Prospect Import vs Entry Draft

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The Accomplished One / L'Accompli
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Prospect Import vs Entry Draft

Post by Savard »

Hello! The sim gives us the option of importing prospects via a csv file. The manual says this doesn't replace the entry draft in the sim. I assume this is because the draft picks don't get deleted automatically?

I plan to import my leagues entry draft results that way. If I then delete all the picks (the "Erase Draft Pick" manual command can do this?) from that draft in the sim, the result should be the same as using the entry draft feature. Or am I missing something?
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Re: Prospect Import vs Entry Draft

Post by SimonT »


You are correct. Prospect Import is not an Entry Draft.

You can use the "Erase Draft Pick" command, but I recommend simply start your entry draft and run the "Stop Entry Draft" command instead.
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Re: Prospect Import vs Entry Draft

Post by Savard »

This worked perfectly, thank you!
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