V2 : Referee / Arbitres

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V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by SimonT »


I plan on adding even more realist to version 2 by adding referee in the simulator but I don't know how. I have 2 ideas; either I just have a list of referee name and they are all equal in the simulator OR I had stat to them. I think it's better if I can add stat to them but I have no clue that kind of stat could be use and easy create by your guy for referee. What do you think? Thank you.


Je planifie rajouter encore plus de réaliste à la version en rajoutant les arbitres mais je ne sais pas comment. J'ai 2 idées; soit avoir une liste d'arbitres et ils sont tous égal dans le simulateur OU je leur donne des stats. Je crois que c'est mieux si je leur rajoute des stats mais je n'ai aucune idée de quel stats je pourrais leur donner qui serais facile à créer pour vous. Qu'en penser-vous? Merci.
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by M.R.L.84 »

J'ai pensé à sévère, influençable, sens du spectacle, équitable, expérience.

Je ne sais pas si sa serais dur d'intégrer ça, mais je te donne les suggestions pareil. :)
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by Foo »

Je crois que 4 cotes seraient amplement suffisantes, je suggère les miennes de 0 à 99 comme les joueurs:

1) SÉVÉRITÉ : plus un arbitre a une cote élevé, plus il va appelé de pénalités
2) INFLUENÇABLE: plus la cote est haute, plus l'arbitre va favoriser l'équipe locale
3) CONSTANCE: si la cote est haute, l'arbitre ne fera pas de différence entre la première minute de jeu et la dernière même si c'est 1-1 en prolongation.
4) EXPÉRIENCE: plus la cote est élevée, moins l'arbitre va refuser des buts à tort et à travers.
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by Stevo »

Foo wrote:Je crois que 4 cotes seraient amplement suffisantes, je suggère les miennes de 0 à 99 comme les joueurs:

1) SÉVÉRITÉ : plus un arbitre a une cote élevé, plus il va appelé de pénalités
2) INFLUENÇABLE: plus la cote est haute, plus l'arbitre va favoriser l'équipe locale
3) CONSTANCE: si la cote est haute, l'arbitre ne fera pas de différence entre la première minute de jeu et la dernière même si c'est 1-1 en prolongation.
4) EXPÉRIENCE: plus la cote est élevée, moins l'arbitre va refuser des buts à tort et à travers.
J'approuve cette manière de fonctionner !
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by ESHLCommish »

I don't know.. just throwing some ideas out there: Discipline, Pressure, Important Matches, Allowing Interference, Allowing Roughing, Vision, Fairness.
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by QSHL »

I have to agree here that referees is a cool add-on, but no more than 3 or 4 attributes.

I think the only two that MUST be there are ethics and severity. A referee with high ethic will call at the same level from the first minute to the overtime and with disreguard of the quantity of penalities given to a team or another one. One with low ethic may just stop calling penalities or simply try to even things so each time had the same amount of PP.

A referee with high severity will call many penalities throughout the game, and you can guess what a low severity will do.

Otherwise, I don't see how experience or pressure can change how penalities are called... Maybe something like "mental toughness" could mean the accuracy of the previous two : a low score means that a ref can call games in a very different manner than he's used to depending on various criteria (playoffs, rivalry, etc.), whereas a ref with high toughness will be pretty much the same from a game to another.

Finally, just like positions (1 = C, 2 = LW etc) I think refs could have a penality that they are more soft on it. 1 = rough play, 2 = use of stick, 3 = respect of goalies, etc. So, less/more penalities of this type could be called.

Just my two cents.
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by Foo »

QSHL wrote: Finally, just like positions (1 = C, 2 = LW etc) I think refs could have a penality that they are more soft on it. 1 = rough play, 2 = use of stick, 3 = respect of goalies, etc. So, less/more penalities of this type could be called.

I really, really, really like that idea
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by Icepilot »

I like the idea but it will cause problems down the road.

Having just the names would be the easiest thing to do. Rating them is completly a different story.

As each game requires 2 Refs & 2 linesman and leagues who run 30 teams there will have to be a big database for them.
Refs handles main face-offs and linesman handle all others. That will have to be factored in.
Who is going to rate all these guys. Where do we get stats to base the rates on.
Will there be Officials sliders ?
Refs will need to have more attributes than linesman. So will there have to be 2 different sets of rates for them ?
How will the refs & linesman be assigned to each game ?
Will they be available for the farm league ?
How will this affect the games outcome ?

And i can say for sure now, GM's will always have some sort of complaint because one thing or another the refs do will bug them.
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by Kramden23 »

I think it's a cool idea to explore, but I think Icepilot is dead on with a lot of his concerns. Whatever you do, please include an option to disable it, so we have the choice.
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by Foo »

Je pense qu'on peut se contenter d'un arbitre pour commencer, sans deuxième arbitre ou juge de ligne. Démarrons le système en beta et regardons ce que ça donne.
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by QSHL »

I don't suggest to copy ideas here, yet I heard EHM used some refs too.

Anyone used that program before (I did, but with the old shareware, and there were refs only in the pay version that came out later) ? Was it worth it? Did refs have skills?

As the president of a 100% fantasy league, I don't feel like creating a huge bank of new refs with tons of abilities. Yet, I see a lot of randomness here in how games are given to refs. And i don't see the point in adding linesman, since they're just there to drop pucks and call things that are obvious 95% of the time.
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by SimonT »

I don't plan to add linesman. You cannot blame a linesman after a game. ;)
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by Ultimate Hockey League »

SimonT wrote:I don't plan to add linesman. You cannot blame a linesman after a game. ;)
um, LEON STICKLE?????? :mrgreen:

Ideally, ratings would be based on various tendencies such as likelyhood to call hooking penalties, majors, penalty shots, average penalties per game, etc. That would allow Simon to break it down based on penalty type, and then when the sim indicates such an instance it can check against the referee ratings to identify whether or not the penalty gets called.

Unfortunately, a quick google search was not fruitful in terms of finding the tendancies of referees. The closest I found was (surprise, surprise) a gambling site which has various information such as average GA for home/road, etc.

For example, here is Stephane Auger:
http://www.covers.com/pageLoader/pageLo ... ree39.html

If anyone can find a site with better statistics on NHL referees, I think that would help a lot.
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Re: V2 : Referee / Arbitres

Post by lhsqf »

Moi je dis pas plus que 1 arbitre par match!! sinon sa finira plus.
De plus pour les cotes des arbitres... on peut faire sa random... le fait d'avoir des arbitres avec différentes cotes rend deja la simulation. Personnellement je m'en fou que Ron Fournier soit plus strict que Fraser ou vice versa.
Voici les cotes que je recommendent (tiré de FOO) :

1) SÉVÉRITÉ : plus un arbitre a une cote élevé, plus il va appelé de pénalités
2) INFLUENÇABLE: plus la cote est haute, plus l'arbitre va favoriser l'équipe locale
3) CONSTANCE: si la cote est haute, l'arbitre ne fera pas de différence entre la première minute de jeu et la dernière même si c'est 1-1 en prolongation.

Pour experience on peut l'enlever car ya des reprises videos de toute facon!
Si on met ces 3 cotes, sa va etre simple et amusant pour tous.
Prez de www.lhsqf.com
[email protected] pour joindre la ligue.
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