving.

Note - For a schedule to be correct, the day order must be correct and you cannot have empty game number. Normally, all your teams must play the same number of home and visitor games and your teams doesn’t play twice in same day but if you select the checkbox ‘Allow Teams to play a different number of Total/Home/Visitor games’, you can bypass this check. This option is useful when you want to create very custom schedule and/or custom tournament.

8.7.3 - Export / Import Schedule

Using this option you're able to edit an existing schedule you've created with STHS or import an already edited schedule from an external file.

When 'Edit/Import Schedule' is clicked a small window opens.
Click 'Export Pro CSV' and/or 'Export Farm CSV' to export the current pro and/or farm schedule you've made within STHS to a CSV file which will be outputted into the simulator's CSV folder.
Click 'Import Pro CSV' and/or 'Import Farm CSV' to import a schedule you've modified or created from a CSV file.

To import a pre-season schedule, check the 'Pre-Season Schedule' box.

To add a rest day at the end of your schedule, check the 'Add a Rest Day at the end of Schedule' box.

Note - For a schedule to be correct, the day order must be correct and you cannot have empty game number. Normally, all your teams must play the same number of home and visitor games and your teams doesn’t play twice in same day but if you select the checkbox ‘Allow Teams to play a different number of Total/Home/Visitor games’, you can bypass this check. This option is useful when you want to create very custom schedule and/or custom tournament.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - Prior to importing a CSV file into STHS it is recommended that a back up of the file is created first as an error during an import will cause the CSV to be wiped out.

8.8 - Free Agents

8.8.1 - Manual Free Agents

Use this option if you wish to manually sign free agents to teams in your league. Once clicked a window will open up with two lists available.

Team List - Select the team you want to be the one that is signing the player.
Player List - Select the free agent who is signing the contract.

Note – When selecting a player, his last contract features (Can Play Pro, Can Play Farm, No Trade & Pro Salary in Farm / 1 Way Contract) will be show in the 4 corresponding checkbox in bottom of the screen. If you want to change them for the new contract, update them before clicking on 'Sign Player' or 'Resign Player'.

To sign a player to a team simply click the team you want and the player you want from each list then click 'Sign Player' at the bottom of the window.

After that a small window will come up asking you the length of the contract you want to sign.; This has to be filled in with a number. Once done a new window comes up asking for the value of each year of the contract which also has to be filled in with a number only (no commas). The third window asks how much the signing bonus is for the contract that is being signed which may be left blank if there is no bonus. The contract information will appear in the final window which will ask you to confirm the deal. Once you've confirmed the player will be removed from the free agent list and assigned to the team's roster that just signed him.

You may also choose to re-sign a player automatically by clicking 'Resign Player' at the bottom of the window. This option will figure out the average salary from within the league based on the player's ratings and sign him to a deal.

If you'd like to search for a player from the list use one of the following three options.

1 - Use the 'Search Player' button found at the bottom of the window and enter a partial or complete name of the player you're looking for and hit OK
2 - Select the player at the top of the list, then using your keyboard type the first letter of the first name of the player you're looking for and scroll from there
3 - Manually scroll through the list using your mouse / keyboard

8.8.2 - Automatic Free Agents

This option allows you to analyze free agent offers offered by your general managers to players through the STHS Client or the dynamic website if the STHS options allow it. The offer can be for players without contract or players with 1 year contract left if you allow (See "League Option - League #2 - STHS Client Option - Allow Next Year Free Agents Offer)

Once clicked a window opens containing three sections:

On the left-hand side is a listing of all of the free agents in the league.
In the centre is the area where you will see all of the offers received by a player.
On the right-hand side is the details of each offer received by the player.

Note – General managers can modify the contract special clause features directly from the STHS Client. The corresponding checkboxes will change when you load team’s offer.

Click 'Only show players who received an offer' at the bottom of the window to only show the players that have received an offer.

For each player who has received one or more offers, you must decide yourself if you accept ('Accept Offer') or ('Refuse Offer') the offer. You can also click the 'Analyse Offer' option to figure out if the offer should be accept or not by comparing the average salary from within the league based on the player's with the same ratings.

Finally, if the ‘Allow GM to see Free Agent Salary Request’ option is active, you can enter player salary requests with the ‘Player Request’ button.

Click 'Print the players salary request in the transaction log' to show the players salary request on the transactions page.
Click 'Print how many offer a players received in the transaction log' to show how many offers the player received on the transactions page.
Click 'Print the offers a player has received in a csv file or in the transaction log' to show the offers the player received either in a CSV file (a window will pop-up asking you if you want to save it in a text file) or if not they will be displayed on the transactions page.
Click 'Print the best offers a players has received in transaction log' to show the best offer each player received on the transactions page.

The 'Erase All Offers' button erased all the offers send by general managers.

Note - If you do not erase the offers, they will be erased after 30 day you load them in the STHS. You can change the number of day by changing the 'Remove Free Agents Offer After X Days' option.

8.8.3 - Next Year Manual Free Agents

This option allows you to assign a player a new contract during the season or playoff that will be effective only once the next off-season start. The contract will be kept in memory and once the actual contract is ended, the new contract signed via this option will be apply. The windows is the same than in 8.8.1 - Manual Free Agents with the only exception than when you click on a team, you only see players from this team with 1 year remaining to their current contract.

8.8.4 - Edit Next Year Contracts

This option allows you edit and delete Next Year Contract to a player that you add in the STHS.

8.9 - Off-Season

STHS makes off-season options available once the regular season and playoffs have been completed and 'Begin Off-Season' has been selected.

8.9.1 - Re-Rate

This option becomes available after a league has simulated its first season. This option enables commissioners to automatically re-rate the players in the league via the simulator.

A player's re-rate is based on the player's stats compared to other players in the league at the same position as well as the player's potential rating. Therefore, it is possible for a player with a high potential rating to receive a decrease in ratings during the re-rate if his stats are poor. There are 2 methods of rerate players: Normal rerate and Normal rerate modulate on current player rating.
  • Normal rerate: The normal rerate function available in the STHS since version 1 of the STHS.
  • Normal rerate modulate on current player rating: This rerate function is almost identical to the normal rerate function but the result is modulated based on the current player rating. For example, a player who score 70 goals in a season will normally get the maximum re-rate change in the normal rerate function, no matter what is current SC rating is currently. When the rerate is modulated on the current player rating, a player with 50 of SC would get the maximum re-rate change but a player with 95 of SC would barely get 10% of the maximum re-rate change.
Click 'Rerate' and a small window will open with a list of the categories you do not wish to have the simulator re-rate. In this window you may also decide the rerate function and the maximum increase or decrease a player can receive during the re-rate process via the 'Maximum Pro Re-Rate Change' and 'Maximum Farm Re-Rate Change' . Once that's decided, click 'Rerate Players and Goalies' to begin the re-rate or click 'Rerate Coaches' if you want to re-rate the coaches.
  • A player who spends more time with the farm team than the pro team will have his re-rate based on the statistics with his farm team.
  • The rate of Weight, Height, Strengh and Skating are based on formula that is not related to statistics of the previous year. For Skating, most leagues see their players gain or lost the maximum re-rate.
  • Coaches are only re-rated based on their potential.
  • If you pick the “Normal rerate modulate on current player rating” function, I strongly suggest you change the Maximum Re-Rate Change to at least 10. This function make is very hard to reach the maximum Re-Rate Change.
  • You can decided the maximum re-rate per skill by running the rerate multiple times, selecting only the skill you want to have the maximum re-rate apply.

8.9.2 - RFA/UFA Automatic Re-Signing

Use this option to have the simulator automatically sign contracts for the league.

For each of the types of free agents (Under RFA Age, RFA and UFA) choose the percent chance a player has to re-sign with his current team and then click 'Run RFA/UFA Automatic Re-Signing'.

The simulator then searches through the average salary and contract length of players at the same skill level to determine the contract of a player. The results are posted in the transactions log.

8.9.3 - Income Divider

This option enables commissioners to divide league income between the rich and poor teams in the league.

Once clicked a window opens containing four sections:

Current Funds Now - lists the amount of money each team has at that time
Current Funds After - lists the amount of money each team will have after the income is divided
Money Remove or Add - lists the amount of money each team would lose or receive when the income is divided

The fourth section lists how the income is divided by the simulator.

Maximum Money a Rich Team Can Lose in % - a percentage showing the maximum amount of money one team can lose
Radio & TV Rights (in millions) - shows the amount of income the league made from radio & TV (in millions)
Maximum Bank Account - is the cap limit to what a team may have in its bank account before its considered 'rich' and has to share money among the other teams

Once you're happy with your setting click 'Generate' to begin dividing the income. Once that's done review the 'Current Funds After' and 'Money Remove or Add' lists to see the results. If you're happy with the results click 'Save & Exit' to save the changes made. If you're unhappy with the results you may modify the settings and hit 'Generate' again to start over.

Click 'Exit Without Saving' if you don't want to save any changes you've made.

8.9.4 - Auto Activate Prospects

This option enables commissioners to have the simulator take players on the prospect list and have them automatically given ratings from the database and placed on their respective teams.

Once clicked a window opens asking whether or not you want to activate all of the prospects in your league. If you click 'Yes' another window will appear asking if you want to create all of those created prospects as rookies.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - For a prospect to be activated he must first be included in the players database with the exact name he has in the prospect list. You can verify that he's in the database by looking over the unassigned player page.

8.9.5 - Random Contract and / or Salary

This option enables commissioners to have the simulate random contracts or salaries for each player, or both.

Once clicked a window opens asking if you wish to generate random contracts and salaries for each player in the league. Click 'Yes' to start.

A new window will open asking if you want to have the simulator generate a random contract length for each player, click 'Yes' or 'No'. The next window will ask if you want the number of years randomly generated to possibly include '0' (free agent) and again click 'Yes' or 'No'. The final window that you'll see asks if you want the simulator to generate random salaries for each player based on their Overall rating (OV), click 'Yes' or 'No'.

8.9.6 - Align League (Pro or Farm)

This option enables commissioners to re-align either your pro league or your farm league's divisions and conferences in the off-season.

To change a team's division, click on the team's name and then click the name of the division you want to move it to.

To rename a conference or a division, double-click on the name of it and enter a new name.

To create a new team (only available for aligning the pro league), click 'New Team' at the bottom of the window which will bring up a window asking which division you wish to place the team in (1,2,3,4,5 or 6 - left to right, top to bottom) and click OK. The team will now appear in the division you selected.

To erase a team (only available for aligning the pro league) click 'Erase Team' which will bring up a window asking you to confirm your choice.
Note: If you delete a team, the draft picks from this team will be deleted. This means other team owning this team draft picks will lose them, all draft picks owned by this team from other team will be deleted, and your entry draft rank order will be weird!

Don't forget to realign your farm league after you create or erase a team.

To save your changes and return to the main screen click 'Save and Exit'. If you click 'Exit Without Saving' all the moves you made will not be saved, although you will receive a confirmation message in case you hit the wrong button.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - You are unable to re-align your league during the entry draft. Once the entry draft is started, it has to be completed before changes can be made.

8.9.7 - Manual Fantasy Draft

This option enables commissioners to run a manual fantasy draft for the league.

Once clicked a window opens up which is divided into three sections. The 'Players' section lists all the players available, the 'Teams' section which allows you to determine the order of the draft, and finally, the middle section which keeps you updated on the progress of the draft listing the selection number as well as the team selecting.

Before beginning the draft, you can modify the order of the 'Teams' by selecting a team and clicking either 'Up' or 'Down' based on where you want them to pick in comparison to the teams around them. While the order is available in the transactions log for the league's general managers to see, it can be re-outputted at any time should the order change by pressing 'Output Order'.

Once you're ready to begin, click on the first team, click the player they're selecting and click the middle 'Assign Player' button to draft a player.

You may also use draft lists from General Managers who made their list via the 'STHS Client'. If a team made a list, click 'Search Select Player' to have the simulator search for the player on that team's draft list. Once the simulator has found the player click 'Assign Player' to draft the player for that team. If a team has not submitted a draft list or the list of exhaust, you will see 'List Exhaust of Empty' and their draft list will be empty.

You can skip a team's pick at any time by clicking 'Skip Pick'.

If you'd like to search for a player from the list use one of the following three options.

1 - Use the 'Search Player' button found at the bottom of the window and enter a partial or complete name of the player you're looking for and hit OK
2 - Select the player at the top of the list, then using your keyboard type the first letter of the first name of the player you're looking for and scroll from there
3 - Manually scroll through the list using your mouse / keyboard

End Fantasy Draft
Allows you to end the fantasy draft.

8.9.8 - Automatic Fantasy Draft

This option enables commissioners to run an automatic fantasy draft for the league.

Once clicked a window will open asking if you're sure you want to start an automatic fantasy draft. Click 'Yes' or 'No' if you don't want to.

After that you'll be asked to enter how many players you want to be assigned per team (the maximum number will be listed in the same window).

Once started STHS uses a snake draft (Round 1 order 1-10, Round 2 order 10-1, Round 3 order 1-10 etc.) For the first 5 rounds the simulator takes the best available player Overall (OV). After that the simulator takes the best player available Overall (OV) by the position needed by the team. This continues until there is not enough players remaining to complete a round.

8.9.9 - Random Coach

This option enables commissioners to have the simulator randomly assign coaches to the pro and farm teams.

Once clicked a window will open asking if you're sure you want to randomly assign coaches to the pro and farm teams. Click 'Yes' or 'No' if you don't want to.

8.9.10 - Entry Draft

This option becomes available after a league has simulated its first season. This option enables commissioners to run an entry draft for the league.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - There is an option to 'Skip Entry Draft' which will deactivate this section.

Click 'Entry Draft' and a window will open. On the left-hand side is the information about the pick, the team that's selecting and where the pick is from. On the middle is the list of prospect available and on the right-hand side is the team order in the draft.

Before beginning the draft, you can modify the order of the teams by selecting a team and clicking either 'Up - All Round' or 'Down - All Round' based on where you want them to pick. The default order is based on those rules. Should the order change, it can be re-outputted at any time by pressing 'Output Order'.

It is not suggested to modify the order of the teams in the list when you have enabled the draft lottery option. The STHS shows the order of the first round draft. If the team has the pick #5 wins the lottery and selected #1 in the first round, she will still draft #5 in the other rounds. If you move this team in the list of # 1 to # 2, it will also impact the selection round in the other rounds from # 5 to # 6. This will also impact the other teams in the list.

You will find an 'UP - 1 Round and 'Down - 1 Round button. These buttons allow you to change the order of the team for its next round selection without affecting the rest of the rounds. They are very useful for the first-round order in the case of an extension draft or you make your own lottery rules for the first round.

The first step is to load a prospects list. Click on 'Load Prospects Lists' and a new window will open asking you to locate the CSV file which contains the names of the players eligible to be selected in the draft.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - The CSV file needed for the entry draft is different from others type of CSV file. In the CSV file for the entry draft all that is needed is the name of the prospect separated by either commas or typed on separate lines.

Add Prospect
Allows you to add a prospect to the list.

Edit Prospect
Allows you to edit a prospect name.

Erase Prospect
Allows you to erase a selected prospect from a team's prospect list. Once you have a player highlighted from the left-hand side, click this button to erase the prospect.

Select a player's name from the right-hand side and click 'Select' to draft the player.

You may also use draft lists from General Managers who made their list via the STHS Client. If a team made a list, click 'Search Select Player' to have the simulator search through the database for the player on that team's draft list. Once the simulator has found the player click 'Select' to draft the player for that team. If a team has not submitted a draft list, you will see 'List Exhaust of Empty' and their draft list will be empty.

End Entry Draft
Allows you to end the entry draft. All unused draft pick will be deleted.

8.9.11 - Expansion Draft

This option becomes available after a league has simulated its first season. This option enables commissioners to run an expansion draft for the league. This option may also be used as an intra-league draft.

The parameters for the expansion draft can be preset in the Options #2 Tab section of the menu.

General managers may use he STHS Client to decide which of their players they wish to protect and then save the roster file and e-mail it to the commissioner.

Click 'Expansion Draft' which will open up a window that's divided into two sections. On the left-hand side is a list of the teams in the league and on the right-hand side is a list of all the players available to be drafted.

To make a selection simply click on a team name and then on a player's name and click 'Assign Player'.

8.10 - Update Ratings

This option enables commissioners to update the ratings of the players and / or coaches and / or referees in the league database using a Rating Pack.

Note - This option is also available during a season but is only available for player ratings.

To update player ratings, click 'Select Rating File' and find the STR file that contains the ratings you want to use and modify the following options.

Update Players - check this option to update players
Update Players Rating - check this option to update players rating
Update Salaries and Contracts - check this option to update the salaries and contract length of players
Update Age - check this option to update the players' age
Update Position - check this option to update the players' position
Send Players not Updated to Prospect List - check this option so player not found in the rating file are sent to his team's prospect list.

Update Coaches - check this option to update coaches
Update Coaches Rating - check this option to update coaches rating
Update Salaries and Contracts - check this option to update the salaries and contract length of coaches.
Erase Coaches Not Updated - check this option so coaches not found in the rating file are delete.

Update Referees and Linesman - check this option to update referees and linesman information
Erase Referees and Linesman Not Updated - check this option so Referees and Linesman not found in the rating file are delete.

To start updating click 'Update Rating' at the bottom of the window. A window will pop-up asking you to confirm your selection.

8.11 - Unassigned Players

This section lists all of the players in the league's database that are currently not assigned to a team in the league.

Click 'Unassigned Players' which brings up a window that is split into two sections. On the left-hand side is a list of all of the teams in the league and on the right-hand side is all of the unassigned players in the league.

To assign a player to a team simply click on the team name and then on the player's name and click 'Assign Player'. If you wish to have the player be added to the team as a rookie be sure to check the 'Add as Rookie' box. If you wish to have the player's contract length set to 0 years once he's added to the team be sure to check the 'Reset Contract 0' box.

Note - If a player doesn't have contract and the 'Reset Contract 0' is not check, the simulator will give him a 1 year contract with the league's minimum salary.

If you'd like to search for a player from the list use one of the following three options.

1 - Use the 'Search Player' button found at the bottom of the window and enter a partial or complete name of the player you're looking for and hit OK
2 - Select the player at the top of the list, then using your keyboard type the first letter of the first name of the player you're looking for and scroll from there
3 - Manually scroll through the list using your mouse / keyboard

8.12 - Overall Formula

This section allows you to manipulate the formula that calculates a player's OV (Overall) rating.

Along the left you'll see a list of each rating category followed by the various league options (fights, goals, injuries, morale, penalties, shots, hits). Then there are five columns (one of which is used for goalie rating categories) with scales that you may adjust based on how much of an affect you want each to have on the OV rating (the higher the number on the scale the more of an affect).

At the bottom is an option which says 'Total Points Available' which is the highest rating possible for a single player to have. The numbers in each column must equal this number however they're manipulated. This number may also be adjusted higher or lower depending on the needs of the league.

When you've finished adjusting the formula for each type of player click 'Save and Exit' to save what you've done (you still need to save the league file) or 'Exit without Saving' and no changes will carry back to your league.

To understand in what categorie a player fall, follow this logic.
Play Forward Only : If (Scoring + Passing) / 2 higher than Defense then Offensive Forward, otherwise Defensive Forward.
Play Defense Only : If Scoring higher than Defense then Offensive Defenseman, otherwise Defensive Defenseman.
Play Forward and Defense : If Scoring higher than Defense then Offensive Forward, otherwise Defensive Defenseman.

Note - If you have points in the simulation option (fights, goals, injuries, morale, penalties, shots, hits), these values are generally different between your professional league and farm league making the player overall change when they up or down.

8.13 - Output Options

This section allows you to modify the way the STHS website behave.

8.13.1 - 'General #1' Tab

Dynamic Website Option :
Output SQLite Database - check this option if you want the STHS to output the SQLite database with each output. Strongly Recommend
Output Dynamic Website - check this option if you want the STHS to output the dynamic website based on the SQLite database. Uncheck this option if you want the static HTML 5 website.
Old Website Pages Integration - check this option if you want the old static webpage to correctly integrated in the dynamic website regardless you are or not outputting the dynamic website.
Update Dynamic Website by HTTP - check this option if you want the STHS to update your website via the build HTTP Upload function. When you check this option, the STHS will create a file call "UploadFiles.php" in your Output directory. You must update this file your webserver manually via you favorites FTP client like FileZilla or any others method your web hosting company provided you. Then, if your website URL option is correct, the STHS will now attempt to upload the files changed in the last 24 hours by HTTP. The file is unique for each league for security reasons. Note : If you lost the "UploadFiles.php" file, uncheck and recheck this option.
Database File Extension - choose the file extension you wish to have STHS associate with your SQLite database (BIN is the default extension)
Dynamic Website Password - Click this button to change the password need to administer the dynamic website.
Output Legacy Webpages to SQLite Database - check this option if you want to have the Legacy Webpages in output in a compress (GZIB) format in an SQLite Database.
Separate Career Stat From Team Page - check this option if you want to separate the career stat from the Pro and Farm Team page into a dedicated page. This option is useful if your career stat database is big and/or web server performance is not good. Checking this option will make the Pro and Farm Team web page load way faster.
Default Language - Choose the language you want the dynamic website to be.
Number of Transaction Log in SQLite Database - Enter the number of « League transaction » and « Team Transaction » contain inside the SQLite Database. Larger number means more time to create the database.
Number of News in Home Page - enter the number of news (1 to 20) the home page will show.
Number of Latest Score in Home Page - enter the maximum number game the Home Page ‘Latest Scores’ section shows simultaneously.
Number of Headlines Day in Home Page - enter the maximum number game (1 to 3) the Home Page ‘Top Headlines’ section shows simultaneously.
Show Jersey Number - check this option if you want the dynamic website to show player’s jersey number.joueurs.
Show Expansion Draft Link in Top Menu - check this option if you want to add hyperlink to the dynamic website top menu with the correct variable to show players and goalies available in an expansion draft.
Show Farm Score and 3 Star in Home Page - check this option if you want the Home Page ‘Latest Scores’ section to shows Farm Score and the Farm 3 Stars of Days & Months.
Do Not Required Login to access Web Client and Upload Lines Function - check this option if you want reduces the security of the dynamic website by not requiring users to be login to the dynamic website to access the Web Client and use the Upload Lines function (Not recommend).

Dynamic Website URL
Website URL - enter the website address for your league. It necessary for RSS Feed output, 'Load SQLite Database from Website before Loading Lines Files' option and 'Download Latest League File' option in the STHS Client. Note: The most common error in this option is the lack of ‘S’ in the https:// part of the address.
Menu Custom URL - This section allows you add 2 custom links and their corresponding title in the website header, under the Main section.
Mug Shot - This section allows you define a ‘Mug shot Base Url’ (The option should be "" without the quote) and ‘Mug Shot File Extension’ (The option should be "jpg" without the quote"). With those 2 options fill and by filling the NHL Players ID in the Edit Players Windows, the Player’s Report and Goalie’s Report dynamic webpage will show the NHL player’s mug shot from the NHL website.

8.13.2 - 'General #2' Tab

Use Version 3 Box Score for Games - check this option if you want to use the version 3 BoxScore Layout.
Pro Full Play By Play Output - check this option if you want to have more details included in the play by play in each box score for every game
Farm Full Play By Play Output - check this option if you want to have more details included in the play by play in each box score for every game
Pro Normal Play By Play Output - check this option if you want to have the play by play in each box score for every game
Farm Normal Play By Play Output - check this option if you want to have the play by play in each box score for every game
Output Game Lines With Games - check this option if you want to have the teams' lines included in your box score
Output Lines Times With Games - check this option if you want to have the teams' lines ice times included in your box score. Note: This option is not active if you are running version 1.1 of the simulation engine.
Output Game XML Data - check this option if you want to have the boxscores in XML format
Output Games JSON Data - check this option if you want to have the boxscores in JSON compress (GZIB) format
Output Games HTML to SQLite Database - check this option if you want to have the boxscores in HTML compress (GZIB) format in an SQLite Database. Only apply if you also have the 'Use Version 3 Box Score for Games' option enable.
Output Games JSON to SQLite Database - check this option if you want to have the boxscores in JSON compress (GZIB) format in an SQLite Database. Only apply if you also have the 'Use Version 3 Box Score for Games' option enable. Currently only used by the WebAPI.
Do not Output Boxscore Unique Webpage - check this option if you do not want to have the boxscores in PHP/HTML format to be output. You are using one of previous 4 options to create boxscores.

Playoff Race - check this option if you want to have a column added to your standings to show how many points a team needs to clinch a playoff spot (the PR column)
Output Standard Standing - check this option to have the NHL's standings settings or if you want STHS to break down wins and losses in overtime and shootout for you
Merge W, OTW and SOW in the Streak Count - check this option to merge the W, OTW and SOW into the streak column.

Number of Players League Leaders - enter in the number of players you want to appear on the league leaders page
Number of Goalies League Leaders - enter in the number of goalies you want to appear on the league leaders page
Number of Players in Individual Leaders - enter in the number of players you want to appear under each category on the individual leaders page

Schedule Date:
Use Date Instead of Day - select this option to use a date instead of 'days' for your schedule and then select the starting date to be used

Free Agents:
Use Date Instead of Now For Age Calculation - Allow to adjust the date use for calculating player ages for the free agent output.

Today Games:
Split Today Games - Check this option to split Today Games in 2 pages: one for Pro games and one for Farm games.
Output Today Games for Embed - select this option if you want to have the Today Games Legacy webpage to Embed in your website.

SMTP Server - Enter the SMTP Server address the “Send Today's Game Email” function will used. If you leave this value blank, the website will try to use the default web server configuration.
Reply Email - Enter the reply email the “Send Today's Game Email” function will used.

8.13.3 - 'General #3' Tab

Output File Format - choose the file extension you wish to have STHS associate with your league files (PHP is the default extension)
Auto Output After Simulation - check this option if you want STHS to automatically produce all the league's pages after a simulation
Output All Players in Unassigned - check this option if you want STHS to include all players in the legacy static unassigned players list (including players assigned to a team) or uncheck it to only list players not currently on a team
New Record In Transactions Log - check this option if you want STHS to record new league records on the transactions page and new team record in the team history page
Output RSS Feed With Today's Games - check this option if you want STHS to generate an RSS feed for the day's games
Output CSV Files - check this option if you want STHS to output a CSV files with each output
Output XML Files - check this option if you want STHS to output a XML in UTF-8 files with each output
Hide Email and IM Address from Output - check this option if you want to hide your general managers email and instant messaging address from the leacy webpage and dynamic website.
Do not Output Top Menu in Legacy Website - check this option if you do not want the top menu to be output on legacy HTML webpage. This option doesn't work in the dynamic website.
Output Index Without League Prefix in Legacy Website - check this option if you want STHS to remove the league's prefix from Index page (i.e. index.html instead of Simon1-Index.html)
Output STHS Default CSS File - check this option if you want the STHS to output an CSS File.
Logoff All Users from Dynamic Website - Click on this button to disconnect all users from the dynamic website.

Add Farm Roster in Pro Roster Page - check this option to have the pro and farm pages merged into one output (Not available if you have disabled the simulation for farm)
Add Some Player Info in Roster Page - check this option if you want to have player ages, salaries and contract length added to the roster page
Height - choose how STHS will output a player's height (feet or inches)
Weight - choose how STHS will output a player's weight (kilograms or pounds)
Legacy Website Output Team Order - check one of the three options listed here to determine which order your teams will be listed in on the outputted legacy HTML pages (either alphabetically, by division and then alphabetically or by conference and then alphabetically)

Legacy Finance Webpage:
Output Salaries Remaining- check this option if you want the STHS to show the amount of money due to each player.
Output Salaries Average Total - check this option if you want the STHS to show the player’s average salaries total.
Output Salaries Average Remaining - check this option if you want the STHS to show the player’s average salaries remaining.

8.13.4 - 'Folder' Tab

Input Folder - select the path to the folder where you are going to store your received lines files, free agent bids and or draft lists
Output Folder - select the path to the folder where STHS will place all of the outputted pages it creates
CSV / XML / JSON Folder - select the path to the folder where STHS will place the CSV and XML pages it creates
Backup Folder - select the path to the folder where you want STHS to create backup files for your league
Headers and Footers Folder - select the path to the folder where you are going to place your information for your headers and footers

For all of the options above there is a default path selected by STHS, if you wish to change it click 'Change' above each option line.

Third Party Program Command Line - If you wish to execute a third-party program after you simulate, enter the program location on your computer.
Third Party Program Command Line Arguments - If your third-party program accepts command line arguments, please enter them in this separate textbox.

8.13.5 - 'Legacy Output #1 & #2' Tabs

Modifying these options enables commissioners to change the way their legacy static webpages look when they're outputted.

Use Output Page - check each of the boxes in this column that you want STHS to output for your league
Overall Header - check each of the boxes in this column that you want to use a common overall header
Overall Footer - check each of the boxes in this column that you want to use a common overall footer
File Header - click 'change' beside each page you wish to modify the header of
File Footer - click 'change' beside each page you wish to modify the footer of

IMPORTANT NOTICE - In the header and footer options you may use HTML, PHP, ASP and more however your header must contain a </head> <body> and the footer must contain a </body> </html>; tag for it to be valid W3C.

The Check All "Use Output Page" and Uncheck All "Use Output Page" button will check or uncheck “Use Output Page” checkbox in both Output #1 and Output #2 tab.

Transaction Color
This section allows you to change the color of a transaction. You can choose a color for each transaction type. Just click on the transaction type and you can choose your color. You can also clear all colors by clicking on the "Erase all Color" button. The default color is black.

8.14 - League Options

This section allows you to modify the various options available to your league through STHS.

8.14.1 - 'League #1' Tab

League Name:
Full Name - enter the full name of your league
Abbreviation - enter the abbreviation of your league name (up to a maximum of 5 letters)
Year - enter the current year your league is in
Output File Name - enter the name you want associated to the files you output through STHS

Point System:
NHL - allows you to adjust the amount of points awarded on the standings page for each win, loss, tie, OT win, OT loss and also can include a shootout*

Use Shootout - check this option to allow shootout. A tie is no longer available when the option is selected.
No Overtime - check this option to skip overtime period.
Tie Breaker 2010 Rule check this option to apply the new NHL 2010 tie breaker rules. (GP, Total W, ROW, Points vs Other Team)
Tie Breaker 2019 Rule check this option to apply the new NHL 2019 tie breaker rules. (GP, Regular W, ROW, Total W, Points vs Other Team). This option overwrite the 'Tie Breaker 2010 Rule' option.
3 vs 3 Overtime - check this option to run your overtime 3 vs 3.
Use Custom Overtime Lines - check this option so than simulator used the Overtime lines instead of 4vs4 or PK3 in overtime. The coach will always send 2 forward and 1 defenseman on the ice.
Standing by PCT - check this option so than Standing Ranking is determined as the number of points earned divided by points possible. Note: With this option enable, your playoff titles might not work correctly.

International Tournament - allows you to create an international tournament setting (see Section 9 - International Tournament for more information)

Pro and Farm Simulating Engine:
This option allows you to choose your simulation engine. You can choose a different engine from your Pro League that your Farm League. You can choose between version 1.1, version 1.5, version 2.0 and version 2.1. But the version 1.1 does not include some options. Here is the list of options that are unavailable if you choose the simulation engine in version 1.1.
  • There is no referee and linesman.
  • Line strategies do not apply.
  • The percentage of ice time per lines does not apply.
  • Team strategies do not apply correctly. Only the “If the score is equal then strategy is” applies all game long.
  • The "Last Min" Lines does not apply.
  • Player Star Power does not apply.
  • 3 vs 3 Overtime
  • Custom Overtime Lines
Here is more information if you choose the simulation engine in version 1.1 or 1.5.
  • You cannot simulate all-star game with the simulation engine in version 1.1 and version 1.5. If you simulate an all-star game, it’ll be simulate using the version 2.0 or version 2.1 of the simulation engine.
  • Some stat for players (OwnShotsBlock, ProOwnShotsMissGoal, GiveAway and TakeAway) and goalies (SARebound) are always 0 because they were implemented in the simulation engine 2.0.
  • Even more information can be found in section 5.1 - Deciding which simulation engine to use
How many teams in playoffs - allows you to select how many teams (Between 2 and 32 by increment of 2) make the playoffs in your league. (Pro and Farm)
Playoff Lengths - allows you to adjust the length of the series in your playoffs (best of 7, best of 5, best of 3, or single elimination). (Pro and Farm)
Number of Division Leader - allows you to select how many division leaders the top seeds in the conference regardless of the amount of points they have. (Pro and Farm)

Fast Playoff - check this option if you want both conferences to play on the same day and give players one day's rest after their game or leave it blank to have the conferences alternate game days
Manual Playoff - check this option to let the commissioner decide who plays against who when at each playoff round beginning.
New NHL 13-14 Playoff Format - If you have 3 division leader or more, 2 divisions per conference and 16 teams who make the playoff, check this option to used the new NHL 2013-2014 playoff format.

8.14.2 - 'League #2' Tab

Entry Draft:
Draft Order Decided by Playoff Result - check this option if you want the first round of the draft decided by the new NHL draft rules where the playoff results from the previous year decides the order
Skip Entry Draft - check this option if you do not wish to hold the entry draft within STHS
Number of Draft Picks By Year - select the number of rounds your league will hold for their entry draft
Draft Lottery - check this option if you want the first round to be determined by a draft lottery
2015 Percentages - check this option if you want to use the NHL 2015 lottery percentage chance if you have 14 teams or less in your lottery.
Number of Teams in Lottery - enter the number of teams that are entered into the draft lottery if the option is selected
Maximum Rank Gain - enter the amount of teams entered in the lottery that can land first pick overall
Number of Lottery Winner - enter the number of lottery possible (between 1 and 3)
Entry Draft Percentage when there is 14 teams or less:
The default Percentages are: 1 = 25% / 2 = 18.8% / 3 = 14.2% / 4 = 10.7% / 5 = 8.1% / 6 = 6.2% / 7 = 4.7% / 8 = 3.6% / 9 = 2.7% / 10 = 2.1% / 11 = 1.5% / 12 = 1.1% / 13 = 0.8% / 14 = 0.5%
The 2015 Percentages are: 1 = 20% / 2 = 13.5% / 3 = 11.5% / 4 = 9.5% / 5 = 8.5% / 6 = 7.5% / 7 = 6.5% / 8 = 6.0% / 9 = 5.0% / 10 = 3.5% / 11 = 3.0% / 12 = 2.5% / 13 = 2.0% / 14 = 1.0%

When there are 14 teams, the total percentage of teams is 100%. When there is less than 14 teams, their percentage of the missing teams is removed so the true percentage chance the other teams is increase. If there are 12 teams, the percentage of the last 2 teams (1% and 2%) will be removed, the chances of first team would now entitled to 20% on 97% therefore 20.6% of real opportunity.

If you have 15 teams in the lottery, the percentages are: 1 = 18.5% / 2 = 13.5% / 3 = 11.5% / 4 = 9.5% / 5 = 8.5% / 6 = 7.5% / 7 = 6.5% / 8 = 6.0% / 9 = 5.0% / 10 = 3.5% / 11 = 3.0% / 12 = 2.5% / 13 = 2.0% / 14 = 1.5% / 15 = 1.0%
If you have 16 teams in the lottery, the percentages are: 1 = 16.6% / 2 = 12.1% / 3 = 10.3% / 4 = 10.3% / 5 = 8.5% / 6 = 7.6% / 7 = 6.7% / 8 = 5.8% / 9 = 5.4% / 10 = 4.5% / 11 = 3.1% / 12 = 2.7% / 13 = 2.2% / 14 = 1.8% / 15 = 1.4% / 16 = 1.0%

General Managers Options:
GM Can Change Ticket Price - check this option to enable ticket price changes from being made with the STHS Client and the Dynamic Website
Block Auto Roster Functions - check this option to disable the auto roster function within the STHS Client
Block Auto Pro Lines Functions - check this option to disable auto lines function for pro teams within the STHS Client and the Dynamic Website
Block Auto Farm Lines Functions - check this option to disable auto lines function for farm teams within the STHS Client and the Dynamic Website
Block Coaches Change - check this option to disable the option to change coaches within the STHS Client
Block Free Agents - check this option to disable the possibility to make free agents offers within the STHS Client and Dynamic Webiste
Allow Edition of Free Agents Offers - check this option if you want your general manager to be able to modify the free agents offers of the STHS Client. Warning, if a team do not have a password to open their team in the STHS Client, all the other general managers will be able to see the offers.
Allow Next Year Free Agents Offer- check this option to enable the possibility to make free agents offers within the STHS Client for player’s who still has 1 year of contract left.
Allow GM to see Free Agent Salary Request - check this option to allow general managers to see free agents salary request within the STHS Client
Enforce Correct Lineups (Day #1) - check this option to prevent general managers from being able to save their files in the STHS Client without having properly filled rosters & lines for day #1
Enforce Correct Lineups (Day #2 to #10) - check this option to prevent general managers from being able to save their files in the STHS Client without having properly filled rosters & lines for day #2 to #10
Show Waiver and Coaches Transactions - check this option to be warned when your general managers does transaction with the waiver system and changed coach when loading your general managers line
Maximum STS File Age - enter in the maximum number of days old an STS file can be before the STHS Client will stop loading it. If you enter 99, this disabled the option.
Maximum Free Agent Offers - enter in the maximum number of free agent offers a general manager may have valid at the same time. This option is enforce by the STHS Client and the Dynamic Website.
Force Lines File upload by HTTP after save - check this option to force the STHS Client to automatically upload their line file to website after they are saved. The 'Website URL' must also be configured.

Retirement Chance %

This option is used to determine the chance of a player retiring at the end of the season.

For each level enter the minimum age and the percent chance players have of retiring. Level 2 must be higher than Level 1, Level 3 must be higher than Level 2 etc. If you leave the ages at 0, the levels are not used.

Note: If all your values are at 0, change your level 5 value first then level 4, then level 3 and so on.

Retirement Age: Players who are older than this age will retire automatically when you start your off-season.

Only Affect 0 Year Contract Player: When check, the Retirement Chance % option only apply to players who have 0 year contract.

Show Overall - select this option to have the simulator show the player's OV (overall) rating on the roster page and in the STHS Client
Full Rating - select this option if you wish to have the full rating system instead of reduced ratings on the roster page. This option is not compatible with the dynamic website of version 3 who assume this option is always checked unless the “No Rating” option is selected.
No Rating - select this option if you wish to hide all ratings
Hide Potential - check this option if you want to hide the PO (Potential) rating on the website and in the STHS Client. The dynamic website will show 0 instead of hiding the value.

Please see Section 7 - Player & Goalie Abbreviations for more information.

Expansion Draft:
Maximum Number of Protected Players - select the maximum number of players a team can protect
Age Exemption - enter the age before which players are automatically exempt from selection

Goalies Default:
Minimum # of Goals - enter the minimum number of goals that has to get past a goalie before the team considers automatically pulling him
Save % Under - enter the minimum save percentage a goalie must have in a game before the team considers automatically pulling him
Minimum # of Goals (Enforce) - enter the minimum number of goals that has to get past a goalie before the team considers automatically pulling him. Your general managers will not be able to select a number lower than you select here.
Pull in 3rd Period (Sec) - Enter the number second remaining in a game before a goalie is pulled when trailing by 1 goal.
Max Pull in 3rd Period (Sec) - Enter the maximum number a general manager can enter in the “Pull in 3rd Period (Sec)” option.

Note - The first third variables can be change by general managers and all 3 conditions have to be met before a team will swap goalies during the game. Goalies will not changed in the last 10 minutes of a game and only if a different between the team goals is lower than 2.

8.14.3 - 'League #3' Tab

Miscellaneous Options:
Trade Deadline at % of Season - enter how far into the season you want to have your trade deadline (make it 100% if you don't want to incorporate a deadline).
Emergency Recall Limit by Team - enter how many players in a team can be used for emergency recall in a season. Players with emergency recall can be sent between pro and farm even after trade-deadline. Entering 0 will disabled emergency recall. Entering 0 as value will disable emergency recall.
Players can’t be sent to farm after trade Deadline - check this option to prevent general managers from demoting players to the minors after the trade deadline.
Pro Team Eliminated Cannot Send Players to Farm - check this option to prevent general managers of teams that are eliminated from playoff contention in the pros from sending their players to the farm team. This option only apply when you are in the playoff.
Disable ability to make roster/line for day next games - check this option to disable the option for general managers to be able to send multiple rosters & lines in a row for the next 10 games.
Pro Roster Player Limit - enter the maximum number of players allowed to be on the pro roster at one time.
Farm Roster Player Limit - enter the maximum number of players allowed to be on the farm roster at one time.
Maximum Players Farm Overall - enter in the maximum OV (overall) rating a player on the farm team may be allowed to have.
Maximum Goalies Farm Overall - enter in the maximum OV (overall) rating a goalie on the farm team may be allowed to have.
Default Team Morale - enter the default team morale level to start the season.
Default Player Morale - enter the default player morale level to start the season.
Default Unknown Player Rating - enter the default rating level for unknown players and unknown goalies used to fill your farm teams.
Minimum Players Per Team - enter the minimum number of players a team must have under contract (this option doesn't apply in the off-season). This option doesn't block the simulation, it only give a warning message.
Maximum Players Per Team - enter the maximum number of players a team may have under contract (this option doesn't apply in the off-season). This option doesn't block the simulation, it only give a warning message.
Long Term Injury Chance in % - Enter the percentage of chance (Between 1 and 200) that a player can get a long term injury. Higher the number, more chance of long term injury. (Only apply in simulation engine 1.5, 2.0 and 2.1).
Waiver Deadline at % of Season - enter how far into the season you want to have your waiver deadline (make it 100% if you don't want to incorporate a deadline).
Default Number of Simulations Per Day - adjust this number to increase or decrease the default number of simulations your league has in one day.
Use Date Instead of Now For Age Calculation - allow to adjust the date use for calculating player ages.
Players 'No Apply Rerate' also apply in season rating change - check this option if you want the 'No Apply Rerate' option to also apply in season rating change.
Fatigue doesn't count as Injuries - check this option if you don’t want fatigue injury to count ‘Health #Loss’ stat for a player or goalie.
Automatic Save After Simulation - check this option if you want the simulator to automatically save your league file after a simulation has been run.
Suspensions served in Preseason - check this option to force suspension to be served in preseason.
Force Extra Rest Day in Playoff Final - check this option to force an extra rest day in your playoff final.
Reset Player Morale After Trade - check this option to morale reset to “Default Player Morale” value after they are trade. Please note all team players’ morale are impacted when a trade happens within their team. So, the players trade morale will not exactly be the “Default Player Morale” after the trade.

8.14.4 - 'League #4' Tab

Allow Web Client - check this option if you want the Web Client to show on the dynamic website.
Load SQLite Database from Website before Loading Lines Files - check this option to have the simulator automatically download the SQLite database to your input folder and load the changes done by your general managers on the dynamic website. This option required the Website URL option to be filled to operate. Note, if you don’t use this option, you can manually download the SQLite database in your input folder and the STHS will process it.
Download SQLite Databases by HTTP Secure Method - check this option to have the simulator download the SQLite database by a secure method where only the commissioner can download it. You must also change your database file extension option in the STHS to a nondownloadable file extension like ini.
Allow Trades from Website - check this option to have the simulator automatically download the transactions from SQLite. This option must be check for the page allowing the transaction on the website to be visible from the menu.
Allow Free Agents from Website - check this option if you want the general managers to be able to create offers to free agents from the dynamic website
Output Free Agents Offers in SQLite Database (To Allow Edition of Free Agents Offers on the dynamic website) - check this option if you want the STHS to output free agent offers in the SQLite database so your general managers can edit them. Warning, if your league website database extension is not protect (See option 'Download SQLite Databases by HTTP Secure Method'), everyone might be able to see the offers for all the teams.
Allow Draft Selection from Website - check this option if you want the general managers to be able to create a list for a draft selection from the dynamic website
Output Draft Selection in SQLite Database (To Allow Edition of Draft List From the Dynamic Website) - check this option if you want the STHS to output draft selection in the SQLite database so your general managers can edit them. Warning, if your league website database extension is not protect (See option 'Download SQLite Databases by HTTP Secure Method'), everyone might be able to see the offers for all the teams.
Allow Prospects Edition from Website - check this option if you want the general managers to be able to edit the prospects draft year, draft overall pick, information and link field from the dynamic website. Every member of your league can contribute to fill this information if you enable this feature. To edit the prospect of the website, you have to go to the Prospects page of the website and at the very bottom of the page, there will be a link to go to the page that allows editing.
Allow Players Edition from Website - check this option if you want the general managers to be able to edit the players draft year, overall pick, jersey number, NHLID and link field from the dynamic website. Every member of your league can contribute to fill this information if you enable this feature. To edit the players of the website, you have to go to the Players Information page of the website and at the very bottom of the page, there will be a link to go to the page that allows editing.
Allow GM to change password themself - check this option if you want the general managers to be able to edit change their password directly on the dynamic website.

Arena and Ticket:

Use this option to set default ticket price, maximum ticket price, default arena capacity and default season ticket % for all teams and arena in the league.

For the default ticket price and maximum ticket price, the maximum is 999 and the minimum is 0. The level 1 amount must be higher than level 2, the level 2 amount must be higher than level 3 and the level 3 amount must be higher than level 4. The luxury level is independent from the others level amount.

Remove 1 from Contract Length - check this option to have the simulator decrease each player's contract length by one at the end of the season
Remove Rookie after how many pro games - enter the amount of games a player has to have played in order to lose his status as a rookie
Remove Rookie if older than - enter the age a player has to be for him to automatically stop being listed as a rookie

8.14.5 - 'Players' Tab

Player Salary:
Minimum Salary - enter the amount you want to set for your league's minimum wage
Maximum Salary - enter the amount you want to set for your pro league's maximum wage
Maximum Contract Length - enter the Maximum Contract Length for a players and coach
Farm Salary % - enter the percent of the salary a player makes while he's playing on the farm if doesn't have the ‘Pro Salary in Farm / 1 Way Contract’ option select.
Farm Player Pay As Pro After X Games - enter the amount of pro games a player has to play before he is paid his full pro salary regardless of him playing in the pros or on the farm. Enter 0 to disable this option
Maximum Farm Salary - enter the amount you want to set for your farm league's maximum wage

Waiver Age Exemption - enter the minimum age a player has to be to be required to clear waivers
Waiver Minimum Games - enter the minimum number of games a player has to have played before he is required to clear waivers
Waiver Max Salary - enter the maximum salary than an player can have before he is required to clear waivers

Note - The 'Waiver Age Exemption' option is always enforce. Then, if the 'Waiver Minimum Games' option or the 'Waiver Maximum Salary' option apply, the player is required to clear waiver.

Time Spent on Waivers - enter the amount of time a player has to spend on waivers before he may be claimed
Waiver Financial Compensation - enter the waiver fee given to the team that loses a player on waivers from the team claiming the player
Run Reverse Waiver At % - The waiver order is always refresh after each simulation based on the reverse standing order if you season is passed a certain date. Enter the percent of your season that need to be passed before this option is activate.
Do not send rookie on waiver - check this option if you don’t want rookie to throw waiver.
Do not send to waiver if player is cannot play farm - check this option if you don’t want players who can not play farm to be sent to waiver manually.

Note - If you modify any of the first 4 options during the season it will not affect players that are already on waivers. A player that is on waivers will appear to be suspended indefinitely in the simulator.

Fatigue For 100 Endurance:

Note - The setting you choose here are apply for players and goalies that have 100 in endurance. A players or goalies that have less endurance can lost condition even if he play less minute that you select. For players, the formula is (100 - Players Endurance) / 10 = Number of Minutes add to games minutes to calculate what level the players fall under. For goalie, the formula is (100 - Goalies Endurance) / 5 = Number of Shots add to goalie to calculate what level the goalie fall under.

Pro Players & Farm Players:

Set these levels to determine how many condition points a player loses by X amount of minutes (based on a player having 100 EN [endurance]). There are 3 levels available to you and the settings should gradually increase in ice-time and points removed.

Defense Bonus - defensemen need to play the 'Players' level of ice-time plus the bonus to take the condition hit

Pro Goalies & Farm Goalies:

The main difference from players is condition points are removed based on how many shots they face instead of their ice-time. There are 2 levels available for goalies and the settings should gradually increase in shots as well as points removed.

Pro Injury Recovery Speed - enter in how quickly pro players heal from an injury
Farm Injury Recovery Speed - enter in how quickly farm players heal from an injury

Note - You can enter decimal number in all the option.

Free Agents:
RFA Age - enter the age when a player becomes a restricted free agent
UFA Age - enter the age when a player becomes an unrestricted free agent
Unassigned Available in Free Agent - check this option if you want to have the unassigned players listed as available in the free agent list
Maximum Unassigned Players who can be signed in one season by a team - enter the maximum amount of unassigned players one team may sign in a season
Remove Free Agents Offer After X Days - enter the number of day a free agent offer is valid after you load it in the simulator.
Minimum Free Agents Salary Offer - enter the minimum allowable salary that would be accepted by a free agent in any offer
Remove old Team Free Agents Offers when Team makes new offers - check this option if you want team previous free Agent offer made to be delete when the team is sending new one.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - The age entered for 'RFA Age' and 'UFA Age' is included in that range.

8.14.6 - 'Teams' Tab

Pro Game Roster Limitss:
Maximum Players - select the maximum amount of players allowed to be dressed for a pro game (18-25)
Maximum Goalies - select the maximum amount of goalies allowed to be dressed for a pro game (2-3)
Minimum Forwards - select the minimum amount of forwards allowed to be dressed for a pro game (6-17)
Minimum Centers - select the minimum amount of centers allowed to be dressed for a pro game (0-9)
Minimum Left Wings - select the minimum amount of left wings allowed to be dressed for a pro game (0-9)
Minimum Right Wings - select the minimum amount of right wings allowed to be dressed for a pro game (0-9)
Minimum Defensemen - select the minimum amount of defensemen allowed to be dressed for a pro game (5-13)

Farm Game Roster Limitss:
Maximum Players - select the maximum amount of players allowed to be dressed for a farm game (18-25)
Maximum Goalies - select the maximum amount of goalies allowed to be dressed for a farm game (2-3)
Minimum Forwards - select the minimum amount of forwards allowed to be dressed for a farm game (6-17)
Minimum Centers - select the minimum amount of centers allowed to be dressed for a farm game (0-9)
Minimum Left Wings - select the minimum amount of left wings allowed to be dressed for a farm game (0-9)
Minimum Right Wings - select the minimum amount of right wings allowed to be dressed for a farm game (0-9)
Minimum Defensemen - select the minimum amount of defensemen allowed to be dressed for a farm game (5-13)

Automatically Load Lines Files and Database from Lines Input Folder - check this option to have the simulator automatically load the lines files and SQLite Database from the input folder prior to each simulation
Download Lines Files by HTTP - check this option to have the simulator automatically download in your STHS Input Folder and delete lines files upload on the dynamic website.
Fix Incorrect Lines with the Partial Auto Lines Function - check this option if you want the simulator to attempt a partial lines roster adjustment for times when lines are incorrect rather than a complete auto made lines which may erase any currently set lines
Block Players from Playing in Lines #1 and #2 (Normal) - check this option to prevent general managers from having the same players used over again on lines 1 and 2
Block Players from Playing in Lines #1, #2 and #3 (Normal) - check this option to prevent general managers from having the same players used over again on lines 1, 2 and 3
Block Players from Playing in Lines #1 and #2 (PP/PK/4vs4/PK3)- check this option to prevent general managers from having the same players used over again on lines 1 and 2 in PP, PK, 4vs4 and PK3
Use Normal Auto Lines Function When Partial Auto Line Failed - check this option to have the simulator run a complete "Auto Made Lines" when the "Partial Auto Made Lines" functions still cannot fix the error(s).
Use Normal Auto Roster Function When Partial Auto Roster Failed - check this option to have the simulator run a complete "Auto Made Roster" when the "Partial Auto Made Roster" functions still cannot fix the error(s).
Print Line Error in Transaction Log - check this option if you want to have any roster or line errors shown on the transactions page
Force Game Strategies At 5 Points - check this option if you want to force game strategies to always be 5 points for Pro and/or Farm League

Note - The simulator always try to fix incorrect rosters with the Partial Auto-Roster Function before running full auto-roster

Lines Times Maximum and Default %”.
Allow you to change the default lines time percentage for auto-lines for your league and the maximum that your general manager can select. Lines #1 to #4 apply to forward and defense normal full 5 vs 5 lines while lines #1 and lines #2 for PP/PK/PK3/4vs4 apply to forward and defense in the other situation. The ice time must be highest at Line 1 and lowest at Line 4 or 2 for PP/PK/PK3/4vs4. The total must be 100% in both case.

8.14.7 - 'Finance' Tab

Salary Cap:
No Salary Cap - check this option if your pro league does not use a salary cap
Simple Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary : Fixed Value - check this option if your league uses a fixed value for the salary cap calculate on the player's current salaries without the complexes day per day calculation like the NHL.
Simple Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary Cap : Fixed Value - check this option if your league uses a fixed value for the salary cap calculate on the player's salaries cap year 1 value without the complexes day per day calculation like the NHL.
Complex Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary : Fixed Value - check this option if your league uses a fixed value for the salary cap calculate on the player's current salaries.
Complex Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary : Fixed Value + Current Bank Account - check this option if your league uses a fixed value that is added to a team's bank account as the salary cap calculate on the player's current salaries.
Complex Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary Cap : Fixed Value - check this option if your league uses a fixed value for the salary cap calculate on the player's salary cap value.
Complex Calculation Base on Year 1 Salary Cap : Fixed Value + Current Bank Account - check this option if your league uses a fixed value that is added to a team's bank account as the salary cap calculate on the player's salary cap value.

Pro Fixed Value - enter the amount of your league's salary cap
Farm Salary Cap - enter the amount of your farm system's salary cap
Minimum Salary Cap - enter the minimum Salary Cap required in your league (the least amount a team has to spend on its players)

See section 5.2 - How work the salary cap and finance in V3 for more information on how the cap is calculated.

Pro Luxury Tax:
Luxury Tax per Days - enter the maximum amount of money a pro team may spend per game to be under the tax
PCT Over to Pay - enter the percentage of the money a team loses if it exceeds this amount

Example - A pro team that exceeds the maximum amount by $100,000 at a percentage of 50% will lose $50,000 per game.

Salary Cap Option:
Farm Included in Salary Cap - check this option if you wish to have the farm salaries included in a team's Salary Cap
Special Included in Salary Cap - check this option if you wish to have the special case included in a team's Salary Cap. (See Team Finance to modify the value for a team)
Coaches Included in Salary Cap - check this option if you wish to include the coach's salary in a team's Salary Cap
Remove Suspension from Salary Cap Calculation - check this option to have a suspended player's salary removed from Salary Cap during the course of their suspension. If you activate this option, all players with suspension will not get paid and players on the waiver will not be paid either.
Stop Simulation on Salary Cap Error - check this option to prevent simulation on Salary Cap error
Remove 'Exclude Salary Cap' at 95 of Condition - check this option if you want the 'Exclude Salary Cap' option to be automatically remove from players who have 95 or more of condition
Activate 'Exclude Salary Cap' on players if the option 'Remove from Payroll when Condition Under' apply - Check this option if you want that all players who condition fall under the “Remove from Payroll when Condition Under” option has their ‘Exclude Salary Cap’ option automatically activate
Remove from Payroll when Condition Under - enter the minimum condition rating you want to have the simulator use when counting players in a team's Salary Cap. If you activate this option, all players who have less condition that these options are not paid. - (default is 70)
Pro Salary in Farm / 1 Way Contract Salary Cap % - enter the percent of the salary that apply to the team salary cap for players who has the ‘Pro Salary in Farm / 1 Way Contract’ option select.
1 Way Contract Salary Cap is the Player Salary Cap Hit Less this Value - This option overwrite the “Pro Salary in Farm / 1 Way Contract Salary Cap %” option. To calculate the Salary Cap % for players who has the ‘Pro Salary in Farm / 1 Way Contract’ option select, the simulator takes the players salary less the value you enter.

Still pay Farm players when Farm is deactivated - check this option if you want your farm players to be paid even if the farm is deactivate.
Activate Pro Team Popularity - check this option if you want that the pro team popularity impact the pro team finance income.
Activate Farm Team Popularity - check this option if you want that the farm team popularity impact the farm team finance income.
Current Fund Minimum Warning - enter the minimum amount of money that a team must have in his bank account before a warning is issued

8.14.8 - 'Pro Simulation' Tab

General Options:

Finance Active - check this option if you want to have finances in your pro league
Waiver Active - check this option if you want to have an active waiver wire in your pro league
Injuries Active - check this option if you want to have injuries in your pro league
Suspension Active - check this option if you want to have suspensions in your pro league
Coaches Disabled - check this option if you do not want your pro league to use coaches
Morale Disabled - check this option if you do not want your pro league to use morale
Penalties Disabled - check this option if you do not want your pro league to simulate with penalty. In simulation engine 1.1 and 1.5, this option also disabled fight
Fights Disabled - check this option if you do not want your pro league to simulate with fight
Forwards Play All Positions - check this option if you want to have forwards be able to play any of the forward positions without losing ability (if this is not checked a RW plugged in at LW will not perform as well as if he were at RW). This option only applies on 5 vs 5 lines.
Pro Players Ratings Change Active - check this option if you want pro players to be re-rated during the season
Pro Players Ratings Change Scale - if you have selected to activate pro ratings changes during the year you will have to decide how important the re-rate is (very high, high, medium (the default), low and very low) and the maximum amount ratings can change ('Max Stats Modification')
Pro Goalies Ratings Change Active - check this option if you want pro players to be re-rated during the season
Pro Goalies Ratings Change Scale - if you have selected to activate pro ratings changes during the year you will have to decide how important the re-rate is (very high, high, medium (the default), low and very low) and the maximum amount ratings can change ('Max Stats Modification')

Game Options:

These options allow you to adjust how your league games are played. Adjust the level for each option to fit your league's needs (the scale ranges from 1 being the lowest to 100 being the highest).

Coaches - the influence the coach has on a team (default is 50)
Fight - the tendency of players to fight (default is 40)
Finance - the ability for teams to make profit (default is 50) - deactivated during a pre-season schedule
Goals - the chance of scoring a goal on one shot (default is 45)
Injuries - the tendency for players to get injured (default is 30)
Morale - the influence of a player's morale to effect his abilities (default is 25)
Penalties - the tendency for players to take penalties (default is 50)
Shots - the tendency for players to take shots on goal (default is 45)
Hits - the tendency for players to hit other players (default is 50)
PP - the chance of scoring in powerplay (default is 50) - Only use with simulation engine 2.1

IMPORTANT NOTICE - All of the above options can have an effect on the overall ability of all the players in your league

Information on Morale (MO)

Morale is concept that is very hard to explain. It's impossible to list what effects it and what it does.

Players gain morale when - Being trade when player morale is low, Being trade to a team over .500, Win a fight, Team makes the playoff, Playing a good game (Scoring, Passing, Point, etc.), Winning, Being healthy and playing, Being promoted to Pro from Farm.
Players lose morale when - Being trade when player morale is high, Being trade to a team under .500, Lose a fight, Get injured, Get suspended, Get put on waiver, Being healthy and Scratches (Pro and Farm), Losing, Being demoted to Farm to Pro.

You are able to manually modify the morale level for your teams in the team window and can also adjust the morale setting for all players through the Mass Edition option.

8.14.9 - 'Farm Simulation' Tab

General Options:

Farm Active - check this option if you want to have an active farm league coincide with your league
Finance Active - check this option if you want to have finances in your farm league. (You pro league finance need to be active to allow this option)
Full Farm For All Teams - check this option to force all farm teams to play with a complete farm roster (no 'unknown players')
Injuries Active - check this option if you want to have injuries in your farm league
Suspension Active - check this option if you want to have suspensions in your farm league
Coaches Disabled - check this option if you do not want your farm league to use coaches
Morale Disabled - check this option if you do not want your farm league to use morale
Penalties Disabled - check this option if you do not want your farm league to simulate with penalty. In simulation engine 1.1 and 1.5, this option also disabled fight
Fights Disabled - check this option if you do not want your farm league to simulate with fight
Forwards Play All Positions - check this option if you want to have farm forwards be able to play any of the forward positions without losing ability (if this is not checked a RW plugged in at LW will not perform as well as if he were at RW)
Farm Players Ratings Change Active - check this option if you want farm players to be re-rated during the season
Farm Players Ratings Change Scale - if you have selected to activate farm ratings changes during the year you will have to decide how important the re-rate is (very high, high, medium (the default), low and very low) and the maximum amount ratings can change ('Max Stats Modification')
Farm Goalies Ratings Change Active - check this option if you want farm players to be re-rated during the season
Farm Goalies Ratings Change Scale - if you have selected to activate farm ratings changes during the year you will have to decide how important the re-rate is (very high, high, medium (the default), low and very low) and the maximum amount ratings can change ('Max Stats Modification')

Game Options:

These options allow you to adjust how your league games are played. Adjust the level for each option to fit your league's needs (the scale ranges from 1 being the lowest to 100 being the highest).

Coaches - the influence the coach has on a team (default is 50)
Fight - the tendency of players to fight (default is 40)
Finance - the ability for teams to make profit (default is 50) - deactivated during a pre-season schedule
Goals - the chance of scoring a goal on one shot (default is 45)
Injuries - the tendency for players to get injured (default is 30)
Morale - the influence of a player's morale to effect his abilities (default is 25)
Penalties - the tendency for players to take penalties (default is 50)
Shots - the tendency for players to take shots on goal (default is 45)
Hits - the tendency for players to hit other players (default is 50)

8.15 - League Information

This section allow you enter you enter information about your league: the league owner, how to join your league and league rules. This information will be available in the dynamic website, under the League menu.

For the ‘Line Regulations’ section, you can enter HTML code. Here's a tip for easily formatting HTML code. Go to the section of the website as if you were going to create a news on the main page. When you have finished writing your rules with formatting, click on the “Source” button in the text editor. This will transform your formatted text into HTML code. If you want to edit your regulations without redoing everything, return to the section of the website as if you were going to create a news on the main page, click on the "Source" button in the text editor, copy the HTML code saved in STHS in the text editor and click the “Source” button in the text editor again; your text will be readable and easily editable again. You can repeat this process as many times as you want.

8.16 - Bonus

Fix Incorrect Rosters / Lines:

Select this option to have the simulator look over all team rosters and lines and automatically fix any errors.

History Cleaner:

Select this option to have the simulator automatically clean the transaction page history for your league. When clicked a window will ask you how many events you want to erase, selecting 1 erases the oldest event, 10 the 10 oldest events etc. Up to a maximum of 32000 events.

Team History Cleaner:

Select this option to clean the team history of each team in your league. When clicked a window will ask you how many events you want to erase, selecting 1 erases the oldest event, 10 the 10 oldest events etc. Up to a maximum of 32000 events.

Mass Edition:

Select this option to edit multiple players at a time from your league database.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - It is strongly advised that you do a backup of your league files before running 'Mass Edition'.

To begin, select either players, goalies or coaches. Then, select the category you wish to edit (all the ratings, age, weight, size, length of contract, contract value, condition, rookie status, protection status, protection, 'do not apply re-rate' status and an option to erase).

Next, choose a condition from among an extensive list of over 100 varying conditions. Certain conditions require that a value is inputted while others do not require a value. If you do not enter a value, the default value entered is 0.

Example - The condition 'Is in a team' do not requires a value while 'Age equal' requires a value be entered.

Then, you have to choose the result between adding, removing, set at the value or to change according to a percentage and to write the value.

Add - Add the value to the selected category
Remove - Remove the value from the selected category
Set To - Set the value in the selected category
% Change - Multiply the value in the category by a given %

Finally, click 'Run Mass Edition' where a window will open confirming your selections and ask you to confirm what you want to do.

Note - If you chose the 'Erase' option there will be a second confirmation window.

Prospect Import by CSV:

Select this option to import a list of prospects into your league (this does not replace the entry draft feature)

To import prospects a CSV into the ‘Name and Team Only’ option, the file must be created in the following setup (copy exactly, changing only the words): TeamName, PlayerName, TeamName, PlayerName etc.
To import prospects a CSV into the ‘All Data’ option, the file must be created in the following setup (copy exactly, changing only the words): Team Name, Prospect Name , Year, Overall Pick, Information, URLLink, Team Name, Prospect Name , Year, Overall Pick, Information, URLLink etc

Output Rating CSV Files:

Select this option to create a Rating CSV files of your players, coaches and referees to share with the STHS Community. CSV files can be edited manually before being transferred into a Rating File (.STR).

This option is also available in the STHS Client V3.

Output Rating File:

Select this option to create a Rating File of your players, coaches and referees to share with the STHS Community. Rating File cannot be edit. They are used to create a league or by update rating option.

This option is also available in the STHS Client V3.

Assign Players to Team CSV:

Select this option to assign players to team with a CSV

To assign players to team with a CSV, the file must be created in the following setup (copy exactly, changing only the words): TeamName, PlayerName, TeamName, PlayerName etc.

Players Search / Comparison

Select this option to search for players among an extensive list of over 100 varying condition (Maximum of 2 conditions can be used per search) and to compare one player rating to 1, 2 or 3 other players rating.

To make a search, select either players or goalies. Next, choose a condition from among an extensive list of over 100 varying conditions. Certain conditions require that a value is inputted while others do not require a value. If you do not enter a value, the default value entered is 0.

Example - The condition 'Is in a team' do not requires a value while 'Age equal' requires a value be entered.

Then simply press the Search button. A list of players matching the conditions will show. From there, select a player to have his rating show on the right top corner as the Base Player. If you wish to compare this player to another players, you can simply select him the Result list box and click on the 'Select as Player #1', 'Select as Player #2' or 'Select as Player #3' button. You can also simply go a combo box under Player #1, Player #2 and Player #3 and select him directly from there.

You don’t have to make a search to compare players. The combo box always has all the players or all the goalies depending on the base player select.

This option is also available in the STHS Client V3.

Download Latest League File

Select this option to download the latest client league file directly from the STHS. Your commissioner must have correctly fill the field “Website URL” for this this option to work.

This option is only available in the STHS Client.

Activate All Prospect

See Auto Activate Prospects for more information.

Version 3 Website Suggested Options

This option will update your league output option so you can the best experience from the dynamic website.

This option is only available in the STHS V3.

NHL ID Import by CSV

Select this option to import a list of Players NHL ID into your league.

To import Player NHL ID CSV, the file must be created in the following setup (copy exactly, changing only the words): PlayerName, NHL ID, PlayerName, NHL ID, etc.

This option is only available in the STHS V3.

Players Draft Information Import by CSV

Select this option to import a list of Players Player Draft Information into your league.

To import an NHL Player Draft Information, the file must be created in the following setup (copy exactly, changing only the words): PlayerName, Draft Year, Draft Overall Pick, Draft Original Team, PlayerName, Draft Year, Draft Overall Pick, Draft Original Team, etc.

This option is only available in the STHS V3.

Players Salaries Import by CSV

To import an NHL Player Salary CSV File, the file must format as follows: Player Name, Team, Contract Year, Salary, Player Name, Team, Contract Year, Salary, etc.

This option is only available in the STHS V3.

8.17 - Utility

8.17.1 - Rating Creation

The Rating Creation allows you create STHS Rating Pack based on CSV files correctly format.

To create a Rating Pack, press the “Import Players CSV V1 File” or “Import Players CSV V2 File” button to import a correctly format CSV file. You can find examples of the correct format by download pre-existing CSV file in the download section.

Optionally, you may import coaches and referees in your rating pack by pressing the corresponding buttons. Again optionally, you may enter your name, email, messenger ID, rating year and comment in the corresponding textbox. That information will show in the transaction log of leagues who will be importing your rating pack.

Once you are done, please press “Save Rating Pack” to save your work in a file that you can distribute to the STHS Community. Please note that if you send me your Rating Pack by email, I’ll publish it on my website.

You’ll find below tables of information that can you used to create your CSV file.

Players CSV Version 2 Field

#StatsBase yourself on ** to create ratings.
1CheckingNumber of body check
2Fight Number of fight
3Discipline Number de penalty minute
4Skating Speed of player
5StrengthPhysical strength of the player
6EnduranceEndurance of the player
7Durability Tendency to get injured
8Puck HandlingTendency to control the puck
9Face OffsPercentage of face off win
10PassingNumber of pass
11ScoringNumber of goal
12DefensePlus and Minus
13Penalty ShotsNumber of Penalty Shots Goal
14ExperienceExperience of the player
15LeadershipLeadership of the player
16PotentialPotential to become better

Goalie CSV Version 2 Field

#StatsBase yourself on ** to create ratings.
1SkatingSpeed of the goalie.
2DurabilityTendency to get injured
3EnduranceEndurance of the goalie
4SizeSpace occupied by the goalie
5AgilityAgility of the goalie.
6Rebound DirectionTalent to redirect rebound
7Style ControlThe style control
8Hand SpeedSpeed of the hand
9Reaction TimeGlobal Reaction Time
10Puck ControlTalent to control de puck
11Penalty ShotsTalent to penalty shot
12ExperienceExperience of the goalie
13LeadershipLeadership of the goalie
14PotentialPotential to become better

Possible Player Position in CSV V2

  • 1 = C
  • 2 = LW
  • 3 = LW & C
  • 4 = RW
  • 5 = RW & C
  • 6 = RW & LW
  • 7 = RW & C & LW
  • 8 = D
  • 9 = D & C
  • 10 = D & LW
  • 11 = D & LW & C
  • 12 = D & RW
  • 13 = D & RW & C
  • 14 = D & RW & LW
  • 15 = D & RW & LW & C
  • 16 = G

Players CSV Version 1 Field

#StatsBase yourself on ** to create ratings.
1CheckingNumber of body check
2Fight Number of fight
3Discipline Number de penalty minute
4Skating Speed of player
5StrengthPhysical strength of the player
6Durability Endurance of the player and tendency to get injured
7Puck HandlingTendency to control the puck
8Face OffsPercentage of face off win
9PassingNumber of pass
10ScoringNumber of goal
11DefensePlus and Minus
12ExperienceExperience of the player
13LeadershipLeadership of the player
14PotentialPotential to become better

Goalie CSV Version 1 Field

#StatsBase yourself on ** to create ratings.
1SkatingSpeed of the goalie.
2DurabilityEndurance of the goalie and tendency to get injured
3StrengthPhysical strength of the goalie
4SizeSpace occupied by the goalie
5AgilityAgility of the goalie.
6Rebound DirectionTalent to redirect rebound
7Style ControlThe style control
8Hand SpeedSpeed of the hand
9Reaction TimeGlobal Reaction Time
10ExperienceExperience of the goalie
11LeadershipLeadership of the goalie
12PotentialPotential to become better

Possible Player Position for CSV V1

  • Center - 1
  • LW - 2
  • RW - 3
  • Defense - 4
  • Goalie - 5

Coaches CSV Field

#StatsBase yourself on ** to create ratings.
1Physical StyleHow good the coaches is on creating physical strategy
2Defense StyleHow good the coaches is on creating defense strategy
3Offense StyleHow good the coaches is on creating offense strategy
4Player DisciplineHow good the coaches is on player discipline
5ExperienceExperience of the coaches
6LeadershipLeadership of the coaches
7PotentialPotential to become better

8.17.2 - CareerStat

There is a file with the extension STCareer to save the statistics of your players and team after each season and playoff series. At the end of each season or playoff, the simulator will ask you to select your STCareer file to insert your players and team's statistics inside the file, and also recreate the CareerStat SQLite database with all data contained within the file.

At the end of each season or playoff, when the simulator will ask you to select your STCareer file, you simply select your STCareer file and the STHS will update the file and recreate the Career Stat SQLite database.

Since 2020, instead of saving very limited scope of data, the STHS save 80% of the data of the league file into the CareerStat file. The data not saved in the CareerStat file is Players Stats VS, Transaction History, Team Transaction History and Records. The new data saved in the CareerStat file are Coaches, Prospects, Draft Pick, Schedule, League Options including Standing, Referees, more data for Teams, Players and Goalies. This allow to have even more data CareerStat SQLite database and make the dynamic website to be even more interesting. The most interesting part of in the standing and playoff tree for all your previous season.

If you have data from 2020 or early, you may need to rebuild your CareerStat file with previous years data. The STHS literally use previous league STH file or STC file to get the data history to rebuild the STCareer file. Simply 'Open CareerStat File', select your league CareerStat File, click on ‘Career Stat Transfers Stats from Select File’ for every STH or STC file that you have of your end of season and end of playoff from previous season, save the new STCareer file and output the career stat database.

Here are general options available in the window:
Open CareerStat File - allows you open an existing .STCareer file in memory
Save CareerStat File - Allows you save the CareerStat data in memory into an .STCareer file
Output CareerStat SQLite Database - Allows you to output the CareerStat SQLite Database
Exit - close the windows

If you have a CareerStat file open, you can click the 'Show Data Inside CareerStat File' to view the data in the CareerStat file.

If you have a CareerStat file open, you can click the 'Erase Data Inside CareerStat File' to erase data from inside the CareerStat file.

Under the 'Legacy XML Career Stat Creation Method', here are the options available (Not Recommend). You should use this method only if you have previous years XML files but don’ have your previous years STH or STC files.

Change XML Folder Location - select the path to the folder where STHS will load the XML files
Output File Name - enter the name of the output file name to load - Note: The output file name is the letters before the dash in the XML files names. If the files name is SIMON1-Players.xml, the output file name is SIMON1. If the XML file name is NHL-Players.xml, the output file name is NHL.
File Year - enter the year of the file you are loading. The value can contain letter and number to make a difference between a normal season (2012N) and playoff (2012P) (Maximum 5 characters)
Playoff - Check if the files that you upload come from the playoffs
Open XML Files V1 - allows you to open STHS XML file created by the version 1 of the STHS
Open XML Files V2 or V3 - allows you to open STHS XML file created by the version 2 or version 3 of the STHS

8.18 - Help


This option helps you register STHS. Enter the registration name and identification code you received when you purchased STHS (case sensitive). It may be easiest to copy and paste the information to avoid case sensitivity errors. Once that's completed the simulator will communicate with its server to authenticate the request (requires an online connection).

Unregister / Register New Licence:

This option is only available if you have registered the STHS. This command removes the license from a computer and optionally registers it with a new license. You should run this command when you want to register a new license, know you are going to format your computer or want to move your license to another computer. This option only works once a month.


This option contains the entire license of the SimonT Hockey Simulator.

You must read it over and then accept the terms of use for STHS. A copy of the license in its entirety is available at the link below.

Web format :
Text format :

Last Backup:

This option enables commissioners to find out the most recent backup that is automatically created by STHS.


This option enables commissioners to restore the most recent backup. Simply select the backup you want to restore.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - This will delete the current league file!

8.18.1 - Manual Command:

This option enables commissioners to run special commands, generally used to repair errors in the league files.

  • Reset League Off-Season - Reset the league to the off-season mode
  • Reset League Playoff - Restart the playoff
  • Reset Waiver - Remove all players from waivers
  • Cancel Pre-Season - Allow you to cancel the Pre-Season Mode if you check it my mistake.
  • Reset Rivalry - Reset all Rivalries to 0
  • Clear All GM - Clear all general manager information from league file
  • Reset Waiver Reverse Standing - Reset the waiver order to be from the current reserve standing.
  • Erase All Unassigned Players - Erase all the unassigned players.
  • Rename Conference - Allow you rename a conference in the season
  • Rename Division - Allow you rename a division in the season
  • Send all Players to Pro Scratches for Day 1 - Allow you to send all players to the Pro Scratches Roster for Day #1.
  • Send all Players to Farm Scratches for Day 1 - Allow you to send all players to the Farm Scratches Roster for Day #1.
  • Get STHS Message - Allow you get the latest STHS news from the STHS website.
  • Check All Team - Check all teams rosters and lines
  • Check Goalies Time vs Team - Show how much time a goalies has goal for a team
  • Verify Pro Contract per Team - Allow to verify if the number of players who can play pro is higher than a certain number that you select.
  • Retire Player Team Verification - Allow to verify that all retired players are not in a team.
Reset stats
  • Reset Default Team Morale - Reset all team's morale to the default value
  • Reset Line Counter - Reset all of the 'Lines Loaded' values for all teams
  • Reset Player Expansion - Remove all players protected status
  • Reset League Record - Reset all of the league records
  • Reset Team Record - Resets all team records
  • Reset Players Goalies Record - Resets all player / goalie records
  • Reset Game Record - Resets all game records
  • Reset Team Default Arena Capacity - Reset all team arena capacity to the league default.
  • Reset Team Default Ticket Price - Reset all team ticket price to the league default.
  • Reset Team Season Ticket Percentage - Reset all team season ticket percentage to the league default.
  • Reset Teams Current Fund - Allow you to reset every team current fund to set number.
  • Reset All Players Health - Reset all players condition to 100.
  • Reset All Player NHL ID - Reset all players NHL ID to nothing.
  • Reset Season Start Rating - Reset the rating for each players of what they were at the beginning of the season.
  • Reset Pro Team Popularity - Reset all Pro Team Popularity Value to 100.
  • Reset Farm Team Popularity - Reset all Farm Team Popularity Value to 100.
  • Reset Players Trade Available - Reset all Players ‘Available for Trade’ attribute to false.
  • Reset Player Rerate - Reset all players rating to the beginning of the season
Prospect and Draft
  • Stop Entry Draft - Stop a currently running entry draft
  • Add 1 Year to All Draft Pick - Add 1 years to all draft pick
  • Erase All Prospect - Erase all prospects from all teams
  • Erase Prospect Overall Pick and Year - Erase all prospects Overall Pick and Year Information
  • Reset Fantasy Draft - Reset your fantasy draft to the beginning
  • Erase Draft Pick - Allow you to erase draft pick (If you enter the wrong value in the command, close the simulator without saving and try again.)
  • Created New Draft Pick - Allow you to create draft pick (If you enter the wrong value in the command, close the simulator without saving and try again.)
  • Remove Conditional from Draft Pick - Allow you to remove the condition of a conditional draft pick for a team, for a specific year and round
  • Fix Prospect Number - Fix issue with the prospect number being incorrect
  • Fill Prospects Empty Original Team with current Team - Allow you fill your prospects original team information (If empty) with the current team owning the prospect.
  • Verify Draft Pick Integrity - Verify if all the draft pick are create correctly and that you have no draft pick in double.
  • Reset Entry Draft Lottery - Reset your Entry Draft Lottery to allow you to redo it if it's already been done.
Free Agents
  • Release RFA - Release all RFA and UFA players who didn't sign a contract
  • Release UFA - Release all UFA players who didn't sign a contract
  • Clean Outdated Free Agents Offers - Erase Free Agents Offers in the system who sign a contract with another team.
  • Set Teams Popularity - Allow you to set all teams popularity to the same value.
  • Add or Remove Money to all Teams - Allow you to add or remove a certain amount of money for all teams.
  • Remove 1 Contract Year to all Players - Allow to remove 1 year of contract to all players. Allow to remove 1 year of contract to all players.
  • Calculate All Players Salary Cap - Calculates the salary cap of every player in your league. The calculation is based on the years remaining in the player's contract. For example, a player who signed a 4 year contract initially and is currently serving the third year, the average will be based on the salary of years 3 and 4.
  • Fire All Coaches - Fire all league coaches.
  • Fix Coaches Team - Fix issues with coaches output.
  • Erase All Coaches - Erase all coaches from the league.
  • Add Team Standings Data in Coach LifeTime - Add team standings data to coach's lifetime record data.
  • Edit Coach LifeTime Value - Allow you to edit a existing coaches lifetime record data.
  • Random Coach - Randomly assign coaches to the pro and farm teams.
Web Site
  • Reset Folder - Reset the folders list options to the default settings
  • Disable Auto Output - Disable all automatic output
  • Load And Output XML Games - Recreate box score HTML from XML Boxscore
  • Print Random Team Order - Print a random team order in the transactions page
  • Output Last Season CSV and XML - Allow you output the players and goalies CSV and XML files from your last regular season finished regular season. Very useful if you forgot to saved your CSV and XML before starting your playoff.
  • Output PHPInfo - Create an special webpage used by SimonT to debug some SQLite issue.
  • Create SQLite News Database - Create a SQLite News Database.
  • Change League Web Guest Password - Allow you to change the password for the guest in the News Section of Dynamic Website of the STHS.
  • HTML Website - Allow you to change your league output option so you can HTML experience when do you don't have a webserver available.
  • Print Last Pro Standing Calculation in Transaction Log - Print in the Transaction Log the last pro league standing calculation. This command is most useful in playoff or off-season when you want to know your last year standing.
  • Print Previous Year Pro Standing in Transaction Log - Allow you print your previous year pro standing in the transaction log output.
  • Print Previous Year Farm Standing in Transaction Log - Allow you print your previous year pro standing in the transaction log output.
  • Show Players Birthday - Print in the transaction log who players birthday it's today
  • Create Transaction - Allow you to create an entry in the transaction log.
  • Force HTTP Upload 7 Days - Force the upload of all files change in the last 7 days in your output directory via the "Update Dynamic Website by HTTP" option.
  • Force HTTP Upload 30 Days - Force the upload of all files change in the last 30 days (Instead of default 24 hours) in your output directory via the "Update Dynamic Website by HTTP" option.
  • Force HTTP Upload 365 Days - Force the upload of all files change in the last 365 days (Instead of default 24 hours) in your output directory via the "Update Dynamic Website by HTTP" option.
  • Force HTTP Upload Specific File Root Folder - Force the upload of a specific file in root folder of the website.
  • Force HTTP Upload Specific File Image Folder - Force the upload of a specific file in images folder of the website.
  • Import Theme ID CSV File - Allow you to import a custom CSV to apply Theme ID to all your teams.
  • Reset Cookie Secret Key - Allow you to reset your cookie secret key. This will reset all your website cookie.
Career Stat
  • Career Stat Transfers Stats - Allows you to take the league statistics and transfer them to your career statistics file.
  • Career Stat Transfers Stats Regular Season When in Playoff - Allows you to take the league statistics for the season and transfer them to your career statistics file if you are in the playoffs.
  • Reset Players Unique ID - Reset all players unique ID from 0.
  • Reset Teams Unique ID - Reset all teams unique ID from 0.
  • Change 1 Player Unique ID - Allow you to change 1 player current Unique ID. Useful to reassign a unique ID to a retired player how come back from retirement.
  • Change 1 Goalie Unique ID - Allow you to change 1 goalie current Unique ID. Useful to reassign a unique ID to a retired goalie how come back from retirement.
  • Check for Duplicate Players Unique ID - Check for Duplicate Players Unique ID and fix the problem.
  • Random Waiver - Create a waiver priority list randomly
  • Automatic Test - See section 10 for more information.
  • Copy Pro Schedule in Farm Schedule - Copy the Pro Schedule in the Farm Schedule; the farm schedule will be the same that the pro schedule.
  • Skip Season and Simulate Playoff - Allow you to start with playoff without season before. You must have the ‘Manual Playoff’ option enable before you run this command.
  • Associate File Type:Allow you to register STH and/or STC file extension in Windows so you only have to double-click on them to open the STHS with that league load.
  • Force Unregister - Allow you unregister a computer from the online activation system.
  • Process Database - Check your Input Folder for the SQLite Database and Process it.
  • Download and Process Database - Download SQLite Database from Website in your Input Folder and Process it.
  • Download Lines from Website by HTTP - Download download and delete lines files upload on the dynamic website in your Input Folder.

Associated File Type

Allow you to associate the .sth file for the SimonT Hockey Simulator or .stc file for the STHS Client with Windows. After you done that, whenever you double-click on those files in Windows, they should open with the correspondent software.

Note: If this option was working and stop working, run this option again.

STHS Web Hosting:

Allows you to activate the STHS website hosting functionality if you purchase it.


This option gives you details about the current version of STHS and also shows a thanks section to the support team.

9 - International Tournament

This option enables commissioners to simulate an international style tournament but requires the league setup to have four divisions with an equal number of teams in each division.

When selected, an international style tournament automatically changes league setup options which are not allowed to be adjusted. The options are as follows:

How Many Teams in Playoff - 4
Playoff Lengths - 1
Use Division Leader - Deactivated
Playoff Bye for Conference Leader - Deactivated
Point System - 2-0-1-2-2
Farm Active - Deactivated
Waiver Active - Deactivated

IMPORTANT NOTICE - If you select international tournament and then decide to go with NHL style setup again, the above options will become available to be adjusted once again however the settings will remain as international format.

After selecting international tournament you must go on to make your schedule by clicking 'League' 'Schedule' 'Make Schedule' which will bring up a window informing you that your schedule setup is special due to the international style tournament. There will only be 2 options available to you during the creation of an international tournament schedule, the number of games per day and the variance. The remainder of the tournament may be simulated as you would any other season.

10 - Others Information

Command Prompt:

This option enables commissioners to run the simulator without having to do anything in one of two ways.

'SimonTHockeySimulatorV3.exe Auto' will load the last league saved, load all the lines in the 'Input' folder, simulate one day, create the output pages, save the league and close.

'SimonTHockeySimulatorV3.exe LoadOutput' will load the last league saved, load all the lines in the 'Input' folder, will NOT simulate one day, create the output pages, save the league and close.

'SimonTHockeySimulatorV3.exe ****.sth' will load the specific file. If you use this option as argument #1, you can use the Auto or LoadOutput argument as second argument.


Errors happen in the STHS. You might have done something and wish you didn’t save when you exit the simulator. Don’t worry! The SimonT Hockey Simulator always take a backup of your files until your manually delete them! The process is very simple. Every time you save your league file and you are overwriting your previous league file, the previous league file is copy in the backup folder before being overwrite. In the copy process, the league file will be renamed with the date and time of the day. A file backup at 20:45 on November 17th 2009 will be name ‘File-2009-11-17_20-45.sth’.

Automatic Test Command

The automatic test function is a function for rating creator. It allows you to simulate multiple season without any intervention. The goal of the function is to help find the best simulation option for your rating. The function will output a file call AutomaticTest.Csv in the same folder that the software is located. You also have option to output the Players, Goalies and Pro Team CSV files after every season for deeper look into each season stats.

While this function is very useful, it’s also unsupported by the creator of the STHS. For the best result, please disabled and enabled the following options:

Enabled the “Disable ability to make roster/line for day next games” in the Miscellaneous Option.
Disabled “Farm Active“ in the General Farm Simulation Option.
Disabled Finance, Waiver, Injures in the General Pro Simulation Option.
Enabled “Coaches Disabled“ and “Morale Disabled“ in the General Pro Simulation Option.
Run the Auto-Rosters and Auto-Liness function for all teams.

After this is done, please created at pro schedule, do League Auto-Roster, do League Auto-Lines, start your season and finally go in the Help menu, select the Command menu, then enter "Automatic Test" without the quote in the inputbox. At this point, you should be safe to run this command and simulated multiple seasons without problem.

You must be careful when you analyze the results of the automatic test to the results of a real league. The fact that real general managers are doing their team management (Rosters / Alignment) helps a lot compared to the function auto-roster/auto-lines where the same players are always playing together. Also, you don't have injury and fatigue that alters the composition of your team. When you compare very specific statistics results from a simulation with real general managers versus the results of automatic test, the result can be very different. I also noticed the automatic test results seem to reproduce more extreme result than the real simulation because general managers react to bad sequences and bad lines up versus automatic that do not change anything.

Note regarding value in CSV and XML
  • The “year” value of a draft pick is always lower by 1. For example, if a DraftPick Year shows 1, it means that the draft picks will be used in the entry draft at the beginning of seasons 2 off-season.
  • The value of the Power Ranking in the teams CSV and XML files will be incorrect unless you output the SQLite database..
How to simulate 2 seasons with 1 entry draft (Skip 1 entry draft every 2 years)

You simply need to run the "Add 1 Year to All Draft Pick" command and it'll run the "Erase Draft Pick" command for you.

With the STHS, this is possible with some very little work and organization. The idea is to delete all the entry draft picks for a specific year with the "Erase Draft Pick" command. For example, if you want to run an entry draft after season 3, 5, 7 and so on, you would delete entry draft picks for years 2, 4, 6 and so on. With entry draft pick for years 2, 4 and 6 deletes, your general manager will not be able trade them.

Note: The "Erase Draft Pick" command can be dangerous. Before you use it, save your league then run the command. After you run the command, make sure you are pleased with the result. If you are unhappy with the result, simply close the STHS without saving your league and try again.

After you’ll finished your entry draft or after you started a new season, you might have to run the command again because new entry draft picks will be created. For example, when starting your season 2, the entry draft pick for year 7 will be created; when starting your season 3, the entry draft pick for year 8 will be created; etc.

What can do you when your general manager already start trading entry draft pick for year 2 and you won’t want to have an entry draft for year 2 but only for year 3? The solution is to run the "Add 1 Year to All Draft Pick" command that will increment all entry draft pick by 1 year; year 2 entry draft picks will become year 3 entry draft picks; year 3 entry draft picks will become year 4 entry draft picks; etc. The only issue that will arise of this function is that for years 7, you’ll get entry draft pick twice. So before running this command, I should run the "Erase Draft Pick" command to erase entry draft picks for years 7.

To finished, there is also one last command "Created New Draft Pick" that allow you to create draft pick if you want to recreate them later on. With those 3 commands, the STHS give you all the flexibility to customize your hockey league the way you really want!

11 - The Dynamic Website

The STHS come with a complete website that is call the ‘dynamic website’. You can see a demonstration version here. To use it, you simply need buy a web hosting service that support PHP 8.0 or more with the SQLite3 / pdo_sqlite extension. There are many companies that offer this service like GoDaddy or WHC. The cost should be between 100 to 150$ per years. The creator of STHS also sells web hosting for your league with full support at a competitive price.

To create and keep the STHS website up to date, you have two (2) options: If you are asking yourself what options should you pick for the website, you can go under Bonus and select the option ‘Version 3 Website Suggested Options’.

The dynamic website is really easy to customize if you know CSS style sheets ( If you don’t know about CSS style sheet programmation, check this link to learn more about it.

All web pages have a code to load a CSS style sheet named 'STHSMain-CSSOverwrite.css'. If you just create this file in the same folder as STHSMain.css file and program the CSS style sheet. Because this CSS style sheet is applied last by Internet browsers, your programming will overwrite the default simulator CSS Style Sheet. The webpages of the simulator contain multiple areas where CSS style sheet effects can be applied. Please take look at the HTML code of a webpage to find them.

The menu will show any HTML and PHP code found in the ‘STHSMenuStart.php’ file at start of the menu and will also show any HTML and PHP code found in the ‘STHSMenuEnd.php’ file at end of the menu.

If you want to have a dynamic page (PHP file) other than the default in the STHS, you can copy the PHP file in the same directory as the simulator and the simulator will use this file to your website. The file must have the same name as the one you want to replace. The only 2 webpages that do not obey this rule is the Header.php and Footer.php webpages. If you want to modify all the webpage at the same time, please create the ‘STHSMenuStart.php’ and/or STHSMenuEnd.php’ file with HTML and/or PHP code.

Attention with this method; if an STHS internal web page change with an STHS update, you will not get the update on your website unless you manually update the PHP file on your computer. You can see the changes of PHP the web pages on STHS GitHub.

Legacy HTML Website

If you do not want to use the dynamic website and/or you do not have a hosting service, it is possible to configure the STHS so that it creates the old static website in HTML that you can open directly on your computer. You can uncheck the ‘'Output Dynamic Website' option and answer yes to the question if you want to apply the HTML website suggested options. You can also run the manual command ‘HTML Website’ that will apply the HTML website suggested options.

12 - SQLite Database

The STHS allow you output a SQLite database. This database is use by the dynamic website, can use to create an independent website or third-party software for your league. To output the SQLite database, you need to have the SQLite DLL file in the same folder than the STHS. The file is bundle with the STHS download.

You can find the documentation about all the tables and table fields in the SQLite Database output by the STHS by clicking here.

13 - Website API (Application Programming Interface)

The dynamic website API is integrated into the website through the API.php page. You can find all information how to use Web API by clicking here.

14 - Frequent Errors

This section of the manual provides some background information on the occasional known error that may occur during the running of STHS. Below you'll find the errors as well as some tips on how to go about avoiding them.

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.

You do not have the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7 installed on your computer. Please download it from the Microsoft website and install it.

The STHS doesn’t seem to open.

Check your anti-virus application. The STHS used protection against hacker and code protection which is occasionally seen as a virus by some anti-virus software.

General Error

Should you receive 'General Error', please submit the league files to STHS via e-mail and explain what you were trying to do when the error occurred.

The dynamic website, all the web pages are blank.

When this is happening, its means your website provider didn’t enable the SQLite feature in the web server configuration or is running an out of date version of PHP. You can confirm this by running the "Output PHPInfo" manual command. This will create a web page call ‘phpinfo.php’ in your Output Folder. Upload this file on your web server and browse to it. If you can’t find the section “PDO Driver for SQLite 3” in this webpage documentation, your web server configuration is missing SQLite 3. I saw some web server configuration running SQLite 2 even if SQLite3 is now available since 2004! I recommend at least version 3.8 of SQLite.

Issue Downloading Client File or Database:

With some web site providers, you might have some problem downloading the .STC and/or .DB file. In this case, change the Database File Extension option for bin. It should resolve your issue.

'Unknown Player' Statistics

When simulating farm games, there is a possibility that one or more 'unknown players' are used in the line-ups (unless you've select to not use unknown players in your league and required full farm rosters). An unknown player is used as a filler in the roster and on the lines.

At any point where there is more than one unknown player in a line-up it is common to have strange looking statistics for those players (-10) when only 4 goals against are scored) as they all have the same name.

Playoff Error

If you simulate 14 days at a time in the playoffs (one complete 7 game round) it may be possible to simulate a few days into the following round if no series goes to 7 games. Be careful when simulating a number of days at a time that you are paying attention to the series results so you do not get too far ahead.

Error loading file generated with the Mono Client

Because of the STHS Internal Namespace and it’s protection against piracy, you might have errors opening an STL file created by the STHS Mono Client V3. Fortunately, the workaround is pretty easy and requires you to rename the .exe file. A STHS user tested some scenario. Here are his results.

Mono Client Exe File NameSimulator Exe File NameSimulator Load Result

Mono Client Exe File NameWindows Client Exe File NameWindows Client Load Result

15 - Policy

15.1 - Support Policy

See here to read the support policy :

15.2 - Privacy Policy

STHS does not collect any information about you with two exceptions.
  • If you register on the STHS forum, 'cookies' will be installed on your Internet browser for the purposes of the PHPBB software. Your account will at a bare minimum contain a uniquely identifiable name (hereinafter “your user name”), a personal password used for logging into your account (hereinafter “your password”) and a personal, valid email address (hereinafter “your email”).
  • If you purchase STHS, the STHS collects your name, email address, and postal address to identify you and provide after-sales service. This data is NEVER shared with anyone, under any circumstances.

16 - Need Help? Have a Question?

If you have a problem using STHS or simply have a question about the simulator that you want to ask, register with the STHS Forum where you'll be able to ask your question.

Out of respect to anyone who may be able to answer your question or solve your problem, it's asked that you review the forum topics for a good 10-15 minutes to ensure the question hasn't already been asked.

Of course the support team is always available to answer questions and they're available at the e-mail address posted on the STHS website. Please be as clear as possible in your e-mail so that your question or concern is understood and you will receive an answer in a reasonable amount of time.

SimonT - I would like to personally thank Jay kaShman who contributed a lot to the manual.